Chapter 3597: Opening up and turning to defend

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Guanggu, Xicheng, the gap in the city wall.

On the front line of wooden armored robots, there are more than thirty destroyed robots scattered. Most of them have fallen to the ground, and all the iron ropes have also fallen to the ground. They can no longer form the previous connecting ropes to separate the air, but they were scattered in the air before.

All the khaki-clad servants and cavalry corpses here have all disappeared. In the distant city wall, one or two hundred cavalry can be vaguely seen running hastily. The riders are pulling the auxiliary horses, carrying hundreds of people on them.

A khaki corpse was being evacuated into the city.

Kuai En stood on the front of a carriage, holding an umbrella with his hands, looking ahead. Beside him, more than a hundred auxiliary soldiers were running around, picking up the Jin army's soldiers left on the battlefield.

The corpses were moved back to the car, and some people tried to move farther to the rubble pile, trying to remove the rubble and move the corpses under the rocks in their own way.

Kuai En said in a deep voice: "Send back the corpses of our troops on this front line. Leave the rubble pile alone for now. Marshal Shao has ordered us to deal with it after the war."

The civilian auxiliary soldiers stopped and began to execute Kuai En's military orders. A man in his twenties, who was Kuai En's nephew Kuai Yue and the deputy general of the vanguard of more than a thousand people, stepped forward and said to Kuai En.

: "Uncle Da Zhuang, the enemy has escaped, why don't we just stay here and watch without pursuing them?"

Quin narrowed his one eye slightly and said: "Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship. The enemy will come well prepared. They also used various ambushes to cause us great losses. Now we just need to block the gap and prevent it from letting go."

The enemy troops can just rush out from inside, but if they really want to attack the city, they have to wait for the follow-up troops to come forward."

Kuai Yue pointed at the city, smoke and dust were everywhere, and he kept hearing the sound of horses neighing. He couldn't see many of the thousands of blue-armored cavalry before. He said: "The enemy is obviously in retreat.

, have disappeared now, how can there be any ambush?! Uncle Da Zhuang, this is a good opportunity for us, if we miss it, we don’t know if this battle will happen."

Kuai En said in a deep voice: "How come you have learned this stinky habit of greedy for merit and rash advancement? Who taught you this?"

Kuai Yue's face turned slightly red, and he lowered his head and said, "This, isn't it our rule in Beifu to go forward courageously and make the first contribution? Where does the credit come from sitting back?!"

Quin sighed: "It's a good thing to dare to fight and charge, but it can only be done in frontal combat. Now that the enemy's situation is unknown, we just rely on a dozen flying flying horses to scare thousands of armored cavalry away."

, don’t you think it’s impossible? Now we only need to hold on to this line. Whether we attack or not depends on Shaoshuai’s command. Nothing else needs to be said!”

Kuai Yue wanted to speak again, but he heard the sound of drums and horns from behind, followed by a heavy stamping on the ground. The ground was shaking slightly. Kuai En turned his head and looked back, only to see ten people.

Sixty-seven wooden armored machine men were rising slowly with firm and heavy steps. Surrounding them were about 500 lightly-armed Wu soldiers. Behind them, more than 500 civilians carried their shoulders.

Carrying bags and bags of bows, arrows and crossbows, there were many people carrying three- to four-foot-long eight-oxen crossbows on their shoulders, and followed suit. Shen Tianzi stood on horseback at the top of the entire wooden armored machine team.

In the front, the expression is calm.

Kuai En's eyes lit up, and he told Kuai Yue a few words, and then quickly rode back and ran in front of Shen Tianzi. The two of them deliberately gave way to the side, allowing these wooden armored mechans to pass first, and Kuai En En smiled and said: "How come there are more than a dozen of these things? Do you want to continue to attack the city?"

Shen Tianzi waved his hand: "No, there is already a gap in the city wall. There is no need to use ladders like before. It's just that Brother A Shao said that the enemy may counterattack. We'd better use wooden armored robots as defense. , Now, I am here with the remaining wooden armored mecha men from the entire army, just to strengthen the cover of this line."

Quin nodded and looked at the rear of the team. Thousands of infantry phalanxes had also moved forward. Shen Linzi was waving a long sword and directing them to advance layer by layer. He breathed a sigh of relief: "It looks like , we have finally stabilized our position, and as long as Linzi’s troops and horses are in place, we can advance into the city."

Shen Tianzi said with satisfaction: "Yes, when the time comes, we can use wooden-armored machine men to lead the front. These guys can be condescending and can see any enemy ambush. We can just follow behind and advance slowly." But it’s safe.”

Kuai En said with a smile: "When did you, Brother Tianzi, become so cautious? Before now, you would not have asked for any cover and would have been the first one."

Shen Tianzi sighed: "Even Rong Zu was defeated. Now I just feel that surviving is more important than anything else. These achievements are just passing by. So many good brothers died today, and I don't want to suffer any more losses. "

Quin's brows raised, and he was about to nod and speak. Suddenly, his expression changed, because at this moment, he saw that two or three miles to the south, in the direction of the west city gate, a sudden surge of energy came out of the city. The smoke column was like a long black dragon, soaring into the sky. Under the smoke column, green cavalry poured out like a tide from the wide-open city gate, and quickly spread out in formation outside the city gate. For a moment, With a little effort, at least five to six hundred cavalry rushed out. More than three cavalry groups had formed a wedge-shaped assault formation, pointing directly at our side.

Kuai En and Shen Tianzi gasped in unison, their eyes met, and they said in unison: "No, the enemy cavalry is coming!"

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth, slapped the horse's butt, and rushed out: "I will lead the wooden armored machine men to turn to face the enemy, Da Zhuang. You must guard the front line of the city wall and help me if necessary!"

As he spoke, he had already run out for more than twenty steps. The last few words could only be heard through the wind. Quin nodded and ran forward. The corner of his eye swept across Shen Linzi who was following him. At the headquarters, the more than 5,000 infantrymen were shouting slogans and began to turn. The forest of spears turned from facing the gap in the city wall to the blue armored cavalry on the side, and the large shields also moved to the side, forming a shield wall. , even the phalanx units in the front have moved sideways, and in cooperation with the wooden armored mecha men who are also turning, they are preparing to be ready!

Kuai En rushed to the front of the formation, but Kuai Yue could no longer hold himself back and said, "Uncle Da Zhuang, what should we do now? Do we have to turn around to face the enemy?"

The pupil of Quin's right eye shrank slightly. He glanced inside the city wall. There was still smoke and dust, but he couldn't hear any movement. After pondering for a while, he said: "Send the order, move the shield to the flank, prepare to defend against the enemy."

Assault cavalry, the cart still holds the front, 200 people go forward to guard and occupy the line of rubble piles, Ah Yue, you go there in person!"


This chapter has been completed!
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