Chapter 3290: Decide immediately to remove the poisonous arm

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Xiang Mi suddenly said in a deep voice: "No need to go to such trouble!"

He picked up a big ax on his back and shouted sternly: "Everyone get out of the way!"

The people who were originally pressing down on Shen Gong jumped up reflexively, retreated sharply, and swung the Mili ax. There was only a "click" sound, and Shen Gong's forearm separated from his hand, and a raging wave The blood spurted out from the blood vessels in the upper arm, and it was bright red blood. In the broken arm, the blood also continued to flow, but the blood that came out was purple-black, like ink, and had an unpleasant stench. Two streams of blood sprayed on both sides of Xiang Mi's axe, dyeing the ax surfaces on both sides different colors.

Xiang Mi severed his arm with this axe. Although he moved cleanly and neatly, he was still quite surprised when he saw the axe. He was about to lift the axe, but Sun Simiao on the side immediately held his hand and said in a deep voice. : "General Xiang, you must not do this. The poisonous blood from the broken arm is not a trivial matter. If it flows into Captain Shen's upper arm, I'm afraid the poisonous gas will no longer be able to be discharged."

Xiang Mi reacted quickly and pressed the handle of the ax with his hand, so that it was placed between Shen Gong's upper arm and the broken arm. He did not dare to move. The pain of the broken arm caused by the ax made him feel more pain. Shen Gong, who was knocked unconscious by the punch, also woke up from the pain. He opened his eyes and turned around to see that half of his left hand was gone. He screamed: "My hand, my hand!"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth, pressed the ax handle with his right hand, and grabbed Shen Gong's right hand with his left hand. He said in a deep voice: "Brother Shen, there is nothing I can do. If you don't cut off your hand, the poisonous hand will rise, and your life will be gone." Yes, just endure the pain and let Dr. Sun handle it for you!"

Tears flowed from Shen Gong's eyes: "Tieniu, Brother Tieniu, I, I don't blame you, I don't blame you, I don't blame Dr. Sun, you, you saved my life, I, I thank you, I thank you... …”

As he spoke, his eyes darkened and he fainted again. Sun Simiao quickly held a needle and thread on the side, threaded the needle and thread on Shen Gong's broken arm, and sutured his blood vessels, while the two doctors wore thick Gloves, he took aside Shen Gong's blackened and smelly half of his arm. At the edge of this temporary medical camp, three large fires had been lit. The poisoned stumps were cut off like this, or The assistant doctors quickly threw all the carrion from the body into the fire and burned it completely.

Xiang Mi shook his head gently. At this moment, Sun Simiao had already sewed up the blood vessels where Shen Gong's broken left arm was broken, applied some detoxifying and hemostatic herbs, and stood up while wiping the sweat from his head. After getting up, several medical disciples quickly picked up the gauze and brought the wound over. Xiang Mi lifted the big ax between the poisonous blood and the broken arm. He looked at the purple-black half of the ax surface and said with lingering fear: "Isn't my ax also poisoned?"

Sun Simiao sighed: "This poison is only useful for living people. It is not very useful for weapons and other objects. However, the poison is still on the ax after all. If the general is afraid of accidentally hurting himself or his companions, let the poison If there is blood, it is best to treat the ax surface, roast it on the fire, and then wash it with strong wine. If you do this two or three times, the poison should be eliminated."

Xiang Mi nodded and handed the ax to a guard behind him: "Brother Dali, did you hear what Dr. Sun said? Please go get this ax for me."

The guard named Dali took the ax and held it carefully in his hand, with the black poisonous ax facing up. As he walked, he shouted: "Everyone, stay away, this ax is poisonous." He walked towards the fire. go.

Sun Simiao looked at Dali's back and breathed a long sigh of relief: "It was really dangerous just now. If General Xiang hadn't made a decisive decision and cut off his arm with an axe, the poisonous blood would have rushed directly to Captain Shen's upper arm. By then, I'm afraid, You have to remove the whole arm."

Xiang Mi sighed: "We used this golden soup before when we were defending the city. I heard Brother Jinu say that this stuff can make the skin and flesh of the enemy attacking the city sore and make it impossible to heal. There are also some cruel guys who will attack the city with their swords. On top of it, we applied this excrement before the battle. Unexpectedly, after so many years, this thing was actually used on our bodies."

Sun Simiao nodded: "This feces is formed by the poisonous gas of the human body. If it has been soaked for a few days, it will be like the fermentation of wine grains, and the toxicity will be even worse. However, if it does not enter the flesh and blood directly, but is only on the epidermis, it will not be Directly killing people."

Speaking of this, Sun Simiao looked at several fires burning in the distance and said in a deep voice: "Moreover, these feces are obviously added with other venoms, such as snake venom or aconite, to increase the toxicity. These golden soups are The power lies in the fact that it is mixed with the molten iron. The molten iron is molten steel, and the skin of the victim will be broken immediately. The poison in the golden soup can directly enter the flesh and blood, making the person poisonous quickly. Come up with this Those who wait for cruel tactics are really unconscionable."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth, his eyes turned red, stood up, and looked through the smoke from the burning fires to the city wall more than a hundred steps away. Above the city head, two hundred Many Jin troops, led by Wang Mengzi, have already fought against the Helan soldiers who rushed over. The situation in the walls can now be seen at a glance. In almost every cave, there are More than ten Yan Army sergeants, they were the ones who just pushed out these iron juice cauldrons with spears. At this moment, these Yan Jun soldiers have put down their spear poles and replaced them with crossbows. They are still retreating like a tide in front of them. The Jin army kept firing.

The area within twenty steps under the city wall has become a hell on earth. You can see red iron juice flowing everywhere, like magma after a volcanic eruption. Wherever it passes, even grass, trees and soil are It will catch fire, and all the ladders leaning against the city wall are burning. There is not a single Jin army soldier on the ladder. Nearly a thousand people have been in the iron purgatory under the city. There are no bones left. Occasionally, you can still see the wreckage. , are also burning, and the putrid smell permeates the battlefield within a ten-mile radius along the wind, making people feel nauseous.

But not a single soldier of the Jin army was made to vomit by the stench. They all ran to a safe distance a hundred steps away. The proud laughter of the Yan army echoed behind them, while arrows were flying more than ten steps in front of them. Places fell one after another, and the howling south wind was like the roar of the dead. Everyone's eyes were blood-red, their teeth were clenched, and their fists were clenched. At this moment, everyone had relatives and friends who lost their lives forever. But no one cried, no one screamed. The flames of hatred were burning in their hearts. A silent force rose up and merged in everyone's body, and the fighting spirit that soared to the sky even surpassed the one in front of them. The iron hell finally merged into Xu Chite's roar: "Brother Tieniu, give the order, I am willing to attack again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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