Chapter 3979: Break the letter and send troops to anger the sky

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At this point, he angrily tore the silk in his hand a few times. He didn't know what kind of evil was possessed. Liu Yi, who could usually fight ferocious beasts with his hands, did not tear the silk with all his strength.

It was broken into several pieces. Although the shape of the silk had been completely deformed, it still maintained the shape of a single piece. Liu Yi was so angry that he threw the piece of silk to the ground. Still uneasy, he stepped on it heavily.

He stepped on it a few times while still cursing: "Back then, I just elected you as the leader of the alliance because I wanted to rebel. Do you really think you can suppress me for the rest of your life? Brother, who the hell is this?

It’s your brother!”

He cursed to the point of hatred, and kicked up the piece of silk that had fallen to the ground. It flew up in the air and fell directly into Liu Fan's hands, and Liu Fan quickly caught the piece of silk.

Amidst Liu Yi's heavy breathing, he unfolded the silk fabric and took a closer look. After he finished reading it, he sighed: "Liu Yu is too arrogant and arrogant. This is totally not letting you go, brother."

On an equal footing, it is obvious that he is asking for something from you, yet he still says it in this tone, if you don't know, he thinks you are his subordinate, brother."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Destroy Nan Yan, I really think that I am invincible, everyone must listen to his orders, hum, Liu Yu, I am not your little brother, let alone your subordinate

, you are not the only one who will be fighting in this Jin Dynasty. Fan, give me an order immediately to assemble the troops and prepare to attack."

Liu Fan's expression changed, and he said in surprise: "Brother, don't be impulsive. Liu Yu is arrogant, but let's not lose our minds in anger. After all, the demon thief..."

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Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "What are you afraid of? This letter from Liu Yu shows one more thing, that is, he is afraid that I will send troops at this time, so he deliberately wants to take a high profile and want to counterattack me and dare not send troops. Just

Like your current mentality."

Liu Fan opened his eyes wide: "How do you say this?"

Liu Yi sneered and said: "Nanyan was destroyed, and Liu Yu led his army back. Although a large-scale epidemic occurred and it was difficult for the entire army to return for a while, it was a victorious army after all. The monsters and thieves had a stalemate with me before.

They want me to be like He Wuji, who is greedy for power and takes the initiative to attack. They put a hundred thousand troops in front of them just to lure me."

"But I wasn't fooled. I stayed here steadily. For more than half a year, the demon thieves delayed Liu Yu until he destroyed Nanyan. This time I was anxious, because Liu Yu would definitely get through the contact with Jingzhou first and save him.

My younger brother, so now the demon thieves have divided their forces into more than half, led by Lu Xun personally, and turned to attack Jiangling, hoping to solve their worries before Liu Yu's reinforcements arrive."

Liu Fan said thoughtfully: "When I first came here, I happened to see this military report. The demon thief brigade did go upstream upstream. In this way, our current demon thief army is greatly reduced."


Liu Yi nodded: "But Liu Yu didn't know about this situation, especially before writing the letter. He thought that I judged the situation and didn't dare to attack, so he wrote like this to put himself above me as a winner.

, so that I can continue to stand still, and when his army returns, he will be the commander-in-chief to pacify the demon thieves, and I will completely become his subordinate."

Liu Fan sighed: "Having said that, brother, you currently have only over 20,000 troops. With your current strength, even if you divide the troops, the monster thieves may not have an advantage. Moreover, they can attack easily without sufficient backup.

If the war goes badly, then..."

Liu Yi waved his hand: "What are you afraid of? Meng Huaiyu on the front line still has 10,000 elite soldiers. You go ahead with my tiger talisman to replace Meng Huaiyu and let him go back to Gushu to handle the follow-up reinforcements. Let's combine 30,000 troops and kill Xu in front of him first.

Daofu, once the Xu tribe is repulsed, we can recapture Yuzhangkou. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If the demon thieves want to concentrate their forces to recapture it, it will be difficult. At that time, we can wait for the follow-up reinforcements and contact them at the same time.

Liu Daogui from Jingzhou worked together to attack the demon thieves. Even if Liu Yu arrives at this time, the first victory will still be mine."

Liu Fan gritted his teeth: "This is how He Wuji lost last time, what if..."

Liu Yi said sternly: "There are only 10,000 people in this matter. There is no chance. Meng Huaiyu's 10,000 horses were able to hold off the demon thieves for more than half a year. How can I lose if I add another 20,000 troops? Even if the forward is disadvantageous, I can do it."

Withdraw the army, withdraw the bailout, Afan, stop questioning, and carry out my orders now."

Liu Fan sighed, saluted Liu Yi, and hurriedly retreated.

When Liu Fan's figure disappeared into the distance, Suzaku's voice rang quickly behind Liu Yi: "Xile, how can you be so impulsive? Didn't you agree that there would be 30,000 reinforcements behind you, so you couldn't...


Liu Yi gritted his teeth, turned around and faced Suzaku who hurried out of the bushes behind, and said in a deep voice: "You know the content of this letter, and you still want to tell me this? Liu Yu just wants to use your 30,000 reinforcements

Wait for time, and when the 30,000 soldiers and horses are in place, he will have returned to Jiankang and take charge of the overall situation. By then, everything you promised will be in vain! "

Suzaku's expression changed: "Where did you start? This letter is just a half-discussion and half-order asking you not to send troops. If he rushed back to give the order, why would he write this again?"

Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "You don't understand Liu Yu at all. This is his military plan. His strategy is to retreat in order to advance. He wrote this letter to anger me, and then used Jingzhou as a reward for me to obey his orders. Let me just

Like a gambler who is caught between a rock and a hard place, he also predicted that I would definitely not accept such conditions and would be furious and concentrate all the resources I could mobilize to attack, which is what you call 30,000 troops."

"But it will take about half a month for these troops to gather from Yangzhou and Wudi. After half a month, Liu Yu will have already rushed back to Jiankang in person. As long as he goes back, Meng Chang will never give orders beyond him.

When the time comes, he will call himself the counterinsurgency coach. I don’t even have the title of such coach. Even if I have 50,000 troops, I can only be his vanguard!"

Zhuque's eyes widened when he heard this, and he shook his head in disbelief: "This, how is this possible? Liu Yu's army is still..."

Liu Yi picked up the piece of silk from the ground bitterly, held it tightly into a ball, and said bitterly: "You old guys in the mafia have no idea of ​​Liu Yu's decisiveness and vigor as a young man.

To put down the demon thieves, does he need to come back with his army in person?"

"With me and Liu Daogui at the front, what kind of army does he want? All he wants is a title, the title of the leader of the crusade against demon thieves. As long as he returns to the capital, this title cannot be given to me again, so , now I can’t even wait for Meng Chang to add me as a general, so I have to attack directly. If it’s three days later, I’m afraid what I’m waiting for is not the 30,000 reinforcements, but Liu Yu who transferred me back to Beijing. Order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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