Chapter 3409: Kill the enemy and take revenge

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However, Wang Mengzi was still more than 200 steps away from Mu Yugang, and Hu Laoliu was already within a hundred steps. Mu Yugang finally reacted, and he instinctively wanted to pick up a weapon and prepare to resist.

But Mu Yugang looked around, but his hands were empty. He suddenly thought that when he was running for his life, he had already abandoned his bow. Just now he ran all the way and lost his bow. There was nothing on the saddle flying in the sand. How could he have any weapons to defend himself?

Woolen cloth?

Mu Yugang was filled with sorrow in his heart, and he could not help but raise his head to the sky and scream: "Pegasus God, do you want to watch me, Mu Yugang, die here today?"

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, he felt that the long-dead starry sky ten steps away seemed to move. This shock made Mu Yugang jump up from the ground, and he didn't even have time to look at it.

Hu Laoliu, who was rushing towards him, ignored the pain all over his body and ran towards the sky full of stars.

The words Mu Yugang muttered were exactly what he wanted in his heart: "God Tianma, you really didn't abandon me. You let me, you made the stars come to life. My baby, it's my fault. I just said

I didn't look at you in time, so I thought you were dead. Don't worry, let's go back together, together..."

As he spoke, he ran in front of the horse, bent down, and wanted to pick up the horse's head and lift the baby's breath. But the moment he picked up the horse's head, he only smelled blood.

The smell of the horse's belly was enough to see a section of internal organs scattered under the horse's body. The belly of the war horse had already been cut open, and a man covered in blood and covered with blood came out of it, with a hand in his hand.

Holding a large crossbow, the bright tip of the crossbow arrow was pointed at his throat.

Mu Yugang opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't have time to speak, but he saw the man's bloody face with two eyes, shining with murderous intent. He almost gritted his teeth and said word by word: "

It’s you I’m waiting for, to return the lives of my brothers!”

Following his words, his hand slammed the crossbow. Mu Yugang felt a pain in his neck. He could even hear the sound of his throat bones breaking. Something had hit him.

His own throat pierced the back of his neck and flew out. He had seen this scene countless times, because he had shot through the enemy's throat with an arrow countless times, but this arrow still made him murmur.

He said to himself: "Good accuracy!"

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Umbrella chain 楄毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙捙浠ヤ笅杞銆

Mu Yugang's eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground. He even struggled and twitched his hands and feet without a single movement. His neck was penetrated, and there were two bloody holes in the front and back, and blood was pouring out.

The riding shield still hung on his back, with more than a dozen long arrows firmly nailed on it, and the feathers were gently swaying in the wind. This warrior who had fought all his life came to the end of his life and died.

Between his two mounts, it can be said that he died a worthy death.

The one who emerged from the horse's belly was Zhang Zhi. At the moment of the fire attack, he relied on his stronger experience and faster reaction speed than others to jump, roll and escape.

The companion behind him who was half a step slower than him was mercilessly devoured by the flames. He couldn't care less about his sadness, and he didn't even have time to mourn. At this time, his only thought was to survive first and save his own life before he could take revenge.


Amidst the miserable howls of his companions around him, he got under the belly of the stars. This dead horse could not only cover his whereabouts, but also protect him from the burning flames. He took out the dagger he carried with him.

, cut open the horse's belly and got in. The sound of killing outside and the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground echoed to his left and right. He gritted his teeth and remained motionless because he firmly believed that his own backup would come back for revenge.

Yes, once the killing sounds come back here, it will be time for you to take revenge!

When the Yan army's armored cavalry re-arranged and charged forward, Zhang Zhi also used the cover of smoke and dust to sneak out and picked up a scattered powerful crossbow a few steps away. Even the crossbow was already loaded.

The crossbow was ready to be fired at any time. The owner of the crossbow, probably when he raised the crossbow to shoot at the enemy just now, was killed by Yi Zhi before it could be fired, leaving the weapon on the grassland, but it was an advantage for Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhi originally wanted to run back and kill the enemy, but when he saw that there was still a large group of enemy cavalry standing more than 200 steps behind him, he immediately changed his mind and got back into the horse's belly, but he could use this dead horse

Facing the enemy cavalry in the rear, he protected himself while enduring the bloody smell of the horse's internal organs and continuing to observe the battle ahead. Mu Yugang, who was charging first under the Beihai King's flag, had locked onto him early. This time

In battle, he is his biggest enemy. If he doesn't kill this person, how can he avenge his brothers in the team?

God paid off, he saw with his own eyes how the charging enemy armored cavalry were blinded by the strong light in front of the last line of defense, and then collided with each other, and the entire army was annihilated. He also saw how Mu Yugang

How did he escape alone? When the archers fired at Mu Yugang, he even kept praying in his heart, hoping that these arrows would not kill Mu Yugang. Only in this way would he give himself a chance to take revenge with his own hands.


Just when Mu Yugang ran about ten steps away from him, he wanted to jump out, but he didn't expect that at this time, Mu Yugang would actually lose his horse due to Sha Lifei's blood loss and fall down. As an experienced man,

As a soldier, he also knew what Mu Yugang was capable of. If he appeared rashly at this time, he might fight back desperately, or they might both die together. And when Mu Yugang came over to check the horse, he would be completely defenseless.

Especially since it is impossible to hold weapons with both hands, this is the best chance to kill him with one arrow!

The development of the matter was exactly the same as Zhang Zhi's plan, and even every detail was within his expectation. This was a situation that Zhang Zhi, as a tank crossbowman, had practiced countless times, hiding under the tank and waiting for the enemy.

When he raised the chariot with both hands, he killed him with a crossbow. Only this time, the remains of the chariot turned into a dead horse, but the effect was the same. Mu Yugang would never have imagined that he would end up in such a way.

There were tears in Zhang Zhi's eyes, and he didn't care that he was still on the battlefield. He took out the dagger that cut open the horse's belly, stepped forward and pulled off Mu Yugang's helmet, grabbed his braided hair, and quickly

He cut off his head on the ground, then knelt on the ground, raised the head high, and cried loudly: "Brothers, brothers of my fourth chariot team, Brother Afu has avenged you!"

The head of the thief who killed you is here, you can rest in peace."

This chapter has been completed!
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