85. Let Me Go 3

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My sister also told herself that as long as she was pregnant, that little Jasmine would not be a thing to be afraid of.

However, if you take medicine every time, how can your sister be pregnant?

Could it be that all this is an illusion? My sister’s life is not happy at all and she has been suffering from inhuman torture mentally...

The look in her eyes caused the evil fire in Situ Chenjue's heart to explode again:

"Why are you looking at me like this? Are you pretending to be pitiful? Have you forgotten our original agreement? Ye Xiaoyu, let me tell you, the reason why I married you is because you promised me not to have children! Remember, never think

What tricks are you trying to pull off! If I find out what tricks you are trying to pull out without telling me, you will die miserably!"

After saying that, he called to Xie Ma: "Xie Ma, come here and give the young mistress a glass of water!"


Ye Huanyan suddenly laughed. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the man in front of her. She said in a lazy and careless tone: "Husband, you don't have any common sense about physical hygiene. If you want to be 100% safe, you shouldn't.

Is it up to you to use that thing?"

She felt funny in her heart. Men are like this. They want to enjoy themselves and are unwilling to wear condoms, but they also want women to take medicine. My sister has been taking this kind of medicine, it must be bad for her health!

I remember when I was taking a physiological hygiene class, the kind female doctor told me that taking too much of this medicine would affect a woman’s menstrual cycle and even her temper and mood. Maybe my sister’s subsequent irritability was also related to this medicine.

What a relationship!

This man is really too much! How much pain has my sister suffered at his hands?


Situ Chenjue looked at Ye Huanyan with an expression of complete indifference. He grabbed her chin with one hand and forced her to look up at him. His thin lips opened and closed coldly, "This is what you should pay, and it is what I have agreed upon."

! This medicine is imported, 100% effective, and..." His voice slowed down a little: "It won't do much harm to the body. Don't worry, you are still my wife, and I will not make you sick.


Huanyan turned her head, not wanting to look at that hateful face: "I told you, I won't eat!"

"Don't want to eat?" Situ Chenjue's forehead veins were exposed.

At this moment, Xie’s mother brought a water glass.

Situ Chenjue took it, opened Huanyan's mouth fiercely, and stuffed the pill into her mouth: "Here, take it!"

"I won't eat!" Huanyan's anger and sorrow had reached a certain point.

Why is this happening? This man stripped her of her self-esteem, humiliated her nakedly, toyed with her, and now he is acting like a devil.

Yes, she should bear this, because her sister has paid with her life.

This is what she is willing to bear for her sister, but it is not worth it if she just promises Xiao Yun, why!

She refused to open her mouth. Situ Chenjue became angry, took off the belt from her waist, and locked her other hand to the bed frame tightly.

Now Huanyan could no longer struggle, she opened her big eyes and looked at him helplessly.

Situ Chenjue sneered, stuffed the pill into her mouth, took a sip of water, and then viciously blocked Huanyan's lips with his lips.

This chapter has been completed!
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