Chapter 4910: Sending slaves to engage in commercial affairs

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Yu Yue laughed: "It's just a casual joke. Please don't take it to heart, Mr. Tao. However, I have always been curious. With such wisdom and strength, Mr. Tao is not a mafia, nor is he a member of the Mafia."

The Tiandao Alliance has always been against Liu Yu, so what are you trying to do? It shouldn't be too difficult for a mere Jingzhou governor to join Liu Yu, right?"

A trace of unhappiness flashed across Tao Yuanming's face: "Everything in this world has to be obtained in a certain way. For example, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way. What I, Tao Yuanming, want is to build the country established by our ancestors.

I want to obtain the power I want from the political power of Liu Yu, instead of relying on some so-called existing merits and abilities to compete with those little people from the lower class under Liu Yu’s subversive system.”

"Because Liu Yu's approach breaks the rules that have existed in China for thousands of years. This rule is that there is a distinction between top and bottom, and distinction between high and low. The achievements of the fathers and ancestors are transformed into power, and the family business can be inherited by the descendants. If not

With this kind of inheritance relationship, who will go to sacrifice and respect the ancestors? If a person is not filial to his father and ancestors, how can he be loyal to the ethnic group and the country? Loyalty and filial piety are the core of all our morals and values.

The most important point, behind loyalty and filial piety, is the protection and affirmation of ancestral heritage and inheritance."

"What Liu Yu wants is to interrupt this inheritance. Just like that piece of shit like Shang Yang, in order to stimulate these large numbers of low-level villains and tempt them to serve, he implemented this system of military merit and titles, and

The ancestral inheritance inherited by us nobles must be constrained by the rule of being demoted for no merit. In fact, it is another way to deprive our family property. If the merits now are all military merits, then we, the nobles and the children of the aristocratic families, must

If you join those gangsters in the village who are uneducated and have no skills, and then go to the battlefield to kill people with bloodlust, then everyone will become uneducated, illiterate, cruel and easy-to-kill barbarians, just like Qin State reformed Shang Yang

In the same way, it has become a country of tigers and wolves, which has no faith and only knows how to fight and kill foreign countries."

"Liu Yu seems to be using the banner of restoring the Central Plains and regaining lost territory. In fact, he is cutting off the roots of our Chinese tradition. He is turning our ethnic group, which knows books and answers to gifts, and has a prosperous culture, into those who only know war and looting.

The country of beasts that is interested in blood and killing is no different from the barbaric Hulu in the north. What’s funny is that even the Huru know that after taking over the world, they need to be benevolent, righteous, and know etiquette. This etiquette means ordering respect and inferiority.

, everyone should keep his place, perform his duties, be loyal to the country, and be filial to his family. Only in this way can the people of the whole country stay in peace and not cause trouble."

"Look at those soldiers in Beifu. After they returned to their places, they were wild and untamed. They either clashed with their neighbors or acted tyrannically in the village. If they were not rough and incompetent, not engaged in production, and did not know how to get close to their neighbors, how could they

There will be nobility and land, but it will be impossible for everyone to live in every village? This is the consequence of only having brute force and not knowing etiquette. What I object to is Liu Yu who wants to turn our ethnic group into like the northern barbarians.

If he does that kind of barbarian behavior, even if he conquers the world, he will be just another tyrannical Qin. And we real scholars, like the people in the Peach Blossom Spring in my book, would rather die than accept this.

Such tyranny and tyranny!"

Yu Yue clapped her hands excitedly: "That's so well said. You really deserve to be Mr. Tao. I wish I could be a soldier under your command now and fight for your great cause. I used to think that although Liu Yu

Different from our aristocratic family, at least they are dedicated to the country. After listening to your statement today, I understand that Liu Yu is destroying our country of etiquette that has existed in China for thousands of years. This is worse than the barbarians taking over our world.

It's scary, at least, that the Huru who occupied our north still want to become people with a culture of etiquette like us. Although they are foreign Hu people, they also want to be Hanized, but Liu Yu wants us to return to darkness, violence and barbarism.

In this era, we turned into a country like Qin Dynasty, and our people turned into beasts. It’s terrible. This guy is so bad!”

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "So, we, the children of aristocratic families and literati, have to defend not only our country, not just the Sima Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, but also our civilization and our tradition. Back then, the Jin Dynasty

The Sima family, starting from the Western Dynasty, usurped the throne and won the country, which was not justified. Later, it caused the Eight Kings Rebellion and constant disputes, which led to the barbarians taking advantage of the situation. With the Yongjia Rebellion, Shenzhou Luchen, it can be said that

He has done a great crime to the world and should have been wiped out long ago to thank the world, but why did our ancestors, when Emperor Sima Ruiyuan crossed the river, not take the opportunity to replace him, but still recognized the Sima family as Zhengsu?"

Yu Yue nodded: "Because the people of the world still consider themselves to be the people of the Jin Dynasty. More importantly, except for the Sima family, there was no one who could convince the world at that time, who could turn the tide in troubled times like Liu Bang and end the world.

War and chaos will take over the world. If your family can stand on its own terms, then my ancestors will also stand on their own. I don’t know how many more emperors there will be in the world, and how many disputes will continue. If this is the case, we will not be able to save even half of the country in the south of the Yangtze River."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "That's right. Although our ancestors don't like Sima, he was the nominal co-owner of the world. At that time, there was no one more suitable to sit in this position than Sima Rui. At least he could prevent all the heroes in the world from being defeated.

Fight independently and let the barbarians take advantage of the opportunity. The position of the emperor itself is the greatest inheritance and legal system, and the source of the stability of the world. When we protect the emperor, we protect the entire people of the world, and we protect everything.

Order, our ancestors have a consensus on this, and today, Liu Yu wants to use the name of the Northern Expedition to deny all our order, cut off our inheritance, and return to Shang Yang's chaos and the villain's rule of the country. He

He is a more terrifying enemy to us nobles than the Hulu and the Celestial Master Dao, and we must not let him succeed."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "Yes, I completely agree with your idea on this point. Now what you mean is that because you don't have an official position, you can't directly recruit Luo Longsheng's army. You can only do it through me?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Not only do I have no official position, I am even considered a fugitive now. I was stabbed by Liu Tingyun at that time. Even so, Liu Yu did not let me go. He still sent Xie Hui to guard me.

However, when Xu Daofu finally attacked Jiankang, a skirmishing force entered the city and wanted to kidnap Xie Hui!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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