1739. Men Will Come to Daddy 2

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"Okay, okay, I don't care, I don't care, I didn't say that just now, CEO, goodbye! I wish you a good evening!"

She had already fled the scene before Xiao Yunnuo said the words "wage deduction".

That speed is really faster than Shenzhou 7.

Xiao Yunnuo looked at Zhen Keai's back and wondered for some reason. Could it be that Zhen Keai was really interested in Yan Yuru?

Otherwise, she would go to the prom when she has nothing to do at home?

Xiao Yunnuo felt depressed in her heart, always feeling like there was something stuck there.

This woman was crying and looked like she couldn't forget her ex-boyfriend's scumbag. Although the man was indeed a scumbag, her tears did touch his heart at a certain moment.

After all, he is also a person who has had his heart broken.

Sad people understand sad people best.

But now she turns into a nymphomaniac when she sees Yan Yuru!

Xiao Yunnuo only felt a suffocating fire, opened the door and asked: "Is Wei Lan here?"


When Yan Yuru saw Zhen Keai come out, she smiled Wenrun and said to her, "Are you ready to leave? We have to buy you an evening dress. You must be hungry too. After buying the evening dress, you need to eat something."

, so time is very tight, let’s go.”

Zhen Keai stood at the door of the elevator, her face changed color: "Hey, evening dress?"

"Yes, since we are going to the prom, of course you have to wear a dress! Although the dress you are wearing now is not bad, I will find a dress that suits you better and make sure you sparkle today!"

Yan Yuru is good at talking, and her words make Zhen Keai feel very comfortable and well spoken.

(Look, surnamed Xiao, your subordinate and good friend is better at talking than you, gentle and handsome, tsk tsk, I think you don’t have to mess around anymore, be careful of the waves behind you in the Yangtze River to catch up with the waves in front, and the waves in front will die on the beach...)

(Xiao Yunuo: Haqiu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Why do I sneeze even if I don’t catch a cold? Is someone cursing me?)

However, even so, Zhen Keai still stuck out her tongue at the gentle Yan Yuru sincerely.

"That one is very expensive. I don't have much money and can't afford it. Minister Yan, I'm really sorry. If you had told me that you wanted to buy something so expensive, I wouldn't have agreed to it. Otherwise, you can find something else now."

Can your female colleague go with you? It should be enough time!"

Yan Yuru could see Zhen Keai's concerns and worries, and reached out to rub Zhen Keai's short flaxen hair: "Okay, this is a dance that the company needs to attend, so the evening dress and other things are paid for by the company, so you can

Don't worry. So now let's go shopping for clothes."

"Ah? Is it really that good? Minister Yan, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"How could I lie to you? You are such a good girl. I will not be punished if I lie to you. Okay, okay, our company is not so poor that we can't even afford an evening dress."

"But... Mr. Xiao, what should I do if Mr. Xiao doesn't reimburse me? I think he is so stingy..."

"Pfft." Yan Yuru looked at Zhen Keai's timid eyes and laughed, "Don't worry, Yunnuo is not a stingy person. It's just that you don't understand him well enough. He was very strict with people at the beginning. Wait until you understand him.

He will know that he is actually a person who cares about other people's thoughts..."

This chapter has been completed!
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