250. Jealous of Other Women! 2

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It is said that this master John Peter is known as the old naughty stage actor, who likes to put on makeup and look like other people.

There are rumors that every time he goes to a country, he will find a way to disguise himself as a person from that country, go into the streets, get to know the people of that country, understand the customs and people of that country, and add luster to his creations.

Huanyan had been paying close attention to this news before.

Just now, she saw that although the old man's face was covered with traces of wind and frost, but a closer look revealed that the skin texture under the traces of wind and frost was not like that of an Oriental.

It's white and dry, more like the skin of an old white man.

She, Ye Huanyan, studied art and had made up various people. The time she participated in the masquerade party dressed as a 'Catwoman' was her most proud work.

Therefore, although she is not a master of this kind of camouflage, she has a glimpse of it.

Then she saw the shrewd look in the old man's eyes, and the slightly blue light revealed when his eyes turned. At that time, she felt that this old man was no ordinary person, maybe he was the Master John Peter himself.

Sure enough, her prediction came true.

Master John Peter disguised himself as a Chinese old man, but was scolded by the vulgar Mrs. Nie. He almost sent him to the police and the police station. Huanyan can imagine that the master must be very depressed and wanted to give some relief to these vulgar ladies.

Take a look at some color.

Since the master was so playful, Huanyan also thought, even if he wanted to give Mrs. Nie some color, he probably wouldn't be too persistent.

What's more, he should have some admiration for himself, so it's not impossible to give him face.

Sure enough, she succeeded!


People like Mrs. Nie and Mrs. Wang who flatter her with words but laugh at her origins all look at her with admiration at this moment.

Huanyan is not a very competitive person, and she doesn't care about winning or losing.

She has been very indifferent since she was a child. No matter how outstanding her sister is, and she is just an ordinary little girl, she rarely has feelings of envy and jealousy, but is sincerely proud of her sister.

Because she feels that everyone has his or her own life. If others look mediocre and do nothing, maybe he himself is very happy, and if others look glamorous and reach the top of the mountain, maybe others don't know the pain in his heart.

Therefore, she never envied others, but these so-called noble ladies, wearing designer jewelry, had naked greed and jealousy in their eyes.

She really didn't know that marrying Situ Chenjue would make people so jealous. If they knew Ye Xiaoyu's real life status, would they still be jealous?

And that Wen Yuner looks very hostile to me at first sight.

Why? Could it be that Senior Xiao told her the past events between himself and his sister? But Senior Xiao should not be this kind of person...

Also, Moon Yoon-ah actually looks a bit like herself. Maybe it was Senior Xiao who specially chose a face similar to his sister's to star in "Eternal Promise"...

However, no matter how you say it, this turnaround was a very happy one.

She laughed at herself and thought, maybe she wasn't that calm after all!

Perhaps, in this environment full of intrigues and schemes, one day I will become that kind of vain and vulgar woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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