Chapter 4562: Tao Fu Zong discusses the art of grace and power

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Tan Zhi patted Fu Hongzhi on the shoulder: "Be careful. If there is an ambush by the enemy, don't be reluctant to fight and leave quickly. You lead the 1,200 cavalry and leave first. The remaining 800 will let me send the message first. Three

In an hour, if there are no unexpected situations, we will meet at Zatoichi. If the enemy is strong, we will retreat another fifty miles and meet at Aoyagihara."

Fu Hongzhi nodded, turned around and left: "I hope we can meet up in Zatoichi!"

Wulindu, the main camp of Tianshi Dao.

Xu Dao covered his head with a black scarf and wore leather armor. He stood on a small plateau outside the camp. His eyes were cold and stern as he looked outside the ferry. The people who had emerged from the water were lined up along the harbor and were heading towards the harbor.

There are four to five hundred Qianlong warships unloading personnel and supplies on the beach. The six or seven miles along the coast are full of these ships. Although tens of thousands of people are busy going up and down, they are almost empty.

Not much sound was made, everyone held a coin in their mouth, and except for the sound of the wind blowing flags and flags when Xiao Lingqi directed their actions, there was almost no noise.

Xu Daoan said happily: "This Wulindu is really a good natural port. It can accommodate more than 400 of our warships. Hey, compared with the river banks of the beacon towers a few days ago, it took us a long time to sneak ashore.

Compared with sinking several ships, this is too easy."

Xu Daofu said calmly: "This is the largest port between Jingzhou and Xiangzhou in the south. Most of the merchants traveling from north to south have to pass here. Those dangerous shoals and reefs were cleared when this port was established.

This is a good haven, so it is easy for boats to and from the port to dock. Otherwise, what else would it be called a ferry? Although it is not as good as the good ports of big cities such as Jiangling and Jiangxia, there is still no problem for hundreds of ships to dock.

, In addition, we are well-trained and enter the port in batches, unload people and cargo as quickly as possible, and then change the next batch of ships to enter, so the speed is much faster than usual. These 30,000 men and horses, at most

In an hour, they will all be ashore."

Having said this, he turned back to look at Li Nanfeng who was standing on the other side: "Nanfeng, is there no news from Li Lang?"

Li Nanfeng shook his head: "There is no news. They have been gone for half a day. If they succeeded in capturing the Ma Tou camp, they should have sent a message back by now. Fan Yingming, who followed them, brought three thousand

The troops are also ambushing in the Zatoichi area, and no news has come through at the moment."

Xu Daoan gritted his teeth: "Is there something wrong with Li Lang and the others? Or is it the Jin army from the Ma Tou camp who saw the smoke column we lit before and got on guard, so Li Lang and the others couldn't take action?"

Li Nanfeng curled his lips and said, "I guess there may be reinforcements from the Jin army at the Ma Tou camp. Li Lang and his two hundred men alone cannot succeed in a surprise attack. They can only mix in the enemy camp and act according to the opportunity."

Xu Daofu sighed softly: "Maybe I was a little careless and neglected to let Li Lang's men wear the equipment of the Jin army guard sergeants with white tassels and white armor.

, there are also people from Liu Daogui's guard, and we can see the problem at a glance. I'm afraid, Brother Li Lang has already gone to see the Heavenly Master."

Xu Daoan's expression changed: "Then what should we do now? If the Jin army sees through our plan, will they increase their troops to defend the Matou Camp, or will they retreat to Jiangling?"

A cold light flashed in Xu Daofu's eyes: "I hope they retreat to the Matou camp, preferably back to Jiangling. As long as the Jin army is afraid and retreats, the surrounding villages will become ours.

We can divide our troops to plunder these villages as originally planned and force them to provide people and food. If they don't comply, the entire village will be slaughtered as punishment."

Li Nanfeng curled up his lips: "Master, I have always had some thoughts of my own on this point. Can you say a few words?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Xu Daofu's face, but he still said, "Go ahead."

Li Nanfeng said seriously: "This is what we did when we were in Wudi. At first, many people joined, but later, especially after our army failed to defeat Liu Laozhi and Liu Yu's Beifu Army, those who were originally

Those who join us will quickly disperse and even attack us in turn. It is difficult to convince others with this high-pressure method unless we can prove that we are invincible."

"When we raised troops in Lingnan before, we used a quick attack method. We did not massacre and plunder like we did in Wudi. Instead, we cooperated with local powerful people from various places, gave them official positions and allowed them to govern the place on their behalf, which allowed them to join quickly.

We did not pay less in grain taxes, and wandering forces from all over the country also joined us one after another. In more than a year, we had an army of more than 200,000, and we were able to capture Jiankang directly. "

"But after we reached Jiankang, Liu Yu closed the city and kept the fields clear. The cities in Wu were also on his side. We didn't plunder anything in Jiangbei. It was because we had a bad reputation in Wu.

The powerful people from all over the world are unwilling to cooperate with us. Even if we are strong, they would rather die than obey. Isn't this the evil result of our burning, killing and looting in Wudi in the past?"

Xu Daoan said in a deep voice: "Nanfeng, don't say any more. We are under the orders of the Heavenly Master to defeat these monsters in the world. Those who do not know the way of Heaven and follow the monsters and evil spirits to fight against us must of course be eliminated. There is nothing wrong with this. We marched quickly before.

, in order to grab time and prevent Liu Yu's army from conquering Yan from coming back, so we have to give up some interests for the time being and cooperate with these local snakes. When our divine religion seizes the world, we will naturally take back their autonomy so that all people in the world can

You have to become a disciple of the God Cult."

Li Nanfeng sighed: "What I mean is that blindly using force is unpopular, especially in the land of Jingzhou, which is inherently rebellious and capricious. Can we really make them subdue by dividing our troops and plundering like this? Liu Daogui once said that before

Because we treat the people of Jingzhou sincerely, we gain their support. If we kill them without hesitation and massacre them if they don't obey, will we drive the Jingzhou people to Liu Daogui instead?"

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "Nanfeng said it very well. We just need people like you who can think calmly. However, you have to make it clear that the main reason why Jingzhou people support Liu Daogui is not because of his benevolence and righteousness, but because of his righteousness.

I believe he can win. If the soldiers in Jiangling City at that time were less than 10,000, these Jingzhou people would not stand on his side."

"In the past, Yin Zhongkan also performed many benevolent deeds, and even used military rations to help the people after the floods. But what was the result? When his army was defeated and could not defeat Huan Xuan, the people who received his favor

But he joined Huan Xuan to hunt him down."


Tan Zhi patted Fu Hongzhi on the shoulder: "Be careful. If there is an ambush by the enemy, don't be reluctant to fight and leave quickly. You lead the 1,200 cavalry and leave first. The remaining 800 will let me send the message first. Three

In an hour, if there are no unexpected situations, we will meet at Zatoichi. If the enemy is strong, we will retreat another fifty miles and meet at Aoyagihara."

Fu Hongzhi nodded, turned around and left: "I hope we can meet up in Zatoichi!"

Wulindu, the main camp of Tianshi Dao.

Xu Dao covered his head with a black scarf and wore leather armor. He stood on a small plateau outside the camp. His eyes were cold and stern as he looked outside the ferry. The people who had emerged from the water were lined up along the harbor and were heading towards the harbor.

There are four to five hundred Qianlong warships unloading personnel and supplies on the beach. The six or seven miles along the coast are full of these ships. Although tens of thousands of people are busy going up and down, they are almost empty.

Not much sound was made, everyone held a coin in their mouth, and except for the sound of the wind blowing flags and flags when Xiao Lingqi directed their actions, there was almost no noise.

Xu Daoan said happily: "This Wulindu is really a good natural port. It can accommodate more than 400 of our warships. Hey, compared with the river banks of the beacon towers a few days ago, it took us a long time to sneak ashore.

Compared with sinking several ships, this is too easy."

Xu Daofu said calmly: "This is the largest port between Jingzhou and Xiangzhou in the south. Most of the merchants traveling from north to south have to pass here. Those dangerous shoals and reefs were cleared when this port was established.

This is a good haven, so it is easy for boats to and from the port to dock. Otherwise, what else would it be called a ferry? Although it is not as good as the good ports of big cities such as Jiangling and Jiangxia, there is still no problem for hundreds of ships to dock.

, In addition, we are well-trained and enter the port in batches, unload people and cargo as quickly as possible, and then change the next batch of ships to enter, so the speed is much faster than usual. These 30,000 men and horses, at most

In an hour, they will all be ashore."

Having said this, he turned back to look at Li Nanfeng who was standing on the other side: "Nanfeng, is there no news from Li Lang?"

Li Nanfeng shook his head: "There is no news. They have been gone for half a day. If they succeeded in capturing the Ma Tou camp, they should have sent a message back by now. Fan Yingming, who followed them, brought three thousand

The troops are also ambushing in the Zatoichi area, and no news has come through at the moment."

Xu Daoan gritted his teeth: "Is there something wrong with Li Lang and the others? Or is it the Jin army from the Ma Tou camp who saw the smoke column we lit before and got on guard, so Li Lang and the others couldn't take action?"

Li Nanfeng curled his lips and said, "I guess there may be reinforcements from the Jin army at the Ma Tou camp. Li Lang and his two hundred men alone cannot succeed in a surprise attack. They can only mix in the enemy camp and act according to the opportunity."

Xu Daofu sighed softly: "Maybe I was a little careless and neglected to let Li Lang's men wear the equipment of the Jin army guard sergeants with white tassels and white armor.

, there are also people from Liu Daogui's guard, and we can see the problem at a glance. I'm afraid, Brother Li Lang has already gone to see the Heavenly Master."

Xu Daoan's expression changed: "Then what should we do now? If the Jin army sees through our plan, will they increase their troops to defend the Matou Camp, or will they retreat to Jiangling?"

A cold light flashed in Xu Daofu's eyes: "I hope they retreat to the Matou camp, preferably back to Jiangling. As long as the Jin army is afraid and retreats, the surrounding villages will become ours.

We can divide our troops to plunder these villages as originally planned and force them to provide people and food. If they don't comply, the entire village will be slaughtered as punishment."

Li Nanfeng curled up his lips: "Master, I have always had some thoughts of my own on this point. Can you say a few words?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Xu Daofu's face, but he still said, "Go ahead."

Li Nanfeng said seriously: "This is what we did when we were in Wudi. At first, many people joined, but later, especially after our army failed to defeat Liu Laozhi and Liu Yu's Beifu Army, those who were originally

Those who join us will quickly disperse and even attack us in turn. It is difficult to convince others with this high-pressure method unless we can prove that we are invincible."

"When we raised troops in Lingnan before, we used a quick attack method. We did not massacre and plunder like we did in Wudi. Instead, we cooperated with local powerful people from various places, gave them official positions and allowed them to govern the place on their behalf, which allowed them to join quickly.

We did not pay less in grain taxes, and wandering forces from all over the country also joined us one after another. In more than a year, we had an army of more than 200,000, and we were able to capture Jiankang directly. "

"But after we reached Jiankang, Liu Yu closed the city and kept the fields clear. The cities in Wu were also on his side. We didn't plunder anything in Jiangbei. It was because we had a bad reputation in Wu.

The powerful people from all over the world are unwilling to cooperate with us. Even if we are strong, they would rather die than obey. Isn't this the evil result of our burning, killing and looting in Wudi in the past?"

Xu Daoan said in a deep voice: "Nanfeng, don't say any more. We are under the orders of the Heavenly Master to defeat these monsters in the world. Those who do not know the way of Heaven and follow the monsters and evil spirits to fight against us must of course be eliminated. There is nothing wrong with this. We marched quickly before.

, in order to grab time and prevent Liu Yu's army from conquering Yan from coming back, so we have to give up some interests for the time being and cooperate with these local snakes. When our divine religion seizes the world, we will naturally take back their autonomy so that all people in the world can

You have to become a disciple of the God Cult."

Li Nanfeng sighed: "What I mean is that blindly using force is unpopular, especially in the land of Jingzhou, which is inherently rebellious and capricious. Can we really make them subdue by dividing our troops and plundering like this? Liu Daogui once said that before

Because we treat the people of Jingzhou sincerely, we gain their support. If we kill them without hesitation and massacre them if they don't obey, will we drive the Jingzhou people to Liu Daogui instead?"

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "Nanfeng said it very well. We just need people like you who can think calmly. However, you have to make it clear that the main reason why Jingzhou people support Liu Daogui is not because of his benevolence and righteousness, but because of his righteousness.

I believe he can win. If the soldiers in Jiangling City at that time were less than 10,000, these Jingzhou people would not stand on his side."

"In the past, Yin Zhongkan also performed many benevolent deeds, and even used military rations to help the people after the floods. But what was the result? When his army was defeated and could not defeat Huan Xuan, the people who received his favor

But he joined Huan Xuan to hunt him down."


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