Chapter 3561 The armored mechanism reveals its true face

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Tongluo Buhua took the arrow, gritted his teeth, and began to hesitate in his heart. Although he pretended to be calm just now, he knew very well that he had put all his effort into the arrow just now, even if it was a big wooden shield.

It can also be shot through, but it is not even nailed to the wooden armored machine body, which is really weird.

Thinking of this, his eyes swept across the pile of corpses in front of the wooden machine man. Hundreds of headless corpses were piled into small mounds, and more than 200 of them had different expressions, either with their eyes wide open or with a look of fear on their faces.

, or grinning heads, stuck around the pile of corpses, and above the pile of corpses, on the already dilapidated flag of the King of the North Sea, full of broken holes, the dead-eyed head of Murong Lin stuck on the top of the flagpole seemed to become more and more...

It looks more and more evil.

Tongluo Buhua felt cold in his heart and thought to himself: "Is it true that these resentful spirits are still lingering and affecting our arrows?"

But this idea was quickly dismissed by him. He shook his head and said to himself: "No, these dead bodies are our soldiers. Even if they become ghosts, they should help us kill Jin Army Wu'er.

Avenging ourselves is the only thing, how can it stop our arrows from killing the enemy?"

He cocked the arrow thoughtfully, but never drew the bow. The wooden armor machine opposite seemed to be affected by some super mysterious power. Most of the crossbow arrows he fired were weak, and even the slinging arm behind him rarely moved.

, since Tongluo Buhua walked here, there has been nearly half a moment without a single stone on the city. Compared with other sections of the city where arrows and stones are raining like rain, and the people who fall from the city are coming in an endless stream, this place is even more tragic.

It can be regarded as a place of truce.

Tong Luo Buhua gritted his teeth and slapped himself hard to get rid of his random thoughts. He knew that the most important thing now was to concentrate, because drawing a bow and releasing an arrow was far more than just a mechanical action.

It’s simple. It involves luck, strength, and a miscellaneous thought, and you may not even be able to draw the bow.

Tongluo Buhua said silently in his heart: "General Xiaolin, you fought to the death outside the city, it's not like we just refused to save you. Just now you asked us to collect the corpses of the brothers, and I personally carried one of them down. Now they are already dead."

Bury him well, now I want to hit this wooden armor machine of the Jin Army who attacked the city before your corpse, and avenge you, please help me, so that this arrow can hit this monster!"

As he spoke, he opened the lunge, took a deep breath, held the nock of the arrow with the thumb of his right hand, held the arrow shaft between his ring finger and middle finger, and drew the bow steadily, making the bowstring "crack" when drawn.

The sound of the bow sounded full of power, and opening the bow slowly in this way caused the bow body in front to twist to the maximum extent. This time, the bow string was tightly attached to his right face.

, even tied his right eye tightly and squinted, this time it really felt like the bow was like a full moon, using the power of this big composite bow to the extreme!

The archers behind them all held their breath this time, staring at Tongluo Buhua's hand. The bow had been stretched to the extreme, but whether it could break the armor with one arrow depended on the instantaneous loosening of the string.

For a moment.

Tong Luo Buhua's right cheek was bulging tightly. During the process of drawing the bow, his breathing became heavier and heavier, which also showed the change in his luck. It was not until the bow string touched his face that he could completely hold his breath.

He stopped breathing, and his left eye was fixed on the spot where the arrow had hit, right at the left chest and heart of the wooden armor machine man. As the arrow hit the ground, several pieces of hardened mud also fell.

Then it fell, revealing a piece of white flowers inside. I don't know what kind of wood it is that can have such a shape.

Tong Luo Buhua's cheeks, which were bulging like a puffer fish, suddenly flattened, and the air in his mouth and even in his chest burst out like spring thunder. With his fingers suddenly loosening the strings, the animal tendons popped out violently, and you could even see them

A red mark opened up on his face, and Mingdi suddenly flew out in the form of a spiral. The hollow arrow made a terrifying and weird sound, like a meteor, mixed with Luo Buhua's roar: "

"Let's go!" Go straight to the white armor on the left chest of the wooden armor machine man!

This arrow was so powerful and so fast that many archers almost forgot to cheer. Everyone opened their mouths. This time, it was not because they wanted to cheer, but because they were amazed that there was such a thing in the world.

The terrible arrow, and even the sound of the trebuchet, drowned out the loud roar of the trebuchet behind him.

With a "Woo" arrow, the arrow hit hard on the white armor on the left chest. Visible to the naked eye, the white armor quickly deformed and sank downwards, at least as thick as a punch.

The hammered arrow, together with the extremely hard arrow shaft made of century-old cypress wood, also snapped into three pieces at the same time and fell hard. Even the arrowhead was broken into a pile of fine steel and thin iron.

Pieces were scattered all over the floor.

Aliha's exclamation sounded almost at the same time: "Damn it, this is not a wooden armor machine, this is a stainless steel armor!"

Following his cry, the "iron-armored" mechanism man opposite him suddenly shook a few times and twisted his body. There were even some noises behind him, and several plumes of thick smoke rose up behind him.

, or escaped from its shoulders on both sides. From this angle at the top of the city, it seemed that the inside of it was ignited, or even on fire!

Several guards behind Tong Luo Buhua suddenly cheered in unison: "The general is mighty, the general is powerful, this iron monster is also killed by one arrow for you!"

Many archers also shouted: "That's right, no wonder our bows and arrows failed to hit. It turns out that this guy is an iron trap."

"General Tongluo Buhua is really powerful. Even this iron monster was shot dead, hahaha!"

"Look, everyone, it's about to fall. Oh, it's really falling!"

Following everyone's words, the armored machine man looked up to the sky and fell to the ground in a dive, hitting the pile of corpses. The blue king's flag with Murong Lin's head fell forward.

Murong Lin's head, like a watermelon, fell from the top of the flag and rolled to the base of the city wall. Everyone's smiles froze on their faces because they could clearly see that behind the fallen armored machine man, there was

It is a huge ladder. The ladder body is not made of wood, but made of iron. The ladder is already covered with people covered in iron armor and with steel helmets on their heads. A person at the top laughed and said: "Don't leave, Yan people, Rongzu is coming!"


This chapter has been completed!
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