1225.【Jasmine】Future Sirius 1

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[This is Jasmine’s story...a brand new romantic story...]

【I still remember you...and what about you?

Do you still remember the bright look on your face and eyebrows many years ago?

It made me have wild imaginations at that time...]

London, Thames Avenue.

Number one hundred and thirty-seven.

A beige-yellow tall building that looks to be a hundred years old but has some modern touches - the "Times Crystal Palace".

This building is the global headquarters of lmh, a famous fashion group and a world-famous advertising giant in London.

One day in September, many people gathered at the door of this building, almost blocking the entire entrance.

Although this building usually has people coming and going, most of them are professional men and women.

Today, a group of men and women who looked young gathered in the center of the hall, with anxious expressions on their faces, as if they were waiting for some result, and this result was related to their fate.

Things started three months ago.

Three months ago, lmh Company, the aircraft carrier of the advertising industry, announced to the world an unprecedented advertising design competition - "Future Sirius".

The judges hired by "Future Sirius" are senior managers and even presidents of major advertising companies around the world, as well as some of the world's most famous designers and brand founders in the advertising industry.

The contestants are mainly newcomers to the advertising industry.

The selection competition consists of two auditions and two finals.

It can be said that if you win a ranking in the "Future Sirius" competition, even if it is only a ranking within the UK, it is already the biggest desire of every advertising student and even new practitioners in the advertising industry.

Indeed, today is the day when the winners of the first finals of the British division of "Future Stars" are announced.

This competition is mainly open to students from advertising departments in major universities across the UK, as well as young people who have graduated within three years.

Therefore, most of the people waiting for the results at this door are young people in their early twenties.

She is full of youth, wearing colorful clothes, and her hair and skin are of various colors.

However, the same longing look in his eyes was the same.

——I want to succeed!!

Among this group of people, in the corner, there was a slender, white-skinned oriental woman.

Holding a bottle of mineral water, half sitting on the steps.

Although there are all kinds of skin colors among this group of people, after all, whites make up the majority, there are also some blacks, and there are very few Oriental faces.

Also, not many Orientals come to London to study art. Moreover, in this advertising competition, if you are a student in a university, you need to be recommended by a tutor, and the tutor's recommendation will naturally give priority to students from home countries and white races.

Therefore, among the contestants who have gone through two rounds of auditions and are waiting for the results of the first round of finals, there are very few faces from Dongfang.

And this girl, who looks about ten years old, is undoubtedly an oriental beauty. Her delicate white skin is as delicate as porcelain. Compared with the snow-white skin of Westerners, it is no less beautiful, but it has more of an oriental subtle flavor.


A pair of pure black eyes, not particularly big, but very delicate almond eyes, with extremely delicate facial features. The small face has no makeup, but it looks like a dewy rose, with an indescribable stubbornness and unwillingness to admit defeat.


Her lips were pursed thinly. At first glance, she could tell that she was a girl who didn't like to talk much, but she also had her own ideas.

This chapter has been completed!
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