Chapter 802: The tiger comes out of the cave and kills it

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The two corpses fell forward and were carried away by the force of the stabbing. Liu Yu's figure moved to the wall in an incredible way and stuck close to him. He watched coldly as the two corpses leaned forward.

, then flew up and kicked the butt of the corpse on the left. The corpse was kicked out with such force that it flew straight out of the cave.

The sound of "whooshing" was heard endlessly, and at least twenty crossbow arrows were nailed to this corpse. Liu Yu's tiger eyes flashed, and he reached out and grabbed another corpse.

Leap out.

In the grass outside, more than twenty Xianbei sergeants were holding up powerful crossbows in a daze. They almost instinctively fired all the crossbow bolts in their hands. Only those with sharp eyes and quick reactions found the man flying out.

It wasn't Liu Yu. Before they could say anything, they saw another black shadow jumping out of the hole. Before they could judge who came out this time, they saw a body rushing towards them.

With a "plop" sound, the killer's body hit the crowd of people in the grass on the left, knocking six or seven people upside down, and Liu Yu's figure, accompanied by the cold light of Su Tiedao, suddenly got into the grass on the right.

Among them, the moment he came out of the cave, his diamond-like perspective had clearly seen the enemies on the left and right. There were eleven people on the left and nine on the right, but there was one person who looked like a leader and was wearing an iron helmet.

, but on the right.

So Liu Yu rushed out of the hole this time, threw the body to the left, and went straight to the right. He saw the head of the Xiyan army, a face in his thirties, with an unshaven face, and a freshly scabbed face.

The knife mark penetrated his right cheek. It was obviously a new injury from the previous battle. This man should be a strong general in the Xiyan Army, otherwise, he would not stay here to command the ambush.

The Xiyan military leader also obviously saw Liu Yu. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly pushed the two crossbow-wielding companions around him forward. With the force of this push, he rolled over and rushed towards

He fell into the grass behind him. This was obviously something he had planned long ago. Once the enemy got close, he would immediately escape from the grass.

Liu Yu laughed and swung the long knife in his right hand quickly. The two Xiyan sergeants who were pushed forward felt a chill on their necks. When they were about to reach up and touch them, they found that there was nothing in their necks, and it was hot and smelly.

, blood like a fountain surged out from the broken throat, staining both of their hands. The two heads still maintained their inertia and flew forward, flying past Liu Yu's shoulders on both sides.

The bodies of the two men still ran forward for six or seven steps before falling with a crash.

Liu Yu's tiger-like body passed through the gap between the two of them. The knife was so fast and violent, cutting off the head like tofu, without even a second's delay. When he passed through the two of them,

Suddenly, the chain in his left hand was like a shooting star chasing the moon. It came out of his hand and hit the head of the Xiyan army in the back of the head just as he was about to disappear into the grass.

With a "pop" sound, Liu Yu's ears clearly heard the sound of the iron helmet shattering and the skull being torn apart, as well as the strange "pop" sound when the brains and blood burst out. This chain

The hammer was specially made by Kong Jing when he came out this time. It is made of hundreds of refined steel as the chain and a meteorite that fell from the sky as the hammer body. It is about one-third lighter than the ordinary hammer, but it can be thrown at a distance of

Further, the power is greater. At a distance of ten steps, anything hit can break monuments and crack rocks. No matter how much you practice foreign qigong, as long as you get hit by a hammer, your bones and tendons will be broken. As long as you hit the head

, the heart, the back of the head and other vital places, those who hit it will die immediately!

And this unlucky Xiyan military leader was hit in the most fatal part of the head. Even the gods could not save his life. The body rolled into the grass, rolled over twice, and never moved again.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Yu killed three people in a row. He was so fast and so ruthless that the Xiyan sergeants who had just abandoned their crossbows and drew their swords all stood there as if they had been immobilized.

At the same place, as soon as Liu Yu turned around, the meteor flying hammer came out again, hitting the face of a dazed guy with his hand still pressed on the handle of the knife seven steps away from the center left. The iron face was immediately mixed with his broken skull.

His whole face was sunken five inches, and blood dripped out from the fragments of the iron mask that was riddled with holes.

Even the ferocious and brutal Xiyan sergeants were shocked by Liu Yu's inhumane killing method. They pulled out their knives one by one, but their hands were shaking. Although they shouted and rushed upward, their legs were weakening.

In terms of morale, Liu Yu has been completely suppressed. Although there are still more than a dozen big men with swords, even if Liu Yu is just a child now, it is easy to deal with them.

Liu Yu's face was splattered with a lot of blood and brain matter. The salty and fishy smell was the most authentic battlefield smell. As a soldier, his bloodthirsty instinct was aroused by this smell. Liu Yu could only

Feeling that his limbs were full of strength and his heart was burning with fire, he closed his eyes, raised his head, and breathed hard through his nose, while his tongue inadvertently licked the blood on his lips, like black demonic water entering his blood vessels.

In the middle, the burning fire in his heart was no longer controllable. It almost burst out of his chest and burned the entire world!

Liu Yu suddenly opened his eyes. The tiger eyes that were still black and white just now were filled with blood red. In the outside world, there were only a dozen or so standing and trembling figures left. But the only thing Liu Yu knew clearly in his heart was

That is: these people must die!

Liu Yu grinned, showing his white teeth, and suddenly laughed, saying in Xianbei dialect: "Tell me, how do you want to die?!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Liu Yu's foot stepped on the chest of a Xiyan sergeant. His left arm was broken. The arm holding the knife fell to the ground three steps away, and his left knee was hit by the meteor flying hammer.

It was almost like powder. The white bone fragments and broken greaves were mixed together and stuck in the blur of flesh and blood between his thighs. A half-broken hamstring had become the connection between the two legs.

The last link between the two parts, this man is howling like a killing pig: "Kill me, kill me, give me pleasure!"

The battle is over. There are nineteen corpses scattered around. Almost every one of them is mutilated. They were killed by Liu Yu in a crazy state just now. With the help of hundreds of irons and meteor flying hammers, these Xiyan sergeants even ran for their lives.

There is no chance, and the one who is being stepped on by Liu Yu now is the only guy who can fight ten moves with Liu Yu before his legs are broken by a hammer and then his arms are cut off. This kind of martial arts can also be selected in the Beifu Army.

. It is precisely because of this that he is still breathing now, because Liu Yu has something to ask him.

This chapter has been completed!
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