1737. Industry Conscience 2

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"By the way! Are you looking for a girlfriend now? Do you want to go on a blind date? Haha! Let me tell you, when I learned that you were coming back, Zhang Kong helped you find a blind date. As long as you agree, we can meet at any time, even If You Are the One

No need to participate!!!”

Xiao Yunuo felt speechless for a while, put down her chopsticks, and suddenly lost all appetite. A cold chill flashed in her eyes: "I know you are doing it for my own good, but don't be too troublesome. You know, there is only one person in my heart."


Yan Yuru knew who he was talking about and shrugged his shoulders: "That was all eight hundred years ago. You can't hang yourself on a tree forever. You are still young. That person must also want you to live well."

Earth, don’t you think so?”

Xiao Yunnuo kept silent, just lowered his head and ate his food, but he seemed to be unable to eat anymore. Yan Yuru could only sigh when he saw his good brother's appearance and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, okay,

I see you can’t eat it, so go back to the office, hey...it’s really asking what love is in the world, and one thing will be the next thing!”

"Yes." Xiao Yunnuo said nothing and strode back.

Yan Yuru seemed to have remembered something and shouted again: "Remember to lend me your little secretary assistant! I will treat you to a foie gras dinner!"


In the following time, Xiao Yun seemed to have encountered some minor troubles, or was having a bad day.

I always see people being called into his office to talk. And often the people who come out don’t look very good.

——What's going on?

Zhen Kaiai thought to herself, he was doing well this morning, and he seemed to be in a good mood while eating.

Why did it suddenly become so uncertain?

Could it be that Yan Yuru said something to offend him?

But it seems like the two of them have a pretty good relationship, right?

Men's hearts are as deep as the bottom of the sea, and she, Zhen Keai, is really unpredictable.

Could it be that Xiao Yunnuo is jealous of Yan Yuru's handsomeness? But although Yan Yuru is handsome, he can score 90 points, and Mr. Xiao is not bad in appearance either. Zhen Keai thinks it is selfish... I would probably score 95 points, no, 93.

It’s still ok…

Zhen Ai thought about it and thought that maybe Xiao Yunuo was just unhappy today.

If you are upset, well, men must be here too!

Therefore, this afternoon, Zhen Keai paid even more attention to her words and deeds. If Xiao Yunnuo caught something, she would be scolded to death by him.

Not only did she not dare to play games, she even dared not open WeChat. She pretended to borrow some company product catalogs from a few colleagues, thinking that even if Xiao Yunuo came to visit her, she could not be blamed for learning corporate culture!

But as Zhen Keai looked at it like this, she began to admire Xiao Yunnuo's talent.

Girls always like beautiful things.

Jewelry, rings, bouquets, beautiful albums, these are every woman's favorites.

Even Zhen Keai, who has been a thief, is no exception.

She could tell that Xiao Yunuo's design style was really great.

Combining Eastern elegance with Western nobility, each series is unique. No wonder his jewelry is so popular...

Zhen Keai stretched out her finger blankly and touched the ring on the album...

It must be expensive...but it's really beautiful...

…There won’t be any woman in the world who doesn’t like it…

Until get off work, Xiao Yunnuo didn't ask her to go in to make coffee or anything. Instead, she spent a peaceful afternoon and learned a lot.

Zhen Kaitai was packing her things with her head down when she heard Yan Yuru's voice above her head: "Lovely, do you have time tonight? I want to invite you to be my dance partner to attend a commercial dance. By the way, I have already

I told Xiao Yunnuo about this, so you don’t have to worry about your boss deducting your salary."

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