Chapter 904 Enemy Night Attack (Part 2)

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After receiving the order from the battalion commander, the company commanders of each company immediately took action with their platoon leaders and carefully searched every shelter, anti-blast hole, and fortification in the area under their jurisdiction one by one.

The first person to achieve success was the commander of the third company. He had inspected various parts of the company shortly after dark and knew very well how many people were in each shelter and bomb shelter.

When he was three shelters away, he found that there was one more person. After careful inspection, he found that the sleeping soldier had a strange face, so he stepped forward and pushed the opponent's shoulder, shook him awake and asked with a straight face:

"Comrade soldier, what is your name?"

The German soldier who had just woken up from his sleep saw several Soviet soldiers with guns standing in front of him. He immediately realized that he had been exposed. He quickly pulled out the dagger hidden under him and stabbed the third company commander.

The third company commander dodged sideways and avoided the dagger stabbed by the opponent. Before the German soldier could take back the dagger, a platoon commander standing nearby picked up his rifle and hit him hard on the back of the head, knocking him on the spot.

He was knocked unconscious.

When the platoon leader saw the German soldier lying on the ground, he quickly squatted down, stretched out his hand to feel his breath, then raised his head and said to the third company commander: "Comrade commander, he is not dead yet."

"Second Lieutenant, take him to the battalion headquarters and hand him over to the battalion commander."

The platoon leader was extremely nervous because the Germans had sneaked into his platoon's shelter. He was thinking about how to atone for his sins. When he heard the company commander's instructions, he quickly agreed loudly, called to the two soldiers, and put the statue to death.

The dog-like German soldiers lifted him up from the ground, searched him carefully, and after confirming that there were no other weapons, dragged him out of the shelter.

After the platoon leader took away the German soldiers, the company commander said to the squad leader living in the shelter: "Comrade Sergeant, from now on, you sleep at the door and see everyone who comes in. Don't let any more Germans sneak in."


After the squad leader waited for the company commander to finish speaking, he asked puzzledly: "Comrade company commander, how do you know he is a German?"

"Although there are hundreds of people in the company, I know everyone." The company commander replied: "But as the squad leader, you didn't even notice the Germans sneaking into the bunker. It seems so incompetent."

The squad leader who was criticized was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer for a moment. Fortunately, another platoon leader who was familiar with him came out in time to rescue him: "Comrade company commander, the battalion headquarters said that there are at least two

A German soldier sneaked into our midst, and now only one has been captured. We have to continue searching to prevent the enemy from escaping after noticing."

After being reminded by the platoon leader, the third company commander immediately realized that his task had not been completed, and he could no longer criticize the derelict squad leader, so he led his men out of the shelter.

During the search, the Second Company also discovered a German soldier disguised as a Soviet soldier, hiding in a warm shelter and sleeping. However, the German soldier was very vigilant. He heard chaotic footsteps coming from outside.

He heard the sound, quickly grabbed the submachine gun placed aside in his hand, and quietly opened the safety.

When the second company commander led people into the shelter and began to conduct inspections, the German soldiers did not hesitate to pull the trigger on the crowd. The officers and soldiers who were crowded together did not expect that someone would suddenly open fire, and they were too late in their hurry.

After reacting, they were immediately knocked down. The German soldiers took advantage of the chaos and rushed out of the shelter and ran wildly along the trench.

After a moment of panic in the shelter, seven or eight soldiers came out in a roar. After looking around, they saw the German soldiers fleeing along the trench, and they chased after them, shouting.

The shouts alerted the commanders and fighters in the shelter in front. As soon as the curtain was lifted, the commanders and fighters rushed out from inside.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the German soldiers randomly pulled the trigger in that direction, without caring to see if they hit the target. They crawled out of the trench on their hands and knees and headed toward the German side.

The Soviet commanders and soldiers who were chasing him saw the German soldiers leaving the trenches, raised their weapons, and shot at his back.

Sokov and Starcha, who were staying in the battalion command post, were alerted by the sudden burst of gunfire. Starcha was afraid that Sokov would get angry, so he got in front of the other party and asked a battalion commander: "Batalion Commander.

Comrade, where were the shots fired outside?"

The first battalion commander had been staying in the command post. He had no idea what was the reason for the shooting outside. In order to find out what happened, he quickly picked up the phone on the table and tried to ask the company commanders what the gunshot was about. However,

As soon as he picked up the phone, Sokov waved his hand to stop him: "Comrade Battalion Commander, you don't need to call. The company commanders are leading people to search for hidden Germans at the moment. There must be no one in the company command post."

"But, comrade division commander." After hearing what Sokov said, the first battalion commander said in embarrassment: "If we can't get in touch with the company commanders, we won't be able to figure out what's going on outside."

"Actually, the reason for the gunshots is very simple." After the gunshots sounded, Sokov listened carefully to the sounds outside and heard that the shots were all Soviet-style weapons and there was no sound from German weapons, so he said confidently

: "It must have been that when the company commanders were searching for the enemy, the enemy jumped over the wall to escape, so our commanders and soldiers fired."

"Comrade Battalion Commander, Comrade Battalion Commander." As soon as Sokov finished speaking, a hurried shout came from outside the door.

The first battalion commander listened for a moment and said to Sokov and Starcha: "It's the second platoon leader of the third company." After saying that, he walked to the door and asked loudly outside: "Comrade platoon leader, what?


"Report to comrade the battalion commander that we have captured a German in disguise." The second platoon leader said excitedly outside: "The company commander ordered me to send him to the battalion headquarters."

Upon learning that a German soldier had been captured, the battalion commander couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly ordered: "Bring him in quickly."

After the German soldier was dragged into the battalion command post, he was thrown directly on the ground. Seeing the German soldier lying motionless on the ground, Sokov couldn't help but frowned slightly and asked: "Is he still alive?"

Upon hearing Sokov's question, the second platoon leader quickly squatted down, reached out to touch the German soldier's nose, and then nodded to Sokov and replied: "Comrade division commander, he is still alive."

After Sokov asked the second platoon leader how to capture the German soldiers, he said to the first battalion commander: "Comrade battalion commander, please find a comrade who understands German. I will interrogate him personally. Also, find a way first

Wake him up."

The second platoon commander turned around and walked out of the command post without saying a word. Before Sokov could recover, he saw him walking in with a handful of snow in both hands, and ordered the two soldiers who followed him to the battalion headquarters: "Bring it to me."

The Germans come to the wall!"

The two soldiers did not dare to neglect and quickly pulled up the German soldier who was lying on the ground and asked him to sit down with his back against the earth wall. The second platoon leader stepped forward and wiped the snow in his hand on the German soldier's face.

After a while, Sokov saw the German soldier begin to cough violently. Although his eyes had not yet opened, he must have woken up.

As soon as the German translator arrived, Sokov signaled the interrogation to begin. He did not ask the other party's name, military rank and position as usual, but asked straight to the point: "What section are you from, and what are you doing in our position?"

According to Sokov's idea, this German soldier might be unyielding. Even if he was tortured, the other party would only keep saying his name, rank and position. Other than that, he wouldn't know a single word.

But to his surprise, the German soldier answered honestly: "I am a scout from the 71st Infantry Division Reconnaissance Battalion. We have been ordered to sneak into your position and find out your defense situation."

"Have you figured out the deployment situation?"

"I understand." The German soldier said carelessly: "You know, this used to be our position, and my familiarity with this place is definitely not weaker than yours. I only need to look at a few places to identify you.

Detailed deployment situation."

"Now that you have figured out the defense situation of our army, why didn't you leave immediately?" Sokov asked puzzledly: "Instead, you stayed in the shelter so that we were captured so easily?"

"According to the order of our superiors, we will return at 03:00. At that time, they will send engineers to meet us next to the minefield." The German soldier hesitated for a long time and continued: "It is still early for the response, and it is extremely cold outside.

, so I found a shelter and went to sleep, preparing to return to the response location when the time was up."

"You are so brave, you actually entered the shelter with such arrogance," Starcha snorted and said disdainfully: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by our people?"

After the German soldier's eyes lingered on Starcia for a while, he continued: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, please forgive me, there are people coming in and out of your shelter at any time, and everyone is not familiar with each other. Even if there is an unfamiliar face,

It won't attract attention. I took advantage of this to lie down and sleep in the shelter with confidence. If you hadn't conducted a sudden search, I would have quietly rushed to the response location at the specified time."

"The reason why we conducted a surprise search is that I found that two sentries were killed by you. Their uniforms, boots, and helmets were all taken away." Sokov slammed his hand on the table.

Slap, said sternly: "If you just leave immediately after reconnaissance, you will definitely not have the idea of ​​​​taking their military uniforms. Since the military uniforms have fallen into your hands, you will definitely stay on the position temporarily, so I sent people

Conduct a manhunt."

"So that's it." After listening to Sokov's explanation, the German soldier sighed secretly and said, "If we had known that we would be exposed, we wouldn't have killed those two sentries, we would have just quietly bypassed them.

Maybe he is still hiding somewhere now."

"How many of you are there?" Sokov glared at the German soldiers and continued to ask: "Where are the others?"

"There are only two people." The German soldier gestured with his finger, and then said: "I really don't know where he is. But we have agreed to meet at the connection point when we arrive."

As soon as the German soldier finished confessing, the phone on the table rang suddenly, startling everyone. After the battalion commander picked up the phone and listened for a while, he reported to Sokov: "Comrade division commander, the second company is carrying out the

During the search, we were arrested by German soldiers and shot at our people first, killing three and injuring five..."

"Where is that German soldier?" Starca asked before the battalion commander finished speaking: "Have you caught him?"

The battalion commander shook his head and continued to report: "The enemy, surrounded by commanders and soldiers, jumped out of the trench and fled towards the enemy. As a result, he was shot to death randomly. After a search, a copy of the document was found on his body.

My battalion’s defense plan.”

Compared with Starcha, Sokov was more concerned about the safety of the commanders and fighters. After Starcha finished speaking, he immediately asked the battalion commander: "Who are the sacrificed and injured commanders and fighters?"

"The second company commander, ninth squad leader and one soldier died, and two platoon commanders and three soldiers were injured."

"I estimate that the enemy will launch an attack on your battalion's position soon." After Sokov waited for the first battalion commander to finish his report, he said to him: "The army cannot be without a military commander. You should immediately arrange manpower to replace the sacrificed soldiers."

Second company commander."

"Don't worry, comrade division commander." The first battalion commander nodded and replied: "I will let the deputy company commander of the second company take over the company commander's position. He is an old Bolshevik and there is absolutely no problem with his loyalty."

After asking people to take the German soldiers down, Sokov turned and asked Starcha: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you reported to me that a minefield has been laid in front of the position. Is this true?"

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander, minefields have indeed been laid." Starcha explained to Sokov: "After our regiment occupied this place, we found a large number of mines in the underground warehouse. I don't know whether they were the Romanian army or the Germans.

Whatever is left behind, I will order people to lay it all out in front of the position."

"The German scouts can successfully enter your regiment's defense area," Sokov said thoughtfully: "The enemy's engineers must have opened a path in the minefield."

"That's for sure, Comrade Division Commander." Starcha agreed with Sokov's statement: "Otherwise, their scouts would not be able to pass through the minefield."

"Since the road opened in the minefield allows the scouts to pass, it can also allow the sneak attack troops to pass." Although Sokov was unwilling to leapfrog the command troops, he saw that Starcha and others were not very vigilant.

Gao reminded them: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, immediately order at least one-third of the troops to enter combat positions to prevent possible sneak attacks by the enemy."

"Comrade division commander," Starr said with a grimace after hearing Sokov's order: "We just searched for the hidden German soldiers, and everyone couldn't sleep well. If we order another third of the troops at this moment,

When the soldiers enter the position, I am worried that the soldiers will be emotional."

"Even if they are in mood, they must enter the position as soon as possible." Sokov said in an unquestionable tone: "Although you have increased the number of sentries, once the Germans launch a large-scale sneak attack, those few sentries of yours will

There is no way to stop the enemy."

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander." Seeing that Sokov had been insisting on his opinion, Starcha did not argue anymore, but straightened his body and replied: "I will arrange for the troops to enter the position immediately."

This chapter has been completed!
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