Chapter 945 Ah Shou kills enemies like an overlord

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At the critical moment, I heard a tiger's roar, like a thunderbolt exploding in mid-air, and even the earth seemed to tremble: "Don't hurt my brother, take your life!"

A huge figure, with the sound of howling wind, flew past Liu Yu and crashed into the bald Xianbei knight. And even bigger than the others was a heavy long-handled war hammer.

The thick iron head was even specially cast into the shape of a holding iron fist, just like the owner of this giant hammer, the giant man Liu Jingxuan who was dressed in bearskin and looked like an iron tower.

Faced with the charging armored cavalry, most people would not dare to block them head-on, let alone someone like Liu Jingxuan who, with his flesh and blood body wrapped in iron armor, would directly go forward and collide with Liu Yu.

The two Yan Army soldiers who were in the tug of war were so shocked that their eyes widened. They even forgot that they were also on the line between life and death. They just watched Liu Jingxuan quickly pass Liu Yu's side, and he was less than seven steps away.

Outside, armored cavalry with flying hooves rushed towards them.

The bald knight's eyes almost spurted blood, and blood penetrated his pupils. The mace had already been swung in several large circles on his head, bringing with it huge kinetic energy, and swung it directly sideways towards Liu Jingxuan, using the momentum of the war horse.

, this blow can be described as a thunderous blow like a landslide and the earth is shattering. Even the city wall of Chang'an was able to add huge momentum to this hammer and was knocked down alive by it!

Liu Yu also widened his eyes and shouted forgetfully: "Shou, be careful, don't force yourself!"

Liu Jingxuan, however, laughed regardless and went straight forward. The war horse neighed, stood up with both hooves forward, and hit Liu Jingxuan's chest with two iron palms covered with hoofs.

, and the mace swept directly towards his head with the murderous aura of the wind. The attacks from both directions were like lightning and flint. Even if you were a Daluo Jinxian, it would be difficult to withstand these two attacks at the same time. And the upright war horse

, perfectly covering most of the front of the bald knight on the horse, which shows how superb and experienced this man is in combat. Otherwise, how could he be an officer wearing both armor and cavalry.

Liu Jingxuan gritted his steel teeth tightly, his eyes widened with anger, and he passed his big hammer directly forward instead of blocking the mace that hit his head. This was beyond everyone's expectation.

Liu Yu even closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to see his good brother being beaten out of his head like this. No matter how strong the Beifu soldiers were and how hard their bones were, they couldn't just wear a helmet and hit it hard.

This huge wolf-toothed stick weighs several dozen kilograms.

Not only did Liu Yu close his eyes, but even the bald knight on the horse was shocked. He opened his mouth in surprise and stuck his head out of the horse. He also wanted to see if this man dressed in bearskin was going to die.

Who are these tough guys who don't want anyone? In the ice and snow of the north, there are many warriors wearing bearskin and tiger skins. This does not surprise him, but what kind of person is under the bearskin is what he is concerned about.


Liu Jingxuan suddenly burst out laughing: "Go to hell!"

His sledgehammer was originally passed forward, hitting the horse's head directly, but the moment the bald head appeared from the horse's head, the hammer was slightly raised about two inches, and Liu Jingxuan's hand suddenly

Twisting the handle of the big hammer, there was a sound of a mechanism, and the hammer head weighing dozens of kilograms suddenly flew out from the handle like a cannonball, like a huge solid iron cannonball, fiercely

It hit the bald man in the face.

The head of the bald Xianbei knight, that daunting head with countless scars, was suddenly smashed into pieces like a fragile egg shell. At such a close distance, the hammer flew with the force of breaking through the air.

The whole head was hit and exploded on his neck. The red and white things scattered and sprayed wildly in the air, while the strong body was still sitting on the horse, even swinging

The speed of the mace has not weakened even one bit.

Seeing that the mace was less than half a foot away from Liu Jingxuan's head, the strong wind even blew off the head of Liu Jingxuan's bear coat, revealing his face full of flesh, in this electric light.

In an instant, two horse hooves stepped heavily on Liu Jingxuan's chest. Along with the terrifying sound of gold and iron as the heart-protecting iron mirror shattered, Liu Jingxuan's body felt like a leaf being swept away by a Category 12 typhoon.

The whole boat flew up, including the man and the armor, which weighed more than 200 kilograms. It flew backwards like a wild goose on the sand, flew past Liu Yu's side again, and landed heavily on the grass behind him, and the pole

The huge mace swept across less than half a foot from his eyes at the moment he flew up. The strong wind even made the bridge of his nose crooked.

While Liu Jingxuan flew out like this, he laughed loudly: "It's so exciting for his grandma, it's so cool!"

Liu Yu also laughed loudly: "Ah Shou, that's awesome!" He said, roaring like a tiger, and suddenly exerted force with his left hand. The Xianbei rider who was a little stunned just now exerted force on him and pulled him hard.

He dismounted, and the knight on the right who was stepped on by Liu Yu suddenly turned pale. He could not care about his companions behind him. He abandoned the horse with both hands and turned around to run away. Liu Yu's strike was like lightning, with his left hand

The farewell knife that had been hanging on the wrist whizzed up, moving like a meteor, and immediately pierced the back of the fleeing knight's neck. The sound of the broken throat bone could be heard even ten steps away.

It was clear that he stretched out his hand weakly to grab it, then fell to the ground and died.

The fallen knight on the left struggled to get up, but a big black man ran straight in front of him and raised his feet high. The knight could clearly and horrifiedly see that the soles of his shoes were already covered with blood.

Black lumps appeared, and the pungent smell rushed straight to his head. At the moment when his foot broke his head, he seemed to hear a loud laugh: "Tell the King of Hell that the one who killed you is Tieniu Xiang Jing."


Liu Yu shook his head, put away his parting knife, and looked around in a blink of an eye. Hundreds of soldiers from the Beifu Army had already rushed to the front row of armored cavalrymen. They fought in a melee and became a mass. They were unable to charge and were fighting on the spot.

All the armor and cavalry are equipped, but all the advantages have turned into fatal weaknesses. Sitting high on the horse, they move clumsily and have difficulty turning around. However, many Beifu soldiers simply do not fight with the knights on the horse who are swinging their sticks, and they are short and focus on cutting.

The horse's legs and the whinnying of the war horse were endless. Liu Yu wiped the blood on his face, threw a few horse intestines hanging on his shoulders to the ground, raised his knife and rushed towards the second-line armored cavalry more than ten steps away: "Block

I will die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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