Chapter 4964 The Northern Wei Dynasty was unable to invade the south again

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Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Although these few are good at commanding the army, they are still young, only in their thirties, and they lack the ability to handle government affairs. Even in the Beifu Army, their qualifications are not very high."

It is difficult to replace the five generals you just mentioned. And Liu Jingxuan also has a hidden ability, that is, he once lived on the run in Nanyan for more than a year, and he has some friendship with many local Xianbei chiefs and powerful Han people.

His bravery and majesty are quite influential in the local area and should not be touched lightly."

Liu Daogui sighed: "What you said makes sense. After all, Qingzhou is a newly recovered important town and important place. However, I heard that according to military reports, Brother Ashou also led the 20,000 newly recruited sergeants in Qingzhou, including the above

Wan Xianbei cavalry also went south to the north of the Yangtze River, preparing to join forces with the elder brother and march along the river. So, didn't Brother Ashou also leave Qingzhou? He is not indispensable."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Because I killed the Han family and Feng family who caused chaos in Qingzhou, other families did not dare to act rashly for a while, and the first batch of tiger-spotted cavalry led by Duan Hong and others were neutralized in the Battle of Jiankang

Although they did not go back, the rewards have been given to their families. These Xianbei warriors who had doubts about us before know that we really do what we say, pardon them, and will give them rewards based on their subsequent military exploits.

There were enough rewards, so they all rushed to fight. This time, there were nearly 8,000 cavalry and 3,000 to 4,000 infantry who volunteered to join the army. Ah Shou led them and about 10,000 newly recruited Han infantry to go south to attack the monster thieves.


Liu Daogui nodded: "But in this way, won't we be afraid that Qingzhou will be empty and the troops will be insufficient, and the Northern Wei or Later Qin will take the opportunity to attack?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "There are still about 20,000 defenders in Qingzhou, and there are also about 20,000 local troops from various states and counties, that is, the private soldiers of powerful families. Yang Muzhi leads the troops to guard there.

, and Pilu Daoxiu and others, as representatives of the local powerful families, stayed here."

"Moreover, the Northern Wei and the Later Qin are each having their own troubles. The Later Qin was attacked by Hu Xia and lacked troops. The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses who had previously planned to assist Sima Guofan and others withdrew from Luoyang, so that Sima Guofan,

The rebels like Sima Chuzhi could only withdraw their troops and return to Liangjun and other places."

"As for the Northern Wei Dynasty, their troubles may be even greater. The newly rising Mobei Rouran has unified the desert and become a powerful steppe khanate. Moreover, the current Rouran Khan Datan has completely turned against the Northern Wei Dynasty, claiming that

We must seek repayment from the Northern Wei Dynasty for the blood feud of previous generations of khans who were defeated at its hands and forced to surrender to it."

Liu Daogui said in surprise: "The Northern Wei Dynasty has only entered the Central Plains for more than ten years, and a new powerful khanate will appear on the grassland? I have heard of Rouran, but didn't they give the Northern Wei a miserable blow? Several generations of khans were either

Death or surrender, why does it suddenly become more important?"

Liu Muzhi curled up his lips: "In order to take over the Central Plains, the Northern Wei Dynasty took almost all the tribes who were willing to follow them to the Central Plains. There were more than 400,000 troops on foot and cavalry alone, and hundreds of other tribesmen.

After all these efforts, the grassland was emptied, and a large amount of water sources and pastures were emptied. The Rouran tribe, which had stayed in Mobei to guard and monitor other tribes, took the opportunity to stand on their own. Although they had been defeated by the Northern Wei Dynasty several times before,

, but the strength still exists, and after each failure, they will flee to the west and north. Although the Northern Wei army is powerful, it is not easy to pursue thousands of miles. After the main force of the Northern Wei Dynasty entered the Central Plains, even the Monan garrison

They have been greatly reduced, which gives Rouran an opportunity to attack and win over the tribes in Mobei and dominate the grassland."

"When Tuoba Si was there, the Northern Wei Dynasty was still a little afraid. Now that Tuoba Si has come to the throne, the regime is not stable. Some tribes in Monan itself also have a tendency to become centrifugal, let alone Rouran in Mobei.

So within a few years, the Rouran tribe unified Mobei and established a powerful khanate that controlled hundreds of thousands. They even crossed the desert from time to time to carry out plundering attacks and defeat the tribes in Monan that were still loyal to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

After these tribes, they dispersed and fled in several directions with their captive people, cattle and sheep."

"When the Northern Wei army came to rescue them, they had already fled without a trace. However, the Wei army crossed the desert several times to attack, but because of the distance, they returned without success. After the Wei army retreated to the Central Plains, they would come again. So

The fighting style is quite similar to Hu Xia's high-mobility way of attacking the Later Qin Dynasty, and the tired country's fighting style of coming and going without leaving a trace. Therefore, the Northern Wei Dynasty can also be said to be miserable, and it has to put most of its troops in Monan to deal with Rouran.


"As for the Liaodong area, Beiyan, the old rival of the Northern Wei Dynasty, has been preparing for war since Feng usurped the country. On the one hand, it attacked Goguryeo to expand its territory eastward. On the other hand, it also married Rouran, the predecessor who was ousted.

Hulu Khan was the one who wanted his daughter to marry Beiyan. However, traitorous ministers and subordinates spread rumors that he wanted to marry his daughter as a maid, so he was mutinied by his subordinates, captured and sent to the north together with the princess.

You've heard of the one from Yan, right?"

Liu Daogui nodded: "This matter is so famous that I don't think it would be easy not to hear about it. However, it seems that Beiyan and Rouran did not have bad blood after that. Although there was no intermarriage between the two parties, they were still a military alliance and shared their burdens with each other.

There is a lot of pressure from the Northern Wei Dynasty. If according to what you said, Rouran can invade the Northern Wei Dynasty many times now, then I believe that Beiyan here will also take the opportunity to counterattack the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "There is no big counterattack. After all, after Yan retreated to Liao, it was too far away from the Central Plains. Last time, Murong Bao, the late emperor of Later Yan, wanted to lead his army south to conquer the Northern Wei Dynasty.

, regained the lost territory, but the army mutinied on the way, resulting in death. Since then, the Yan State has almost given up the idea of ​​fighting back to the Central Plains, and just stayed in Liaoning. The alliance with Rouran was only for the self-protection of the same Qi Lianzhi, not for the purpose of

Counterattack the Central Plains."

"On the other hand, the Northern Wei Dynasty sent troops to attack Northern Yan several times, but they were defeated at the hands of the Yan army because of the long distance and difficulty in supplying supplies. After Tuoba Si's death, the two sides entered a stalemate stage, and no one could destroy the other.

, however, the Northern Wei Dynasty not only had to retain troops to defend Beiyan on the eastern front, but also used its main force to deal with Rouran. In the Hebei area of ​​the Central Plains, rebellions continued, and it was necessary to retain troops to suppress it. It was already beyond its capabilities and was unable to attack Qingzhou again.

We have already obtained this information and it has been confirmed. If this was not the case, how could we safely let the slaves lead the army to go south first, and then let Ah Shou lead the troops to leave?" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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