Chapter 4224: Confronting Tao Gong and talking about Taoyuan

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Meng Chang and Xu Xianzhi looked at each other and smiled, and Xie Daoyun said: "This is a step that must be taken sooner or later. The differences and differences between civil and military forces are too great now. There cannot be only the Beijing Eight Party, and there is no organization representing the interests of aristocratic families or gentry. Conquering the world is

We need warriors, but to rule the world, we cannot do without scribes for a long time. Xiaoyu, you must understand this. Although you have a greater chance of getting ahead by doing meritorious deeds on the battlefield, if you succeed in popularizing education in the future,

It is not impossible for ordinary people to get promoted by becoming officials."

Meng Chang frowned slightly and was about to speak when Xie Daoyun waved his hand: "Yanda, even if you and I have different opinions on this issue, we can still discuss in the future whether we should stick to Xiao Yu's wishes and wait for the official representatives of the aristocratic family and noble clan in the future.

After the organization was formed, everyone discussed it together. I think Xiaoyu is not unreasonable and insists on making things difficult for everyone, right?

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "This is natural. If everyone in the world disagrees with an idea of ​​mine or most people disagree, then I can't stick to it. However, I also think that we cannot just let the nobles

Or maybe the warriors are speaking out. The people at the lowest level also have the right to speak out. The world belongs to everyone in the world, not to one person or just a small group of people. Do you think so, Madam?"

Xie Daoyun smiled slightly: "I think with our wisdom, as long as we have a patriotic public spirit, we can always think of a solution. Let's do this first, Xiaoyu, you have a good chat with this Tao Yuanming, I hope you can get the information you want.


Liu Yu nodded: "After I defend the city immediately, I want to concentrate all my energy on dealing with the demon thieves, so before that, I need to have a good talk with Mr. Tao while I still have some time.

When the three figures disappeared outside the door, the door opened and closed soon. Tao Yuanming, who had changed into a blue gown, strolled in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, and walked in front of Liu Yu, who was sitting on the imperial steps.

Above, she watched coldly as he approached about five steps in front of her. The swaying candlelight reflected the faces of the two people, intersecting with the gleaming eyes in their eyes, giving off a slightly strange feeling.

Tao Yuanming also reached this position and stopped. He sat cross-legged facing Liu Yu, but because of the height of the steps, he appeared to be shorter than Liu Yu. Liu Yu curled his lips and said, "You

Do you think it's rude of me to sit on a high place and tower over you?

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "If I don't sit down, I will be a head taller than you. However, since you want to sit down and I have to stand here, isn't it unfair? That's the difference between monarch and minister.

Now, you and I are both ministers, but we are just different in terms of status.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "But I don't think you think your status is any higher than mine. Just for the things you did and what you just said to me, I think you think you are qualified to educate me.

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Of course I am qualified to educate you. Your high status is just because you have fought wars and made many meritorious deeds. But when it comes to essays on talents, knowledge, and talents, you and I are not in the same category at all. If it weren't for this,

, how could you make so many ridiculous and stupid decisions?

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "I don't think that the fact that you read a lot means you have high talent, because talent is not about writing a story about the Peach Blossom Spring, or writing a memorial essay for your sister. These are just talents for reciting poems and composing poems, but they are not

The talent to truly manage the world and benefit the world.

Tao Yuanming said coldly: "If the talent you are talking about is the ability to collect taxes and allocate land for weaving, then you don't need to study or even be literate, as long as you can count stones and earth." Liu Yu

Ah, what you want is a terrible world, where everyone has no pursuits and no emotions, just living like a machine man, or a dog or a sheep, controlled by others, and at the mercy of others.

"You are the one who said the opposite," Liu Yu replied coldly: The world you want is a world where all the people live like dogs and sheep, controlled by others, and work hard at the mercy of others. In the end, they cannot even feed themselves, because

Most of the output should be handed over to the government and the court to support you nobles and children of aristocratic families who get something for nothing and do nothing to produce, right?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Liu Yu, I thought you understood me, but I didn't expect that you don't understand me at all. Haven't you read my Peach Blossom Spring? What I want is the kind of life where there is no government, no court, and no oppression.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment,

An ideal paradise without control or rule!

Liu Yu sneered and said: "Ideal heaven? Unless the world is full of peace-loving people who do not invade or attack others, no other village will want to attack Peach Blossom Spring. Right, Mr. Tao!"

Tao Yuanming's face turned green and white, and he said in a deep voice unwillingly: "That's an ideal, an ideal! I know it's unrealistic, but you can't stop me from wishing for such a heaven to exist. So, for the sake of my ideal, I don't want to

There is a ruler like you in the world who wants to impose his will on all the people in the world. I don’t want you to drive all the people in the world and tie them to your chariot for the sake of your own achievements and ambitions!”

Liu Yu said calmly: "Don't talk about me first, just talk about yourself. Let me ask you, Mr. Tao, if you are not involved in production, what do you do for a living? Where do you get your daily food and clothing expenses?"

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "I have been an official for a long time. When I was in Jingzhou, I served as an edict for a county. I had my salary and could support my family. Later, I also joined the army.

I have some savings, and as a scholar I have the right to be exempted from taxes and taxes, so I can buy land and properties and support myself. My nephews and students all farm by themselves, so why can't I support myself?

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I almost forgot, Tao Gong also had a salary and savings, and thanks to his status as a nobleman, he was exempted from taxes and service, and then you can let your family and students farm the land.

I want to support you, a famous person in the world. Then I want to ask you again, if you leave the government and rulers that you hate, where will your land come from, where will your salary come from, and your tax-free and tax-free powers?

, where does it come from?

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "I said, these things should be something that everyone of us should have after birth. If there were not rulers, countries, and officials, they would forcibly take these lands as their own and then teach us.

Ding Shitian has made these lands a favor for people, and the world will become my paradise!

This chapter has been completed!
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