Chapter 911 Seizing Karachi

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The German soldiers stationed on the right bank of the Don River Bridge watched helplessly as the Soviet tanks destroyed the machine gun position at the bridge head on the left bank and then rumbled towards their position at full speed. The German soldiers did not have any anti-tank weapons.

Knowing that staying and holding on would lead to death, they all jumped out of the fortifications and fled toward the wilderness in panic.

After the tank brigade easily occupied the Don River Bridge, the brigade commander immediately sent a message to Volski and reported the news. Volski learned that the bridge had been occupied, said hello repeatedly, and told the other party: "Colonel

, have your people immediately build new fortifications near the bridge to prevent possible German counterattacks. When the 59th Mechanized Brigade following you arrives, you will cooperate with them to seize Karachi on the march."

Perhaps because the battle to seize the Don Bridge was too easy, the tank brigade commander had the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy. He promised that the troops would seize the time to build fortifications and wait for the motorized infantry brigade to arrive before launching an attack on Karachi.

But as soon as he put down the phone, he ordered a tank battalion to be left to guard the Don River Bridge, and the remaining troops immediately launched an attack on Karachi.

The brigade chief of staff reminded him in a low voice: "Comrade Brigade Commander, didn't the Army Commander ask us to wait for the mechanized brigade to arrive before attacking Karachi? If he knows that you are acting without permission, he may..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the tank brigade commander who raised his hand: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the winner will not be blamed. As long as our brigade can capture Karachi, even if the commander knows that we have violated the order, he will not be blamed."

I won’t say anything. Okay, stop talking and get the troops ready to attack immediately.”

It was a wrong decision to launch an attack on an unfamiliar city at night with extremely poor visibility, and without the support of infantry. However, since the brigade commander had already issued the combat order, the chief of staff could not say anything else.

It can only be arranged to assign offensive or defensive tasks to each battalion based on their location.

The offensive battle started half an hour later. As soon as the tanks without infantry cover entered the city, German anti-tank crews rushed out of the buildings on both sides of the street and threw anti-tank grenades at the moving tanks. Because

Without the cover of the infantry, the tank crews with narrow vision could not detect these damn anti-tank crews in time. In the successive explosions, one T-34 tank after another was blown up by the Germans and parked on the street burning.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the tank brigade commander quickly ordered the tanks that had entered the city to withdraw. However, despite this, almost two tank companies had already been destroyed by the enemy on the streets.

Seeing that the attempt to capture the city failed, the brigade chief of staff quickly said to the brigade commander: "Comrade Colonel, I think it's not too late to wait until the mechanized brigade arrives before launching an attack on the city."

The brigade commander who had just suffered a defeat was no longer as stubborn as before the battle started. After listening to the chief of staff, he nodded and said helplessly: "Okay, we will wait for the mechanized brigade to arrive before attacking the enemy.


After more than two hours of long waiting, the 60th mechanized brigade that cooperated with them finally arrived at the outskirts of Karachi. Lieutenant Colonel Karapeqiang, commander of the 60th Motorized Rifle Brigade, said apologetically as soon as he saw the tank brigade commander.

: "I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel, our brigade's cars have been handed over to the 51st Group Army, and the soldiers can only rely on their own two legs to travel."

"Hello, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." The chief of staff stepped forward and shook hands with Karape, and said understandingly: "Without the car, your marching speed will definitely be affected. After the soldiers have a good rest, we will go to the army again.

Karachi attacks."

Karapeqiang heard something amiss from the Chief of Staff's words, and frowned and asked, "What, Comrade Chief of Staff, have you already launched an attack on Karachi?"

"Yes." The tank brigade commander said shamefully: "Since there was no infantry cover, many of the tanks we rushed into the city were killed by German anti-tank crews. But now that you are here, I think we can capture the city."

The certainty is even greater. By the way, when can you launch an attack on the city?"

The mechanized brigade had just arrived at the outskirts of Karachi, and the soldiers had already become exhausted. It was obviously unwise to launch an attack at this moment. After calculating silently in his mind, Karapeqiang replied: "It is expected that it will take three hours before we can attack Karachi."


"What, three hours later?" When the tank brigade commander heard what Karapeqiang said, his eyes widened in surprise: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, have you ever thought about it, if the army commander knows that we have not launched an attack for a long time?

What will be the reaction?”

"There is no way, Comrade Colonel." After Kalapeqiang waited for the tank brigade commander to finish speaking, he spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: "The soldiers are very tired now and cannot rush to attack. We can only wait for them to wait for a while.

Only by recovering your physical strength for a while can you have a chance to achieve your goal."

Although Karapeqiang had already said this, the tank brigade commander also knew that what he said was the truth. It could be thought that almost two of his tank companies were wiped out in the attack just now, and he was heartbroken. He was silent for a moment.

Finally, he shook his head and said: "No, Lieutenant Colonel Karapeqiang, I think three hours is too long. I can only give you one hour to rest. After one hour, I hope to see the battle to attack Karachi start again.


"Comrade Colonel," Karape patiently explained to the tank brigade commander: "During the rapid march in the snow at night, there may be one fifth of the soldiers left behind in our brigade. The three hours I mentioned include waiting.

These stragglers have arrived. Three hours of rest is the minimum. This is to ensure that our upcoming attack can be a success."

Karapeqiang's words calmed down the tank brigade commander. He felt that what the other party said was reasonable. The reason why the attack on Karachi failed more than two hours ago was because he was too eager to get things done. If he still urged the mechanized brigade to hurry up this time,

If you go into battle, I'm afraid the final outcome won't be too good.

Seeing that both of them were silent, the chief of staff quickly came out to help Karapeqiang: "Comrade brigade commander, Lieutenant Colonel Karapeqiang is right, we must wait until all the commanders and fighters of the mechanized brigade have arrived before entering the battle. This way we can seize the city."

The probability will be greater. I think, since we have waited for such a long time, we don’t care to wait two or three more hours. Besides, it was already dark at that time, and the soldiers could clearly see the enemies hiding nearby when they attacked.

, and effectively eliminate them.”

Seeing that his chief of staff was also helping Karapeqiang speak, the tank brigade commander stared at Karachi shrouded in darkness and asked Karapeqiang: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, if we launch an attack in three hours, do you think we can succeed?"


"The chance of success is very high." Karapeqiang did not give an accurate answer to the tank brigade commander: "After daybreak, the army commander will arrive with the 59th and 36th mechanized brigades. Even the defenders in Karachi can

If they block our brigade and your attack, can they still block the attack of a mechanized army?"

When the tank brigade commander heard this, he finally made up his mind: "Okay, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel. Just as you said, I will give you three hours of rest."

At dawn, the commanders and fighters of the Tank Brigade and the 60th Mechanized Brigade launched another attack on Karachi. Since the German army did not have any fortifications outside the city, the attacking troops easily broke into the city.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the city, the German troops used mortars and machine guns from the buildings on both sides to attack the infantry marching behind the tanks. The commanders and fighters who had no street fighting immediately fell into chaos after being suddenly attacked. The battle

It lasted less than ten minutes before the troops that rushed into the city were driven out by the Germans.

Seeing the failure of the army's attack, the tank brigade commander became a little anxious. He said loudly to Kalapeqiang: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, look at your soldiers. As soon as they were attacked by the German army, they fell into chaos. Not only

Instead of protecting the tanks, they were running around on the streets, preventing our tanks from moving or firing at will, and as a result, they became targets for German anti-tank fighters."

"I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel." Seeing that his troops performed so poorly in the battle, Karapeqiang also felt very ashamed: "My troops have just been formed not long ago, and the commanders and soldiers have only fought regular position offensive and defensive battles, and are not very familiar with urban street fighting.

They are unfamiliar, so they will inevitably panic during the battle."

Before the tank brigade commander could have another attack, the communications soldier on the side reported to him: "Comrade brigade commander, the corps commander wants to speak to you."

As soon as the tank brigade commander put on the earphones, he heard Volski's voice coming from inside: "Comrade Colonel, how is the situation? Have you captured Karachi?"

"No, Comrade Commander." The tank brigade commander heard Volski's question and replied bitterly: "We launched two attacks on the city without success. Now the troops are regrouping and preparing.

Attack again."

After learning that his troops failed to capture Karachi, Volski was still a little disappointed. However, he did not blame the other party. Instead, he said to the tank brigade commander: "Comrade Colonel, stop the attack temporarily and wait for the 59th and 36th Mechanized Regiments."

After the brigade arrives, it will not be too late to attack the enemy."

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Considering that it would take some time for the troops to regroup, the tank brigade commander readily accepted Volski's order: "I immediately understood that the troops would suspend the attack and wait patiently for the follow-up troops.

s arrival."

After dawn, the 59th Mechanized Brigade of Colonel Skenshinsky arrived first. After greeting Karapeqiang and the tank brigade commander, he stood at the window of the temporary observation post and raised his telescope towards Karachi in the distance.

After looking for a while, he put down the telescope and asked: "From what direction did you attack the city?"

"To the south." The tank brigade commander and Karapeqiang replied in unison.

"It's not enough to attack from one direction. In this way, the enemy can easily focus their defense on the south." Stenshensky shook his head and said, "I think we should attack from the east or north.


"Comrade Colonel," the tank brigade commander asked politely after Stenshenski finished speaking, "I wonder from which direction you plan to attack?"

"Our brigade will attack the city from the north." Stenshensky said without hesitation: "As for the attack from the east, it will be completed by the 36th Mechanized Brigade following behind."

Just as he was talking, Lieutenant Colonel Rodionov, commander of the 36th Brigade, also arrived with his troops. After listening to Stenshensky's proposal, he did not immediately express his opinion, but looked towards Karachi with his binoculars.

After a long time, he put down the telescope and said to the tank brigade commander: "Comrade Colonel, I have a request, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

The tank brigade commander was a little anxious when he heard what Rodionov said: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, if you have anything to do, just ask. As long as I know, I will definitely tell you."

"I think that to seize the city, we need the support of artillery fire." After Rodionov said this, seeing a wry smile on the faces of the three people, he continued: "I know that the artillery is still very far behind us.

From far away, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up in a while. Therefore, I suggest sending at least one tank company to the high ground on the right bank to use tank artillery to bombard the firepower points in the city or the enemy's gathering positions to provide the troops attacking the city with firepower.

Artillery support.”

After Rodionov's reminder, the three commanders quickly raised their telescopes and looked at the high ground on the right bank of the Don River. They were all experienced commanders. They looked at the high ground and then looked at it.

Looking at the location of Karachi, everyone feels that the plan mentioned by Rodionov is completely feasible.

After the tank brigade commander put down his telescope, he turned to his chief of staff and said: "Comrade chief of staff, you immediately lead two tank companies to the high ground on the other side and carry out attacks on the German firepower points or troop concentration locations in Karachi.

Artillery bombardment.”

The brigade chief of staff agreed, took a three-wheeled motorcycle to the Don River Bridge, transferred two companies from the tank battalion holding the bridge, and rushed to the high ground to establish a shooting position.

By the time the two tank companies were in position on the high ground on the right bank, the three mechanized brigades had already entered the attack position. As a red signal flare representing the attack rose into the air, the Soviet army launched an attack on the city from three directions at the same time.

The German army tried to repeat the same tactics to prevent the Soviet attack. However, there were too many Soviet troops attacking the city, and the offensive was launched from three directions, making it difficult for the enemy to defend. The city defense commander finally assembled a reserve team to prepare for the attack.

When the Soviet army launched a counterattack, it was bombarded by fierce tank fire from the right bank, causing heavy losses to the officers and soldiers.

The battle lasted until 11 o'clock at noon. Seeing that the situation was over, the German city defense commander ordered his men to stop resisting, lay down their weapons and surrender to the Soviet army. The German officers and soldiers, who had already been unable to hold on, received an order from the city defense commander and were granted amnesty.

They all stopped shooting at the Soviet troops, stretched out the white flags they had prepared long ago out of the window, waved them desperately, and surrendered to the Soviet troops outside.

As the sound of gunfire stopped and groups of German soldiers walked out of the buildings, Karachi, still smoking, was recaptured by the Soviet army.

This chapter has been completed!
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