Chapter 534: The slave goes to the battlefield with a sword

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Even if some sharp bows and arrows penetrated the wooden surfaces of these shields, and the arrow tips opened bursts of wounds on the soldiers' bodies where the iron armor could not cover them, and blood flowed profusely, they did not dare to move the shields because of the pain.

Even if they opened it even half a minute, some people's palms would be nailed to the back of the shield by the arrow tip, and even the bones would be exposed. They could only groan and scream loudly to relieve their pain.

But he didn't dare to withdraw his palm even an inch.

There was another burst of heavy footsteps on the pontoon bridge. This time it was 3,000 more well-equipped Jin troops, trotting across the two pontoon bridges on the middle and right with shields on their backs, crossing at the fastest speed.

On the left floating bridge, craftsmen are still desperately repairing the broken section. Many of the shirtless water ghost warriors in the water have been killed by the dense rain of falling rocks and drowned.

In this water full of dead people, dead fish, shrimps and ice cubes, braving the biting cold and continuing to hold on to the stakes is a double test for people, both psychologically and physically. Many water ghosts are holding the stakes with their hands.

It was so trembling that the hammer-throwing warriors standing on the ship's deck couldn't hit it accurately.

After using the effort of erecting the previous three pontoon bridges, this section of the pontoon bridge was still not connected. Instead, the huge water columns rising continuously on both sides of the pontoon bridge and the impact of the waves made some warriors who smashed the piles unsteady on their feet.

He fell directly into the water, and after a few splashes, he was swallowed up by the waves, and he sank into the water with the hammer.

After paying the price of hundreds of lives, finally, a strong man with a sledgehammer hit the last hammer hard, turned around excitedly, raised his head and shouted: "The pile is ready! The bridge is open!"

Before the Sledgehammer Warrior finished speaking, another boulder weighing more than ten kilograms rolled in the air, as if it had eyes, and hit the Sledgehammer Warrior's head hard, turning him into a puddle.

At the same time, the pontoon bridge that had just been erected was smashed into pieces and broken. More than a dozen corpses, together with the wreckage of six or seven boats, were washed over by the raging Feishui River and turned over in the river.

It fluttered and finally flowed into the distance and disappeared!

Liu Yu kept going back and forth, walking back and forth like a wild beast. He wished he could grow wings on his ribs and fly directly across the river. At the moment when the bridge was connected, he punched him hard.

On his front chest armor, he roared: "Okay!" But before he could put down his hand, the pontoon bridge he had just connected was smashed to pieces again. His hand stayed in the air, with a look of joy on his face.

Suddenly it turned into surprise, and then became unbearably angry. He stamped his feet bitterly and cursed: "Straight bitch!"

Liu Yi's face was gloomy. His premonition was very bad. His intuition told him that no matter how many people died today, it would be difficult to win. There would be no such coincidence in the world. Two stones happened to hit the same place.

, exactly the same section of the pontoon that broke the same bridge. This may be a warning from God. He shook his head and said: "Jinnu, it seems that the weather is unfavorable today. If we want to attack again, I'm afraid

Should we act against nature, or should we withdraw our troops first and fight another day?"

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide and said sternly: "Xile, what did you say?! Do you want me to throw away the lives of more than a thousand brothers in vain and stop here? Our people, Rabbit and the others are still on the other side, and backup is about to pick up.

Now, as long as you push harder, you can rush down, how can you give up halfway!"

Liu Yi's expression was serious and he shook his head: "Send slaves, generals cannot attack out of anger. The entire situation is now extremely unfavorable to our army. Look at the wind!" He pointed at the big flag, not only now, but also

It no longer floated towards the south, and even had a faint attitude towards the north, which made Liu Yu's expression change.

Liu Yi continued: "The direction of the wind has changed. Now our army is about to face a headwind. The enemy's bows, arrows, trebuchets and their range will increase. At this time, when we attack against the wind, the enemy's bows, arrows and stones are less lethal."

will increase greatly, and our army's situation will become extremely unfavorable. Moreover, the enemy has obviously been prepared for our army's bridge attack. Moreover, they have not adopted the fire attack that I am most worried about. I am afraid that we

If the army continues to attack blindly, the losses will only be greater."

Liu Yu's face was gloomy and he said coldly: "Xile, is it possible to attack every other day and be successful?"

Liu Yi shook his head: "At least take a moment and think of a solution. Our army still has too few pontoon bridges, only three. And after landing, we only used shields to defend the front. I was careless and did not raise the shield in time. This way we can

They were killed in large numbers by the opponent's bows and arrows, and the losses were so heavy. But we also know Qin's troop configuration. They simply placed tens of thousands of archers in front. Next time we will move the catapults forward and directly bombard hundreds of people in their camp.

With one step, we can kill Qin's archers in large numbers and defeat his tactics."

Liu Yu shook his head, his eyes almost bursting with fire: "No, Marshal Xuan gave me the position of vanguard, so I have to live up to Marshal Xuan's trust. Besides, so many loyal and brave soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the country on the other side.

How could I let their sacrifices be in vain?!"

He turned his head, pointed at the 3,000 second echelon of Jin troops running from the two pontoons to the other side, and said loudly: "And my attack order has been issued. The second wave of soldiers have already rushed over. It is impossible to retreat now.

Come back, no matter what, I won't give up halfway!"

When he said this, he put the command flag in Liu Yi's arms, turned around and left. Liu Yi grabbed Liu Yu's hand, and he almost fell forward two steps as he led him.

He said anxiously: "Ji Nu, you, what are you doing?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "If this attack does not go well, I will personally lead the team to launch the third wave of attacks. Liu Xile, you are the person sent by Xuan Shuai, and you are also responsible for supervising the battle and supervising the army. You will be in charge here."

, take command of the overall situation, I, Liu Yu, will be a soldier of the Jin Dynasty until my death. Even if I fight bloody battlefields, I must be worthy of the Jin Dynasty!"

When he said this, he broke free from Liu Yi's hand and walked forward with his head held high. Liu Yi's nose was sore. Deep in his heart, he really didn't want Liu Yu to be lost in Feishui, but he was also very sad.

Knowing that he was powerless in this matter, he forced out a smile and pretended to be relaxed: "Don't be so serious. Our army has already stood on the other side, haven't we? Send a slave, you just have to

Just supervise the battle as needed, send as many troops as possible, and then consider it after the situation is stable. It is a taboo for military strategists to take risks personally, so don't be too reluctant."

Liu Yu laughed, picked up his hundred-refined iron sword, and ran forward without looking back: "Xile, if I can come back alive, I will definitely get drunk with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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