86. She is not worthy of his child 1

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Situ Chenjue sneered, stuffed the pill into her mouth, took a sip of water, and then viciously blocked Huanyan's lips with his lips.

Huanyan struggled hard, but there was absolutely no fulcrum for resistance.

A thin stream of water flowed down the corners of the two people's mouths.

It flowed through her collarbone and her heart, everything was so cold...

Just like this substitute marriage!

It wasn't until Huanyan was sure that she had swallowed all the pills that Situ Chenjue let go of her and looked into her eyes with satisfaction: "Remember, don't let me resist like this next time, otherwise, you know there will be

What consequences!"

Then, he turned and left.

Soon, the car motor sounded again.

Huanyan shed tears in despair and mechanically pulled her arm. How long will she be tied here like this?

If the hand tied by the tie only feels a little painful, the hand tied by the belt feels as uncomfortable as being tortured.

But even so, she did not stop struggling. She banged her head against the bed frame hard, making a muffled sound.

Just let her die!

She should have been the one who died that day!

Not sister!

If she had died at that time, she would not have to suffer this kind of pain. If she died now, her parents would not make things difficult for her, nor would they force her to steal a huge amount of money from Situ Chenjue.

What should she do?


Xie Ma heard the loud noise coming from the young mistress, and ran over in panic. She saw the young mistress with disheveled hair, her hands tied to the bed frame, and she was banging her head against the bed frame, with some blood oozing from her forehead.


Mother Xie was extremely frightened. Fortunately, although she was not young, she was still a tall and strong woman. She quickly rushed forward, restrained Huan Yan, and put a piece of clothing on her.

Huanyan's mind has been collapsing frequently. She is trembling, crying, and screaming: "Don't save me, let me die! I don't want to be tortured by the devil here anymore, let me die!"

"Hey, young mistress!" Xie Ma shook her head in distress.

She didn't know why, but she felt that the young lady today seemed different from usual. Although Mr. Situ was not very kind to the young lady, she could tell that the young lady was very good at pleasing Mr. Situ, at least on the surface.

It looks like everything is exquisite.

But yesterday, she heard clearly that yesterday's young lady seemed different from usual. Although she did not directly confront Mr. Situ, she had already exceeded Mr. Situ's bottom line. No wonder Mr. Situ treated her so cruelly.


Although Xie Ma didn't like this young lady in her heart, she felt that she was too scheming and had too much pride like a sparrow flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix. She seemed shallow and vain, just like a country woman who had never seen the world.

However, she is a young girl after all, and Mr. Situ tortured her like that last night, and now tying her here is a bit too much.

After all, they are both women, so even though Ma Xie was very dissatisfied with this young lady, seeing her like this, she couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

She sighed, bent down, and neatly tied off the tie and belt that bound Huanyan's hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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