Chapter 4184: The former veteran is wandering and struggling

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Everyone clapped their hands and laughed. Indeed, when it came to Jingkou, almost everyone's eyes lit up. After all, it was their own home and they had their closest relatives. Even outsiders like Zhu Lingshi and Shen Tianzi, as Beifu As a member of the army, Jingkou is also their home in their hearts, with a status almost as important as their hometown.

Amidst laughter, Liu Yu turned to look at Tan Shao: "Ah Shao, you have been stationed in Guangling for many years. Now most of your troops are infected with the epidemic and cannot come back to fight for the time being. In Guangling, the former base camp of the Beifu Army, there are Is there any way to recruit soldiers and horses?"

Tan Shao curled up his lips, and a look of embarrassment flashed on his face: "After Brother Jinu took office in Beifu and moved the Beifu Army camp to Jingkou, Guangling is no longer a military center. It was where we were when we first joined the Beifu Army. The garrison camp has been abandoned for many years. When Marshal Xuan first founded the army, he set aside a lot of land near Guangling specifically for Liu Laozhi, Tian Luo and other soldiers who went south from Huaibei and led their troops to join the army. Families live there. When Guangling was the most prosperous, there were more than ten thousand families living in the area."

Liu Yu frowned slightly: "But when I went to Guangling to inspect a few years ago, most of these lands had been abandoned. Most of the military relatives went to Jiankang or purchased properties in Sanwu land, and there were many more. The young man has returned to the village in Huaibei, right?"

Tan Shao nodded: "That's right. Those Huaibei sergeants were originally struggling to survive in the war-torn areas on the border. During the Battle of Feishui, they felt that there was no hope of reviving the Northern Expedition, so they followed a refugee commander like Brother Ashou. Many people who went to the south to join the army also abandoned their old forts, thinking that from now on they could either return to their hometown in the north and return home with honor, or they could take root and settle in the south and avoid the suffering of war. After all, the country at that time was Jin has a national policy, and these northern refugees are not allowed to cross the river to be resettled unless they have made meritorious service in the military."

Huan Xuan sighed: "This is an extreme manifestation of the selfish behavior of the aristocratic families in the south. We ourselves are launching the Northern Expedition. How can we achieve any military success? In fact, we want to use this excuse to avoid the recurrence of Qie Jian and Zu Ti. The northern refugee commanders who lead their troops to the south are just threatening our position. Let the refugees who go south stay in the north to fend for themselves and serve as an outpost to resist the barbarians. That is what they want to see."

Tan Shao said bitterly: "Yes, if it hadn't happened to coincide with the Feishui War, and Xuan Shuai and his men recruited a large number of soldiers to form Liu Laozhi, I'm afraid our Tan family, and countless northern families, would never have seen it in this life. What about Dajiang's chance? However, after the Battle of Feishui, the Northern Expedition failed, and the Jin Dynasty fell into internal strife. The results of the Northern Expedition were lost. Except for some family members of the soldiers who returned to the north, they never returned to the Jin Dynasty. , most people did not want to stay in Liu Yu forever, but simply crossed the river to go to the land of Bawu."

"Especially after Brother Ashou was restored to command, many of his subordinates went to the south of the Yangtze River with him. In the name of attacking Tianshi Dao, they defended themselves in the local area because there were many unclaimed lands at that time. Those soldiers took a fancy to it and took it as their own property."

"It's just that they didn't have good luck for long. After Ashou Ge fell, the families of those soldiers lost their support. After Xu Bei came to power and usurped the throne, he used the excuse of Ashou Ge to rebel and killed many brothers who had followed Xu Beihong for many years.

, or the whole family was imprisoned on charges of treason, and the sergeant himself was forced to join the army, while the family members were reduced to farmers and tenants, taken into the manors of Jingzhou powerful men in Wu land, and became slaves."

Huan Xuan nodded: "Yes, at that time Xu Bei forced 20,000 to 30,000 old Liu Laozhi brothers to become his slaves and be driven by him. During their Jianyi battle, most of those brothers defected and rejoined us.

, later many of them settled in places like Jingzhou and Jiangzhou, because the land of Wu was going to be taken away by Guangling. Later, even if Xu Bei was overthrown, those places were once again relied on by the wealthy families in Jiankang City.

After the original land deeds were retrieved, it can be said that many of them have lost their roots. Just like the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that Daogui later led in Jingzhou, most of them were old brothers in Wu."

Tan Shao nodded: "The soldiers followed the Beifu Army, but their families were resettled in the Liuyu area. After what happened in the past, they are not interested in going to Jiangnan, Jingkou and Jiankang anymore.

, they think it’s good to be able to settle down in Liuyu and return to Huaibei Xinshanzhai at any time when they have nothing to do.”

Huan Xuan looked at Tan Shao and said, "How many soldiers can be recruited in Liu Yu's area now?"

"And it is impossible for the Beifu Army to recruit all of them to join the army. They are probably only Ding Zhuoyi. Such families, plus some religious households who were later pardoned and had joined Tianshi Dao, and some who came to join the army in troubled times,

There are more than a thousand stragglers in total. Xu Beihong and Brother Tieniu manage those people at the same time. Brother Xile also likes them and recruits many soldiers from there every year. If I go back to recruit soldiers now and the conditions are right,

It should be able to pull out 7,000 troops, I dare not say more." Tan Shao smiled slightly: "Yes, so many years have passed, and the old brothers who joined the army with us have long been unable to go into battle to kill thieves.

But many of their nephews have grown up. When Daogui went to Jingzhou, he confiscated the land and property of the Huan family in accordance with the national law and distributed it to the soldiers of the Beifu to make up for their losses in Wu. In addition, Xi Le also had some

There were many people like that. Those brothers who had been wandering for many years in those troubled times finally had a stable family fortune and no longer wanted to move around, so they ended up going to Jingzhou, Yuzhou, and Jiangzhou.

Many of them have taken root here."

Tan Shao said sternly: "Most of the veterans and military families are no longer in Xubei. Even the Jiangbei camp is mostly abandoned, because the administrative office in Jiangbei was moved to Pengcheng early. Even if it recruits new troops, it will still be long-term.

There are more manpower there. Only one team can not be regarded as permanent Liu Yu. This is not the case when Brother Jingxuan went to Nanyan before. He and some of the old men of Subyazhi led them back to the mountain village in Huaibei for refuge.

Here, the old business is resumed."

Huan Xuan laughed: "I forgot about that army. These are the elites of Huaibei who are at the top of the country. However, didn't they follow Ah Shou and keep fighting?"

Zhu Lingshi sighed: "It's just that this time the demon thieves caused trouble and settled in Jingnan, there were also old brothers from Beifu in Jiangzhou. Many of them suffered again. I don't know how many of them are still alive and well."

This chapter has been completed!
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