Chapter 578: Shanzhai Beifu can dominate (2)

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Chong looked troubled: "Guanzhong is indeed good, but Guanshan is dangerous and difficult to enter. Back then, my eldest brother also made an expedition to Guanzhong in the north, but failed to return, leaving regrets. Besides, this is the capital of the Qin State and is the most heavily defended. How is this possible?

How about taking it?"

A sly look flashed in Huan Xuan's eyes: "Uncle, what my nephew said is from Guanzhong, not Guanzhong."

Huan Shimin suddenly understood, nodded and said: "Lingbao means to take in the refugees from Guanzhong, resettle them in our Jingzhou territory, turn it into a place like Jingkou, and establish an organization like the Beifu Army, right?"

Huan Xuan nodded, looked at Huan Chong, and said: "When my late father went to Guanzhong in the north, although he did not conquer Chang'an, he also moved tens of thousands of Han residents back south. My uncle, do you know where they went?"


Huan Chong said with a smile: "Of course, the people were organized into households and dispersed to various prefectures and counties in Jingzhou. Now, they have become the people of Jingzhou, and they continue to provide taxes and military resources for our Huan family."

Huan Xuan said sternly: "This has been a common practice for plundering civilian households and captives since ancient times. However, seeing the example of the Beifu soldiers, my nephew felt that there was a better way to use them. Maybe they could be placed together.

, as an independent military household, it would be better to farm in the fields during normal times."

Huan Shiqian smiled and said: "Lingbao, do you want to restore the separation of military households and civilian households of Cao Cao and Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms period? I don't think it is reliable. This kind of military household, the military system is in Yongjia

It has been proven that it is not easy to use during the Rebellion. The combat effectiveness of generations of military households will plummet. Although the Beifu soldiers are very fierce now, once two or three generations pass, I am afraid that even Wu Disu, who built Kangcheng, will

They are worse than the guards."

Huan Xuan shook his head: "The military household system originated from Cao Cao. At the end of the Three Kingdoms, Dong Zhuo brought chaos to the country, and the world was in chaos. The powerful princes from all over the country were rising. In contrast, the governance of the prefectures and counties completely collapsed, and the people lost their organization.

and management, they could not protect themselves in the face of attacks by bandits, so they stopped farming, destroyed production, and eventually became refugees and starved to death in large numbers. The Eastern Han Dynasty still had a population of 60 million during the reign of Emperor Huan. By the Three Kingdoms era, it might have dropped to

There are only five to six million people left, which shows how terrible this war and natural disaster is!"

Huan Shiqian didn't study much. When he heard this, he took a breath of air: "Is it so miserable? They say that the Yongjia Rebellion made the north feel like the end of the world, but I don't think it's this miserable."

Huan Xuan smiled and said: "That's because during the Yongjia Rebellion, most of the Han people in the north built their own forts and farmed in the mountains, and they were still able to survive. In addition, the war in the north did not last as long as expected. Zhao

The states of Yan, Yan, and Qin have all been in stable rule for many years, and the people have not reached the point where no one is inhabited. Of course, if Zhao is destroyed by Xianghou, no one can survive the years when Ran Wei was established.

, people like Liu Laozhi of the Beifu Army, it was at this time that their families went south and took refuge in Jin Dynasty."

Huan Shimin nodded: "Back then, when Cao Cao was in charge of military affairs, he selected the strongest Yellow Turban thieves to serve as soldiers for generations. He wiped out the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou and captured more than a million people. Of course, most of these people were the ones Lingbao just mentioned.

He selected and trained tens of thousands of the refugees, who were named Qingzhou Soldiers. They were also an important force when Cao Cao first launched his army. Everyone knows this. These military households are not engaged in production, only fighting, and even their wives

They were all issued by Cao Cao to the women who were captured during the troubled times. During the battle, the wives, children and families were left behind as hostages. Once there was an act of treason and surrender to the enemy, the whole family would be killed. If they fought bravely, they would be in the army.

He can be promoted to the rank of general. With this method, Cao Cao's army has strong soldiers and quickly stands out among all the forces in the world at that time."

Huan Shiqian sneered and said, "Aren't our Jingzhou soldiers the same? We also recruit civilians as soldiers. They are exempted from taxes in peacetime, and in wartime they are recruited as soldiers. Those who fight well can be promoted, just like Wu Fuzhi and Huangfu Fu.

, and Feng Gai, Guo Quan and other Jingzhou generals, aren’t they all promoted in the army? Compared with Cao Wei’s military household system, which can only serve as soldiers for generations and can’t even think about farming, isn’t it much stronger?”

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "Yes, but brother, did you ignore something? Those people in the Beifu soldiers fight every day, and we, the Jingzhou soldiers, are only recruited when there is a big war. We usually go home to farm and fight.

It’s not their survival instinct, this is the essential difference from the Beifu Army!”

Huan Shiqian frowned: "Then it's impossible to let the enemy attack our Jingzhou mainland every day. If that were the case, production would be destroyed and food would be gone, so why fight?"

Huan Xuan nodded: "So, the refugees from the Beifu soldiers live in border areas like Lianghuai. This place is originally used as a buffer for them to form strongholds to protect themselves. If they really can't survive, the imperial court will

Providing some rice and grain assistance can motivate these people to be self-reliant and work hard. Every day they either fight against the Hulu who come to rob them or rob the Hu tribesmen. In this way, even women and children will have strong

With their fighting power, it can be said that they are the elite soldiers selected by the barbarians for the Jin Dynasty with their sabers."

Huan Chong smiled and said: "Then where does Lingbao think we should resettle these Guanzhong refugees?"

Huan Xuan smiled and said: "Of course it is in the Xiangyang area. From the Nanyang Basin, you can go straight to the Central Plains to the northeast and land in Luoyang. To the northwest, you can go through Wuguan and Shangluo Road into Guanzhong. This is a natural border and the place where people from Guanzhong flow out.

This is the first station. In the future, refugees from Guanzhong, whether leaving Tongguan or Wuguan, can be resettled here. A Yongzhou will be specially set up to manage it."

Huan Shimin said with a smile: "Lingbao's trick is brilliant. Setting up this kind of prefecture and county for overseas Chinese can force these immigrants to fight back to their hometown in the future. Just like the Xie family set up a Youzhou for overseas immigrants.

The San'a area is used to resettle the northern refugees led by Tian Luo. This time they fought as the Beifu Army and performed well. But I have another question. Although your idea is good, you still have to be willing to come forward.

That’s all.”

"We all know that the people of Guanzhong are known as the people of the king. They have a strong sense of their hometown and relocate. Even if they starve to death, it is difficult to leave. Back then, the old master had to rob tens of thousands of people by force. Then Fu Jian

He has always been benevolent and righteous within the territory, and the people of all ethnic groups in the Guanzhong area support him very much. After the Battle of Feishui, Qin's control over Guandong will be reduced, but Guanzhong is still its capital, and it will protect it to the death with all its strength. Why?

Will some homeless people come to our place?"

This chapter has been completed!
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