Chapter 871 The Seven Awakened Greedy Personality

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Hidden in the black mist of greed, Han Fei asked the little girl to cooperate with Fu Lie, while he stared at the dean's weaknesses with the butcher knife of death.

The weaker it gets, the greater the flaws it exposes, and Han Fei wants to kill it with his own hands.

"There is still one hour until dark! All combat teams attack with all their strength!" the commander's voice came from the black ring, and the deputy captain of the logistics squadron on the periphery joined the battle.

The middle-aged woman with a grateful personality has been silently improving everyone's abilities and increasing everyone's survival probability. Now that the miscellaneous fish have been dealt with, she has begun to help Fu Lie with all her strength.

The second member of the Investigation Bureau who had awakened his personality eight times joined in. The director obviously couldn't hold it anymore. Its huge body began to shrink. It could no longer extract fear from the mental hospital, and its power could not be replenished.

The fire is also slowly weakening.

"The opportunity has come."

Han Fei, who had his eyes fixed on the dean, approached quietly. He was the only person who had seen the dean's fear. With the help of his art appreciation ability, Han Fei found the dean's key point.

There were many stitching marks on the huge monster's belly covered in blood. The dean's real weakness was hidden in his belly, just like it had hidden the flesh and blood of its parents in its belly.

All the secrets were swallowed, and it thought its belly was the safest place.

The pace quickened, and Han Fei gradually began to run wildly. When everyone was attracted by the battle between Fu Lie and the dean, he dragged the bright human sword light, like a crescent moon, piercing the dark clouds!

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He jumped out of the abyss, poured out all his rage, and slashed towards the dean's abdomen!

The curtain was cut down, and the dirty and ugly memories were revealed in front of everyone.

Hidden in the dean's belly is his humble and pitiful self. Its short body is covered with birthmarks and plaques. Even with multiple plastic surgeries, its body is still extremely uncoordinated.

The rancid past flowed out of the stomach, and a little person hiding in the stomach was chopped open by Han Fei's blade. It was the source of the black fire and the real appearance of the dean.

He was almost killed directly, and the little man in his stomach was frightened out of his mind. It knew very well that staying here would only lead to death, so it rushed in the direction of the middle-aged woman.

The dean's huge body, which had absorbed an unknown number of patients, exploded without warning when he approached the middle-aged woman. Black blood filled the sky, and night seemed to have arrived earlier.

"It's trying to escape in the rain of blood! All investigation teams spread out! We must not let it leave!"

All the instruments carried by the investigation bureau were opened, and the team took action immediately, but the rain of blood affected too wide a range.

Looking at the people running outside, Han Fei stood at the window holding the butcher knife of death. He felt something in his heart and looked at the building where the Class 7 students were.

No. 2 asked Han Fei to take the children to the children's clothing store in advance. These children seemed to want to take revenge with their own hands.

Blood raindrops fell on the glass of the children's clothing store, splattering cruel and beautiful blood flowers.

The dirty blood flowed slowly, forming tiny blood vessels, and then they entangled together to form an extremely ugly child.

His head was swollen and deformed, his body was covered with wounds and plaque, and he was wearing a very ill-fitting bloody coat.


Opening its eyes, there was extreme hatred and anger hidden in its twin children, and the black fire of hatred was spreading.

"Must kill him! Must kill him!..."

The child was so angry that he bit his deformed hand and tore off a large piece of flesh.

It was very weak now and did not dare to stay any longer. It pushed open the door of the children's clothing store and prepared to escape through the back door.

As long as it waits until dark, it is confident that it can escape the investigation bureau's search even without the help of ghosts.

Entering the house, the child suddenly saw a simple altar.

On the altar that was obviously just built, there were thirty pieces of children's clothing, and the sacrifices were a young man wearing a knitted melon cap and a silent child.

The two sacrifices were patients in a mental hospital. A large amount of blood had been taken from them, and their faces were a little pale at the moment.

"Why are the hospital patients here?"

The doors and windows of the store were suddenly closed, and the tall No. 1 walked out from behind the counter.

"Your seemingly random choice is actually an arrangement of fate." No. 2, who had lost his legs, was sitting on a wooden cart with a terrifying smile on his face: "Dean, I brought you the most beautiful thing.

Favorite toy.”

Children appeared outside the window one after another, and they surrounded the children's clothing store in the center.

The wooden cart moved creaking on the ground. No. 2, who had lost his legs, stared at the dean, not knowing whether the gift he was talking about was the wooden cart or all the children.

"You..." The dean, whose hatred had turned into hatred, seemed to remember something. He opened his eyes wide: "No way! It can't be them!"

"It seems that you have remembered us." There was unforgettable hatred in No. 5's voice. He couldn't laugh at all. As long as he saw anything related to the dean, he who had always been able to stay calm would lose control directly.

"Don't let it die too quickly, and don't let it die too easily."

"How can hate be killed so easily? Even in the memory shrine, we have to entertain it well."

The children talked to each other, but No. 1 walked up to the dean in silence.

He was far taller than his peers. He looked down at the director of the deformed children from a high position. There was no pity or sympathy in his eyes, and he slowly raised his right hand.

With five fingers clenching into a fist, thirty personalities complement each other, No. 1 aims at the dean’s legs and smashes them down!


Each blood thread broke, and a piece of the dean's soul seemed to be permanently torn off.

No. 1 can see the weakness of hatred. He uses this ability to avoid places that would scare the dean and keep punching him!

All the children looked at the scene in front of them. The blood debt was paid with blood. Their revenge had just begun. This was only the first step.

"Let me go! I raised all of you, I saved you! I gave you a home, we are all family!" The dean's body became more and more ugly, and he began to cry and beg for mercy.


"Family?" Even the little girl No. 30 with the best personality had a cold expression on her face, as if saying the word "family" from the dean's mouth was an insult to her family.

"Everything I did was ordered by others! I couldn't help myself! I also want to help you!" Without a chance to escape, the dean could only talk nonsense, imagining that the children could let him go.

"You really want to help us, so you designed various extreme experiments based on each of our personalities, destroying our bodies and minds, and ravaging our souls over and over again? Is this for us?" No. 4 squatted next to the dean.

, covered the dean’s ears with both hands, and poured death into its head.

No. 5 picked up No. 2 and then placed the dean on the wooden cart.

"You treat all children as toys in your hands, just like your parents treated you, but we are much luckier than you." No. 1 said calmly: "Because at least we still have each other, and you have nothing.


"You are just a dog that wags its tail and begs to please the murderer. You killed your companion. No one in this world has truly loved you, respected you, or wants to see you." No. 4 said very seriously.

Heart, but everything is true.

"Yes, yes, I deserve to die. I am an animal. Can you give me a chance to atone for my sins? I am willing to do anything to make up for my mistakes." The dean did everything he could to survive, but the children already knew it.

The nature of it is that you can’t believe a word it says.

"Since you are willing to make up for your mistakes, then I can also give you a chance." The smile on No. 2's face became stronger and stronger: "I remember that you have always been afraid of me, thinking that I would be out of control, but you didn't dare to go against that.

The man ordered me to be killed in advance, so he blinded my eyes, broke my legs, disabled my hands, and finally dug out my brain and raised me in a jar. But it was also because

In this way, I am lucky enough to live in this form until now, and I can clearly see all kinds of futures."

The director's soul trembled slightly. Number 2 was the most uneasy among all the children. He was also the only one among all the children who had ever escaped from the orphanage.

"In order to repay your kindness, I also prepared a jar for you." No. 2 moved a jar from under the altar: "Leave the fire of hatred and let your obsession come in."

The dean has stripped away countless personalities, but now when it was asked to strip away the foundation of its own hatred, it hesitated.

"If you don't agree, you will be shattered in the most painful way. If you agree, I will imprison your consciousness and part of your obsession in a jar, so that you can still have a chance to atone." No. 2 seems to be seeking revenge on the dean, but in fact

The target above is the spark of hatred from the dean.

At this time, the dean had no other choice. The only way to survive was to enter the jar prepared by No. 2. It has a close relationship with the gods. When the gods return, these children will not be able to make any waves.

"Just do as you say, and I will atone for my sins."

The dean used his own abilities to peel off memories and fears layer by layer, and the flames of hatred became weaker.

There are more and more scars on the body, and the dean’s ugly appearance is the true appearance of his soul.

After the black fire of hatred was completely stripped away, there was only a deformed head covered with plaque and wounds left on the ground. This head contained the dean's secrets and most cherished memories that could not be told outside.

No. 1 grabbed the dean's head and put it in the jar.

Dark night fell, and thirty children surrounded the jar. They also wanted to tear the dean into pieces, but now the dean is still useful.

"Stop staying outside, come in." Number 2 sealed the jar and shouted outside the children's clothing store.

The door was gently pushed open, and Han Fei appeared at the door. When the dean fled, he thought of No. 2's arrangement and rushed here quickly.

"I suggest not to leave any further trouble." Han Fei looked at the jar on the altar: "It is best to kill him directly."

"The dean knows a lot of secrets about the gods. Wait for me to ask you questions before making a decision." No. 2 is learning from the dean, giving him hope, and then crushing that hope: "Without your help this time, I won't make a decision."

We can't take revenge smoothly either. The black fire of hatred of the dean has been stripped out. After swallowing it, your personality should be able to awaken for the seventh time."

Everyone's personality awakening method is different. A grateful personality needs to help others and be grateful; a greedy personality needs to constantly devour, amplify greed, and satisfy greed.

"Then I'm not welcome." Black mist poured out of Han Fei's body, and he swallowed up the black fire of hatred that the dean had peeled off.

The calm abyss of greed expanded several times again, boundless fear merged into the abyss, negative emotions boiled instantly, and the black water rose, almost causing Han Fei's ocean of consciousness to collapse. Fortunately, there are a large number of personalities embedded in the sky above the abyss, surrounding them like countless stars. Rotating around the healing personality, the vast starlight washed over Han Fei's mind like the Milky Way.

The greedy personality and the healing personality have once again reached a balance. At this time, Han Fei's aura is completely different from that of an ordinary person with awakened personality. Just like the difference between ordinary ghosts and hatred, his mind seems to have formed a unique brain area. .

"Attention, player number 0000! The greedy personality has awakened for the seventh time. Your constant burning ambition has burned the hatred of many people. The upper limit of the number of ghosts imprisoned in the Greedy Abyss has been increased to twenty-three!"

"Attention, player No. 0000! You have imprisoned the hatred of Black Fire - Childlike Heart (Fear Dream Demon)."

"Child's Heart (Fear of Dream Demon): It is all the fear accumulated by Child's Heart from birth to now. It is the dream demon of all the children in the city after the disaster!"

"Hate has the ability to control fear: control fear, use fear, and turn all fears into entities."

"Hate Ability Personality Transformation: Modify the ability to combine different personalities, with a probability of stimulating the dark side of the personality and cultivating a special personality."

"Black Fire has the ability to cry the world: it forms a large-scale ghost that can grow on its own, inspiring fear in the hearts of all those who enter, controlling their spirits, destroying their will, and turning them into toys that cannot resist."

"The ability of the ghost (initial influence range of 500 meters): After the ghost is deployed, all souls within 500 meters will be affected, losing the will to resist, and the hatred's own ability will be enhanced."

This chapter has been completed!
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