Chapter 4733: The pear seller is a spy

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These women were so elated that they even shouted "Hello" in unison. Some of the acquaintances even held hands and jumped excitedly, as if the victory was right in front of their eyes.

Only Taohua was the first to wake up. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the bodies of her father-in-law, husband, and children on the ground, biting her lips: "Father-in-law, husband, and children, have you heard this? General Liu is about to win.

, Immediately, immediately he will bring thousands of troops to destroy these demon thieves and bandits. Your great revenge will be avenged soon. Just wait, it will be soon!"

Hu Longshi frowned slightly and said: "Sister-in-law Peach Blossom, please don't get me wrong. Although General Liu's army defended Jiankang, the losses were not small. After all, the demon thieves were a mob and had many people. After losing tens of thousands, they were still close to the enemy."

Two hundred thousand thieves followed, and this time they were able to draw out another 30,000 elite soldiers, led by the big devil Xu Daofu, to attack Jingzhou, which shows that they still have strength left and cannot underestimate the enemy."

Zhu Lingxiu also followed up and said: "Yes, we cannot expect the demon thieves to collapse on their own, nor can we think that if they cannot capture Jiankang City, they are weak and can be dealt with casually. The current demon thieves are still very powerful. Not only do they have their own soldiers

Ma, there are also some mysterious forces helping them, just like the bandits who came back this time, it was these mysterious forces that helped them integrate these thieves."

Taohua's face changed: "Mysterious power? Who are those people? Speaking of this, I remembered something. Before the bandits attacked our villages yesterday, two salesmen once came to our village.

, I sold some big pears from the mountains. Those pears looked very fresh, so we bought some. Both adults and children ate them, and they all felt a lot more energetic."

Tan Daoji laughed: "This is the first time I've heard that pears can give you energy after eating them. However, it seems extraordinary that you have been able to run this way for so long. Maybe this is really the function of pears."

Taohua gritted her teeth, and a trace of hatred flashed across her face: "Now that I think about it, these peddlers and pear sellers are probably traitors and bandits, sent to explore the road and conduct reconnaissance. The army of monster thieves came ashore from Wulindu, and

The bandits brought by these mysterious powers scouted each village in advance, and then attacked us all at once. We also have people from other villages who have fallen into the hands of bandits. Sister Aqing, please tell General Tan about this."

A short, dark woman in her thirties walked up to Taohua. Her clothes were scratched in several places by branches, and some cotton wool was exposed. There was an arrow wound on her body, which had been wrapped up.

While blood was oozing out slightly, she saluted to Tan Daoji and said, "The civilian woman is Sister Aqing from Wuxi Village. She and Sister Taohua were originally from the same village. They later married each other, so they are familiar with each other."

Tan Daoji said in a deep voice: "How is the situation in your Wuxi Village? I heard from Taohua that you have fallen into the hands of bandits?"

The Aqing sister-in-law nodded and said: "Yes, there were also three people selling pears with a load at that time. It didn't sound like they had a Jingzhou accent, but a bit of a Wu accent. They came to our village and said these big pears were from Jiangxia.

The pears picked from Wugong Mountain nearby were fresh and delicious. We all tasted some and they were indeed delicious, so we bought up all the pears they had. However, when these salesmen left at the entrance of the village, they suddenly attracted people.

More than a hundred thieves who were ambushing outside rushed in. Our village chief and a dozen young people were killed on the spot. Then more than a hundred men, women, and children in the village were all taken to the outside of Daze Village where Sister Taohua was.

, in a valley, I met the Songfeng Taoist, he was the bandit leader who directed the attack this time."

Zhu Lingxiu gritted his teeth: "It turns out that the bandits did not attack together, but attacked nearby villages first, and finally went to Daze Village. Because Daze Village has a large population and veterans like Wei Liujin as the village chief, it is not easy to break through.

That’s the reason.”

Aqing's wife nodded and said: "Yes, Daze Village is the largest village near us, with more than two hundred households. The demon thieves first hired some salesmen to sell pears, but Village Chief Wei was more vigilant and did not let him

As they approached the center of the village, they were allowed to leave. Later, the demon thieves forced us women to return to Daze Village, asking us to explore the road ahead, and even kept my two children as hostages."

Hu Longshi said bitterly: "They don't even spare women and children. These bandits and monsters are really heartless!"

Taohua sighed: "Sister-in-law Aqing came to see me at that time. When we were not married, we were good sisters who grew up in the same village. However, I saw that the dozen men following her looked very handsome, and they did not look like people from the Central Plains, so

After asking who they were, these people immediately slashed with knives and blew trumpets to let the thieves outside come in. My father-in-law had felt something was wrong before, so he gathered all the strong men in the village and then protected us all.

We ran away, and Sister-in-law Aqing also ran here with us."

Mrs. Ah Qing's voice became choked: "My husband asked these guys to kill the thieves when they attacked Wuxi Village. The two children fell into the hands of the thieves. I don't know whether they are dead or alive. I am all alone."

There is no point in living in this world anymore. I just want to fight against these monsters and thieves."

Tan Daoji frowned slightly: "So, the demon thieves want to capture civilians and then use them as pioneers to attack other villages. When the number of civilians they robbed is enough, they will be allowed to stand in front together.

Attacking a camp or even a city. This method is always used by demon thieves. If we hadn't been able to hold on, we might have fallen into their trap!"

Taohua gritted her teeth and said: "Now that the army is here, are they fighting against the demon thieves? Can we win this battle and we can defend Jingzhou?"

Tan Daoji hesitated for a moment, and then said: "This is a military aircraft and should not be announced to the outside world. However, after you have experienced life and death, you have told us the truth. I don't want to hide it from everyone anymore. Yes.

, now we are in a decisive battle with the main force of more than 30,000 demon thieves led by Xu Daofu. The front army and the middle army have been fighting with them for most of the day, killing tens of thousands of enemies, and we still have many people in the rear army.

It is used during the decisive battle to prepare to defeat the thief in one fell swoop!"

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd. Taohua excitedly shook hands with Mrs. Aqing and said repeatedly: "Great, great, we are saved!"

Tan Daoji said solemnly: "Now, please calm down and take a rest here. We need to gather together to guard the bodies of your relatives. As for helping us fight, I promise you that if the battle is fierce, you will be needed."

When helping each other, I will definitely give everyone something to do!"

This chapter has been completed!
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