Chapter 552 Fu Rong goes into battle for a decisive battle

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Wave after wave of dull and low sounds of drums and horns sounded. The chariot soldiers on the front line of the Qin army pulled down their iron masks one by one. The charioteers began to pull the horse reins and waved their long whips to make the horses slowly move.

Starting to move forward, more than 300 chariots were lined up in a row, less than ten steps apart. At this distance, no matter how the Jin army changed its array again, it would be impossible to separate the lines as they did just now, and then stab or attack from the side.

The oblique shield overturned the chariot, so returning to the front line and resisting head on was probably the only option.

Fu Rong's expression was stern, and the cavalry in his hand was held high. In front of him, behind 300 chariots, more than 50,000 infantrymen of various ethnic groups had slowly followed behind the chariots and began to march, with strict discipline.

, Different from the well-organized infantry of the Jin army, these foreign soldiers from different regions, different races, and even different languages ​​​​are advancing like a tide, but the formation is completely scattered, and Fu Rong is too lazy to let them

It would be better to line up in formation and form a chaotic group, armed with swords, axes and bucklers, and attack in the form of jumping soldiers and sword-axemen.

Mao Dang frowned and whispered: "Mr. Yang Ping, is it really possible for us to press all the main forces at once? Do you want to use the iron cavalry to charge the enemy's flank first? And...


When Mao Dang said this, he pointed to two other battlefields along the Feishui River more than ten miles away. In the direction of the left army, Xie Yan's troops of more than 10,000 people had already crossed the river. They were now spread out on the river bank and were forming.

They fought back and forth with Shi Yue's 50,000 horses, with arrows covering the sky. Small groups of infantry rushed back and forth with the impact of the horses. However, the front line organized by the Jin army stood still like a forest of steel.

The Jin infantry behind them were rushing over from the south bank in a steady stream along the pontoon bridges set up by more than ten roads. For the time being, the two sides still formed a balance of power.

As for the right army, Zhang Hao was leading more than ten thousand cavalry to charge back and forth in the Jin army's formation. This fierce general, who was famous for his bravery, finally couldn't control his temper after the battle between the two sides was deadlocked for more than an hour.

His more than 3,000 cavalrymen launched an assault from the flank.

The right army under Xie Shi and Huan Yi on the opposite side was originally the weakest of the 80,000 Jin troops. It was not the Beifu Army that had undergone rigorous training. Although these troops were mainly composed of the Suwei Army in the capital and the Xifu Army in Yuzhou,

They can be regarded as well-equipped elites, but under the impact of Zhang Hao's iron cavalry that spanned the world and fought in the north and south, they were still unable to resist, and their flanks were ripped open.

The Qin Army's more than three thousand cavalry clashed left and right in the Jin Army's formation, disturbing the original orderly and orderly formation, which was on the verge of collapse. Even Huan Yi stood under the commander's banner and commanded the personal guards.

Counterattacks again and again failed to stop Zhang Hao's attack. At least thirty Jin cavalry generals were single-handedly thrown off their horses by Zhang Hao. Seeing that the Jin army's right army was unable to sustain its momentum, the entire army collapsed.

Within half an hour.

Fu Rong nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, our left army is in a stalemate and the right army is about to win. However, the decisive victory lies with the Chinese army. Zhang Hao cannot help within an hour. If we don't

Attack, if Liu Yu gets reinforcements here again, the fighter plane will be lost. It is not a big problem for 300 tanks to attack the 5,000 Jin troops, but if the number of Jin troops increases to more than 20,000, it will not be so easy to attack them.


Speaking of this, Fu Rong pointed to the pontoon bridge. Under the banner of a big general with the character "Liu", Liu Laozhi, a purple-faced and long-bearded man, was riding a tall horse and rushed across the pontoon bridge with more than a thousand cavalry. The Qin army

The catapults were still firing non-stop, setting off waves of waves in the Fei River, splashing all over the Jin army reinforcements, but they could not stop their progress, even half a step.

Fu Rong frowned and said: "This purple-faced general seems to be the commander-in-chief of the Jin Army's Tiger Force, Yingyang General Liu Laozhi, and the big man next to him should be his who is known for his bravery.

Son Liu Jingxuan, although this group of Jin troops came not many, less than 2,000 people, Liu Laozhi took action himself, and they should be his elite soldiers. It seems that the Jin army is planning to launch a full-scale assault."

Mao Dang was slightly startled: "Impossible? Only 2,000 people came here. Including Liu Yu's current troops, there are no more than 7,000 people. Is it possible that only these 7,000 people can defeat our army of hundreds of thousands?"

Fu Rong sighed: "Our army has more than 100,000 troops scattered on both wings. There are only more than 100,000 troops in the front, and there are 70,000 or 80,000 people guarding the King of Heaven. Judging from the current situation, there is no absolute advantage. Think of Liang.

When the 50,000-strong army formed a formation to block the water, wasn't it also defeated by the 5,000 Jin army? I think Liu Laozhi wants to repeat what happened that night. Liu Yu is already the most brave among the three armies. If he does it again,

With the addition of these two thousand fresh troops, we will charge forward fiercely, and I am afraid that even the fifty thousand infantrymen of our front army will not be able to stop him!"

Speaking of this, Fu Rong's eyes flashed coldly: "So you must not have any other ideas now. The tank is only a weapon when it comes to assault. If the enemy is allowed to counterattack, not only will the speed be unable to be used, but it will also prevent the enemy from behind.

The infantry stepped forward to fight in the passage, and the order was given to give up the attack of bows and arrows and flying stones. The armored chariots rushed into the formation in full force. When contacting the enemy, all catapults bombarded the enemy's formation in an all-round way. There must be no mistakes!"

Mao Dang's expression changed: "Mr. Yang Ping? Are you serious? Our army's chariots are heading towards the formation. At this time, flying rocks are attacking. Don't we need these 300 armored chariots?"

Fu Rong said coldly: "If it weren't for the hurling of stones when charging into the formation, I'm afraid that the Jin army would be protected by large shields and wooden platoons, and our army would not be able to hurt them. Before the previous attacks, our army attacked with arrows and flying rocks.

However, the results were minimal. General Mao, this tiger force is the top elite of the Jin army. Generals like Liu Laozhi and Liu Yu are the only tiger generals selected from ten thousand. No matter how much our losses are, as long as we can defeat this Jin army.

The destruction of the army is success!"

Mao Dang gritted his teeth and said, "I will obey the orders of General Yang Ping. If the last general is willing to lead troops into battle, he must take the heads of the two thieves Liu Laozhi and Liu Yu!"

A cold light flashed in Fu Rong's eyes. He slowly lowered his head and rode forward: "No, this time, I will personally lead the attack. General Mao, please guard the catapults and catapults in the rear."

Archers, remember, when our chariots rush into the enemy's formation, attack in full force and launch all the arrows and stones as quickly as possible, because my 50,000-strong army will attack after the chariots rush into the formation.

Launch a full-scale attack, clean up the battlefield, and not give the enemy any chance to breathe!"

Mao Dang looked at Fu Rong, who had already ridden dozens of steps, and pressed his fist on his chest: "The general is here to wish Yang Ping a victory."

Fu Rong's voice carried on the wind: "Great Qin will win!"

This chapter has been completed!
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