Chapter 384: The war cry in unison breaks the enemys courage

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Just as everyone was gearing up and excitedly, suddenly, a long and loud sound sounded outside the city, as if coming from the ground, dull and monotonous, like a person blowing a conch horn in your ear, shocking.

A person's eardrums tremble along with the heartbeat, which is indescribably uncomfortable!

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth curled up. He had fought with the Qin army and knew that this was the long trumpet used by the Hu army to boost morale before charging, or when they formed an array. Next, there was a chorus of ten thousand trumpets.

But it was the first time for the Shouchun defenders and civilians around him to hear this. Some civilians began to cover their ears. Even many sergeants turned pale. These soldiers had only been guarding the city since they joined the army and had never really been on the battlefield.

Even though the rookies on the battlefield have been trained, they are still frightened and pale when they hear the sound of these barbarian drums and horns for the first time.

The long and muffled sound of drums and horns gradually subsided. In an instant, it was like a thunder on the ground. Countless wild drums and trumpets sounded almost instantly, accompanied by the desperate shouts and shouts of the barbarians.

The sound of war roars, like thousands of wild wolves and cheetahs roaring in unison, rolled in from the Qin army camp more than ten miles to the north. Even the water in the moat was boiling slightly, and the fish were no longer there.

Once they sank to the bottom, they all jumped up to the surface, flopping and struggling desperately.

Even Xu Yuanlang's face turned pale at this time, his lips were trembling, and his voice was trembling as he looked at the calm Liu Yu: "Liu, Lord Liu, what does this mean? Qin Jun, Qin Jun is

Are you about to attack the city?"

Liu Yu shook his head. He kept standing with his arms folded. This seemed so different among the people in the chaos on the city. He looked at Xu Yuanlang and said slowly: "If they wanted to attack the city, they would have already

They will form a formation and leave the camp, instead of the camp that is still more than ten miles away. This time, the Qin army just wants to test the defense of the city, especially to test the morale of the defenders. If our army is as scared and panicked as it is now,

Then they won't really attack the city until night."

Liu Yu was full of energy. These words, amidst the wild drums and war roars of the Qin army, were still clearly heard by the people at the top of the city. The Shouchun soldiers and civilians who had been panicked just now gradually calmed down and hugged each other.

The man who was covering his head and ears let go of his hand, and the man who wanted to flee gradually came back. Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Yu. This young man in his twenties, now an adult

This is the savior and hope that nearly a thousand people in the northern city are looking up to. His natural leadership charisma and savior's demeanor are actually revealed like this.

Zhu Lingshi waved his fist and said loudly: "Brother Liu is right, the art of war is as follows, and soldiers are cunning. If they can, they can show their inability, and if they can't, they can show their ability. If the Qin army wants to attack the city, it will be defeated."

We won't roar like this and rush over directly. Don't panic. At this time, the calmer and more united we are, the less the Qin army will dare to come."

Dao Yanzhi laughed: "You kid, you were so frightened just now that you hid behind Building Master Liu. Now you come out and talk about the art of war."

Zhu Lingshi's face turned slightly red and he argued: "That's because I haven't heard the Hu people's horns, so I started to panic. When Brother Liu said this, I understood."

Liu Yu nodded: "Zhu Lingshi is right, these are just the bluffs of the barbarians before attacking the city. Don't be afraid. They are just a large number of people, but tens of thousands of people roaring together is nothing more than that.

Listen, their combined energy is not as strong as mine alone, otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear my words. What does this mean? This means that the Qin army also wants to embolden themselves in this way, and they don't.

The certainty of capturing Shouchun!"

Zhu Chaoshi immediately clapped his hands and said loudly: "Brother Liu said it well!"

Then Yanzhi raised his arms and shouted: "Building Master Liu is right, young and old men in Shouchun, we can't let the barbarians gain the upper hand. If they roar, let's roar back too!"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Wait a minute, what are you going to yell about?"

Yanzhi was stunned for a moment and scratched his head: "Well, I really don't know about this. Anyway, I just scold my mother how I usually do, so I'll scold her back now."

Liu Yu turned to look at Xu Yuanlang: "Building Leader Xu, if you are asked to command, how are you going to yell?"

Xu Yuanlang curled up his lips: "This is called the scolding formation. We haven't practiced it before. My brother must be right. Anyway, I just scold whatever comes to my mind."

Liu Yu sighed: "If everyone just opens his mouth to curse, not to mention the different orders, and the two armies are facing each other, this kind of shrew is the same as scolding, without any momentum. Opposite is the sound of drums and horns, and tens of thousands of soldiers are doing this rhythmically.

We shout war cries, we are afraid that our voices will not even have a chance to reach other people's ears, and we will be humiliating ourselves."

Yanzhi and Xu Yuanlang opened their eyes wide and said in unison: "What do you think of Mr. Liu?"

Liu Yu took a breath and said loudly: "This war cry itself is to boost the morale of our own side and suppress the morale of the enemy. Therefore, the first thing is to be neat. If thousands of people work together, they can suppress tens of thousands of people."

Go down, our numbers are not as good as the enemy's, but the city wall has the advantage of height, and now the south wind is blowing, and the wind direction is favorable to us. As long as we roar in unison, we will be able to drown out the enemy's voices."

At this point, his eyes swept across everyone's faces like cold electricity, and he said word by word: "We don't need to curse, as long as everyone yells three words with me!"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed, he raised his arms slowly and forcefully, and shouted to all the sergeants and civilians: "Hey, hey, Huo!"

The sound of each word was drawn out very long, until the last word "Huo" came out, all the breath in the chest was exhaled, with a final rhyme, floating throughout the city, shaking everyone's eardrums, and buzzing


"Hey, hey, Huo!" Many people began to shout after Liu Yu, but the voice was still a bit hesitant and not very loud. However, even if there are only a hundred or so people shouting like this, because the words are short and the sound is long, it is neat.

Uniformly, the resonance between sounds has the effect of having thousands of people shouting in the south wind area.

Liu Yu laughed and said loudly: "That's it, everyone continue to come with me, hey, hey, Huo!"

This time at least more than half of the people followed Liu Yu, raised their hands, and the sergeants holding weapons directly raised their spears and shouted: "Hey, hey, Huo!"

Liu Yu's tiger body flashed and he quickly rushed to a drum beside the tower. He picked up two drumsticks and followed the rhythm of the sound in his mouth, making a thumping sound: "Hey, hey, Huo!"

This chapter has been completed!
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