Chapter 3147: Iron Steel Emerges from the Fire

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Following this sneer, the smoke and dust raised by the impact of the more than twenty Kongming Lanterns that had just fallen to the ground gradually dispersed. Liu Jingxuan's eyes widened, because he saw, among the smoke and dust, erected There were four huge figures, more than a foot tall, almost as tall as half a city wall. Even if he was riding a horse, he would not be as tall as these things.

What is even more surprising than the height is that these things walk on two legs and resemble human figures. The whole body is almost entirely made of fine steel and cast iron, like a warrior wearing heavy armor. On the shoulders and chest, there are Lian Nu and all the surrounding sergeants shouted in horror: "Is this an agency man?!"

Liu Jingxuan reacted instinctively. Although these armored mecha men looked like giant men wrapped in armor, the black mist surrounding them, especially the black mist seemed to come from some small It sprayed out from a small, thin tube, and occasionally some black liquid droplets sprayed out, like a sergeant sweating black sweat. The smell unique to the burning black demonic fire can be detected from dozens of steps away. When he smelled it, Liu Jingxuan blurted out: "This, this is the armored machine man, the powerful Vajra!"

Wang Zhene's eyes widened: "Mighty King Kong?! Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth and looked at the soldiers on his side. They were walking slowly towards the four armored men holding iron shields and swords. They showed a terrible sense of oppression and were firing arrows. However, , at this distance of thirty or forty steps, no matter how hard these crossbows fired, the armored machine man was covered with arrows from his shield to his body, but he continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

This terrible situation made all the sergeants widen their eyes, and even some people's hands were shaking. Just the fact that this armored monster came out of the black fire was surprising enough, and I The crossbow in his hand had no effect on this monster, as if he was shooting at a moving iron target. This shocked the hearts of many people, and many people even couldn't help but shout: "This, these are not People are ghosts!"

Liu Jingxuan said loudly: "They are not ghosts, but machine men. However, they are not made of wooden armor like the machine men of our army. These monsters are iron armor men!"

Wang Zhene reacted immediately: "Iron-armored machine man? Powerful King Kong?! Ah, I remembered, was it the sound of fighting on the horse stage back then..."

Liu Jingxuan said sternly: "Exactly, this mechanism is connected by a bunch of steel parts. Those Kongming lanterns just now contained the parts of these armored mechanisms. However, steel is much heavier than wood, so this armored mechanism People cannot rely on dwarves to control them like wooden armored robots, and..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jingxuan's eyes flashed coldly: "Although this iron-armored machine man is tough, it is much smaller than the wooden armored machine man. The evil mafia thief Xi Chao was hiding in One King Kong controls its movements, and the four today are obviously about half smaller than the King Kong back then. I’m afraid, it’s still the little dwarf who controls it. Don’t panic, we knew how to deal with it back then. This thing!"

As he spoke, he turned to Wang Zhene and said, "Quick, put all the kerosene and sulfur on these things! Rub them all over their bodies."

Wang Zhene reacted immediately and said with a smile: "Brother Ashou, you still have a way. Although this thing is made of steel, it also has the weakness of iron and is very easy to heat up. We poured kerosene on it and then set it on fire.

Burn it, the people inside will definitely not be able to bear the scorching heat and will be burned alive!"

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Exactly, just relying on a few armored mechanizers to break through my arrow formation is a daydream. Brothers, give it a try, what is it like to burn your body in flames!"

Following Liu Jingxuan's words, hundreds of arrows wrapped in kerosene jars and sulfur bags rained down on the four armored machine men. With the sound of bursts of jars breaking, the four originally

The whole body of the jet-black armored machine man, the powerful Little King Kong, was almost stained with a large layer of yellow clay, and the smell of kerosene permeated the surroundings.

Wang Zhene shouted: "Attack with fire, burn them to death!"

Before he even finished speaking, a large rocket had already been fired at the four powerful little King Kongs who were still moving. More than thirty steps away, there was a loud "boom" and the ground was shaking slightly.

Then, a wave of scorching hot air from dozens of steps away rushed towards them, almost igniting the archers' beards.

But everyone squinted their eyes and did not step back even half a step. Everyone tried their best to open their eyes wide and see with their own eyes these four armored monsters, burning until they melted and turned into pieces.

The molten iron scene.

Waves of yellow smoke, with the breath of fire, rushed towards his face. Wang Zhene frowned. A few dozen steps away, the sound of iron hoofs hitting the ground could not be heard for the time being, but it was like popping beans, crackling.

The sound of crackling was still heard, and Wang Zhene murmured: "Brother A Shou, something seems to be wrong. If there is someone inside, the meat should be dried by now. There will be a bit of barbecue smell.

Well, but..."

Liu Jingxuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "It should be that too much kerosene and sulfur were poured on the person just now, and the person was burned to ashes. Ahem, it's nothing. Such a fierce flame is just..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, he heard a gentle sound of a mechanism, coming from more than thirty steps away, and in the yellow sulfur mist, four more figures more than one foot tall stood up vaguely.

, making a clicking sound, steadily emerged from the fire field.

At this time, even Liu Jingxuan, who had experienced many battles, opened his mouth and widened his eyes. He never expected that the four armored monsters in front of him were burning with flames. The ones just now were covered in yellow mud-like sulfur and fire.

The oil mixture has disappeared now. Their bodies are all red, which is the appearance of fine steel before being quenched, which is commonly seen in blacksmith shops. No life can survive in this armor.

Even gods, ghosts, immortals and demons will turn into smoke in such a hell and will never exist in human form!

I don't know who it was, but someone shouted: "Ghost, this is a ghost in armor, run away."

One pass passed from ten to ten, and from ten to one hundred, almost in an instant, there were one or two hundred archers running back without looking back. The Jin army's arrow formation, which had been in full military form just now, was suddenly on the verge of falling apart!

This chapter has been completed!
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