Chapter 912 Reunion

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Since Golikov left, Sokov has cut off important sources of information, so whether Volsky's 4th Mechanized Army has captured Karachi's Don River Bridge;

Sokov did not know anything about the rendezvous with the 4th Tank Corps of the Southwestern Front.

In fact, not to mention Sokov, even Chuikov, the army headquarters, still knew nothing about the battle situation in the Don River Basin. He finally took advantage of the opportunity to report the results of the battle and made a phone call to the front army headquarters.

, wanted to ask Yeremenko or Khrushchev about the situation of friendly forces, but the chief of staff Varennikov who answered the phone told him in a regretful tone: "I'm sorry, Comrade Chuikov, the commander and the military commissar are both

Not at headquarters."

Knowing that Yeremenko and Khrushchev were not there, Chuikov couldn't help but curiously asked: "Where did they go?"

"The situation on the battlefield has changed," Varennikov said vaguely: "The commander and the military commissar are now in Tolbukhin's 57th Army."

"What, they all went to the 57th Army?" Chuikov couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He knew very well that the 57th Army was located on the left wing of the entire front's counterattack force. Now that the two front army chiefs had rushed over, could something have happened?

It was a serious matter, so he quickly and cautiously asked: "Comrade Chief of Staff, is there something wrong there?"

"Yes, something happened. It's just a good thing." Varennikov replied with a smile: "General Volsky's Mechanized 4th Army has successfully occupied the Don River Bridge and recovered it from the enemy.

Karachi. Now the 36th Mechanized Brigade of the army continues to move westward, rushing to join the friendly forces heading south."

"What, General Volsky's troops have recaptured Karachi and occupied the Don River Bridge?!" When Chuikov heard this, he couldn't help but raise his voice. The staff officers and communications soldiers who were busy around him all heard what Chuikov said.

After saying that, everyone stared at Chuikov for a while and then continued their work, but everyone's face was full of joy.

Chuikov naturally noticed the change in the expressions of the commanders and soldiers. He coughed lightly and said into the microphone: "Thank you, Comrade Chief of Staff, for telling us such good news."

After putting down the phone, Chuikov raised his hand and clapped his hands. After attracting everyone's attention, he said loudly: "Comrades, I want to tell you some good news. General Volsky's Mechanized 4th Army is here.

After a fierce battle, Karachi has been successfully recaptured and the Don Bridge has been occupied. Now the army's 36th mechanized brigade is advancing westward, preparing to join forces with friendly forces heading south!"

"Ula! Ula!! Ula!!!" As soon as Chuikov finished speaking, a deafening shout rang out from the command post. The sound was so loud that it seemed to lift the roof. The soldiers standing guard outside listened.

When I heard the shouts coming from the headquarters, I couldn't help but peek into the room.

"Comrade Commander, this is really great news." Krylov waited for the shouts in the room to calm down, then walked to Chuikov and said to him: "I will immediately report this to the subordinate units of the group army.

, let everyone be happy and happy, and maybe it can also play a role in boosting morale."

Although the entire group army has been carrying out counterattacks in the past few days, except for the 41st Guards Division, which fought positional warfare and achieved remarkable results, the other troops competing with the enemy for factory areas and residential areas have made slow progress. They fight every day The distance forward is measured in meters.

"I agree." Chuikov nodded and said to Krylov: "Inform all units of the good news immediately. The first one to notify is Sokov's 41st Guards Division. During these two days of fighting, , their division’s performance is the most outstanding.”

As soon as Chuikov mentioned Sokov's troops, Krylov remembered something important: "Comrade Commander, there is something important that I almost forgot to report to you."

"whats the matter?"

"According to the scout's report, the German 24th Armored Division has stopped its retreat and seems to be showing signs of moving south." Krylov pointed on the map with his hand and said: "I am worried that they will attack Sokov's right wing."

Hearing what Krylov said, Chuikov frowned and asked: "Then what are our troops on Sokov's right wing?"

Krylov smiled bitterly and replied: "Comrade Commander, the problem is here. There are only sporadic small units and militia units, but there are really no large organized units. Once the German army launches an attack, Sokov's unit will be Cut it off at the waist."

"Yes, this is a troublesome problem." Chuikov said with a wry smile: "Judging from the recent attitude of the front army headquarters, it is impossible for them to send us new reinforcements in a short period of time. This This means that we cannot use any troops to strengthen Sokov's empty right wing."

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Krylov nodded and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I have also been thinking about how to consolidate Sokov's flanks to ensure the defensive zone we just captured."

Chuikov slapped the area just occupied by Sokov's troops with the palm of his hand and said: "Yes, this area was obtained by our soldiers with their blood and sacrifice, and it must not fall to the Germans again. We must find a way to consolidate Sokov's flanks."

If there is a reserve team, Chuikov and Krylov's worries may not be a big deal. All they have to do is send the reserve team to Sokov's flank for defense. But a clever woman can't make a cake without rice. Now the two of them He didn't have any extra troops at all, so he could only watch Sokov's weak flanks worry.

After a while, Krylov said tentatively: "Comrade Commander, do you think we can tell Sokov the current situation and ask him if there is any solution?"

After hearing what Krylov said, Chuikov clapped his hands on the table, nodded and said, "That's right. Let's leave this issue to Sokov." Ways. He has a lot of clever ideas for fighting, and he might actually be able to come up with some good ideas."

After the two discussed it, Chuikov personally called Sokov. After the call was connected, Chuikov first informed Sokov of the good news just now, and then mentioned the weak flank defense of the 41st Guards Division. about the matter, and finally asked: "Colonel Sokov, do you have any way to solve this problem?"

"Comrade Commander." Sokov learned that Volsky's troops had indeed captured Karachi and the Don Bridge. He was happy for less than a minute when he heard Chuikov mention that his flank defenses were weak, and he was now facing

Facing the attack of the German 24th Armored Division, he had to think carefully. After some thinking, he solemnly said: "Comrade Commander, ask the superiors to dispatch new troops to strengthen the defense of our division's flanks.

Obviously it is impossible. This is how I considered it. Is it possible to return the downsized regiment stationed at the barricade factory and let them be responsible for the defense of our division's flanks?"

Chuikov was still reluctant to learn that Sokov planned to let Belkin's regiment return to the army. You must know that it was precisely because of the existence of this regiment that the battle at the barricade factory could barely suppress the Germans. If they were transferred

If we leave, then Lyudnikov's division will be left alone, and it's hard to say how the situation at the barricade factory will change.

It was out of this consideration that Chuikov quickly covered the microphone with his hand and whispered to Krylov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, Sokov wants to return the Belkin Regiment to reorganization. What do you think we should do?"


"Comrade Commander." Krylov thought for a moment and replied: "We can find other troops to replace the regiment and let them take charge of the flanks of Sokov's division."

"However, once they are transferred, the situation in the barricade factory will become serious again." Chuikov was unwilling to give up easily and finally got a good situation, so he hesitated and said: "I am worried about the troops who will take over their defense.

I’m afraid it can only have a limited effect.”

"But if the Belkin regiment is not allowed to return to its original state, and other troops are allowed to strengthen the flank defense of the Sokov division, I am worried that they will not be able to withstand the German tank offensive." In order to persuade Chuikov, Krylov continued.

: "The commanders and fighters of the Belkin Regiment are all Sokov's old subordinates. I believe they will come up with various ways to protect the flanks of Mamayev Heights."

"Okay, since you said so, let's return the Belkin regiment to Sokov." After Chuikov finished speaking, he released his hand covering the microphone: "Colonel Sokov, I agree with your request.

The Belkin Regiment in the factory will be restored as soon as possible, and they will be responsible for the defense of your right wing."

"Great, this is really great." Sokov couldn't help but be overjoyed when Chuikov said that he was ready to let the Belkin regiment return to the army. After thanking Chuikov repeatedly, he expressed his determination to Chuikov: "As long as the reduced regiment takes charge of the right wing of our division,

The defense will be enough to withstand any German attack."

"By the way, I have one more thing to tell you." Chuikov said to Sokov before putting down the phone: "According to reliable information, a military rank restructuring is underway, and the military ranks of political workers will become the same as military commanders.

When the new military rank system is officially implemented, we plan to grant him the rank of lieutenant colonel."

"Thank you, Comrade Commander." Sokov waited for Chuikov to finish and then said politely: "On behalf of Commander Belkin, I thank you."

"Comrades," Sokov raised his voice and addressed everyone in the room as he put down the phone: "I will tell you good news now. General Volsky's Mechanized 4th Army has successfully captured Karachi and the Don Bridge.

, at this moment, the troops they sent are advancing westward to meet the friendly forces heading south. As long as they join forces with the friendly forces, they can successfully cut off the German army's retreat, encircle Stalingrad, the enemy we have been fighting against for several months.


After Sokov finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers. Sidorin came close to Sokov's ear and said loudly: "Comrade division commander, this is rare good news. I think we should report it to the entire division immediately.

The commanders and soldiers made the announcement to make everyone happy."

"Okay, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov also leaned close to Sidorin's ear and said loudly to him: "You personally call several regiment commanders and inform them of the good news."

When the room returned to calm and everyone continued their work, Sokov said to Anisimov, who was sitting next to him and was about to become transparent: "Comrade Political Commissar, please tell those who are still alive this good news through the radio.

The soldiers and wounded who stayed in the tunnel made everyone happy."

Just as the commanders and fighters of the 62nd Group Army were rejoicing that friendly forces had captured Karachi and the Don River Bridge, the 36th Mechanized Brigade commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Rodionov had successfully broken through the two lines of German defense and headed towards

It advanced twelve kilometers to the west.

Rodionov, who was marching, suddenly received a report from the vanguard, saying that a large number of German troops were found in the front, including about two infantry battalions and a tank battalion, as well as artillery, etc. Rodionov heard this

, quickly ordered the vanguard troops to prepare for battle, and ordered the follow-up troops to speed up and rush over for reinforcements.

However, after waiting for a long time, Rodionov not only did not hear the imaginary gunshots coming from the front, but instead heard faint cheers: "What's going on?" He frowned and asked himself.

, said to the radio operator beside him: "Call the vanguard immediately and ask them what happened there?"

After the operator connected with the battalion commander of the vanguard unit, he handed the earphone and microphone to Rodionov. Rodionov said loudly into the microphone: "Comrade Captain, what happened there?

Why didn't I hear the sound of gunfire, only cheers?"

"Report to comrade brigade commander." The commander of the leading battalion at the other end said excitedly: "We have joined forces, we have joined forces with friendly forces!"

"What? What did you say?" After hearing the content of the battalion commander's announcement, Rodionov thought he had heard wrongly, and quickly said loudly into the transmitter: "Repeat it again, what happened?"

"Report to comrade brigade commander!" This time the battalion commander tried hard to control his emotions and reported in a calm tone: "One of my companies has just joined forces with the friendly forces heading south at the Soviet farm."

"We have joined forces, we have really joined forces!" This time it was Rodionov's turn to be excited. His lips trembled a few times, and he gasped and asked: "Which part does the other party belong to?"

"They are troops of the Southwest Front, the leading company of the 45th Brigade of the 4th Tank Army commanded by General Kravchenko." The battalion commander continued to report: "After we joined forces with friendly forces, the German troops who originally wanted to fight with our army met.

The situation was not good, so they all laid down their weapons and surrendered to us."

"Great, Comrade Captain, this is really great." Rodionov said excitedly: "I will rush over immediately to meet with the commander of the friendly forces."

After ending the call, the communications soldier asked Rodionov tentatively: "Comrade Brigade Commander, do you need to report this good news to the army immediately?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Rodionov tried his best to say in a calm tone: "Wait until I see the commander on the opposite side and record the names of those commanders and fighters who will join forces first, and then report to the military headquarters

It’s not too late either.”

This chapter has been completed!
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