Chapter 330 Starfall I

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"At this moment, it's better not to stir up too many disputes. Especially the relationship between the Lord of Death and that lady, I heard, is actually not very harmonious."

Ye Hua's voice sounded again.

"I know, Holy Chosen One. This matter has nothing to do with you, and we don't need you to remind us." The middle-aged mystic replied stiffly, but although his tone was tough, there was a hint of looseness in his words. Ye Hua

When he saw this, he just smiled slightly, knowing when to speak and when to say nothing. Seeing that his reminder had worked, he stopped being aggressive.

The middle-aged mystic found a guard and murmured a few words in a low voice. The guard understood and led a group of people to check the temple's convoy, and then moved on to the next team. The middle-aged mystic saw this and said impatiently

He waved his hand to express approval.

Among a pile of boxes, Fang Plover felt the Wingless Dragon move again and realized that he had passed the test. While he breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but become more and more curious about Ye Hua's identity and purpose here.

Why did the other party say this for no reason?

On a whim?

The aboriginal people may not know it yet, but it is impossible for a Ten King to be idle like this. Could it be that the other party knows that there is something wrong with the temple's convoy? He was startled in his heart, and suddenly remembered the events a few nights ago.


The few arrows that passed through the dust storm were so fast and accurate that ordinary rangers, not even the Qin Zhi he had seen at the Elf Ruins, might not be at this level. But for the Ten Kings, they were not worth mentioning. So.

Ye Hua had already met him that night, so was he helping him now?

Although Fang Yu still didn't understand how the other party knew that he was in this convoy.

It was a pity that he couldn't go down and ask the other party face to face at this time, and the communication crystal couldn't be used, so he couldn't help but scratch his head for a while.

However, with the heavy pace of the Bergo Pteranodon and the slow rise and fall of its back, after a while, Fang Plover probably realized that he had gradually stepped out of the range of Bein. The soft sand below was proof of this.

He could probably tell the difference between the giant beast's steps, one deep and one shallow.

Because the hustle and bustle of the city gradually faded away, he heard the low sound of wind on the sand dunes again - the dust storm had not completely subsided after all. But in the sealed space, the sound seemed particularly clear, with a different meaning.

It also gradually calmed his mind again.

It was a somewhat distant, faint sense of peace.

In the silence, his thoughts drifted in unpredictable directions.

Including the safety of those on board the Daoud.

Miss Sylvide, what are they doing now?

What kind of secret is there between Your Highness the Princess, the King of Sand and the two Afifas?

Even the strange prisoner they met in Bein Fortress also appeared in his mind.

He thought about the conversation between himself and Mai Yixier again, including the words Karatu, Donde and Sir Dict said a long time ago, as well as his experience in Idos and Vanric.

The Lunar Parliament, the Elfendor Spire, the Craftsmen's Guild, the Lizard People, the Corin Royal Family, the Treasure Staff Coast, Cape Saint-Hughan, and even the IDs of R, Shana, and many more names entered his list one by one.


Like fragments, hazy, but unable to grasp a clear clue.

After thinking for a while, a sudden feeling of sleepiness hit his eyelids. He actually didn't get much rest these days. There was a lot of noise in Bein City. Although he was still safe in the Marlan Temple, he was not so big-hearted that he could sleep comfortably.

Sleep peacefully. Once sleepiness sets in, you can no longer hold on and fall into a deep sleep.

The journey from Bein to Questac was not long, only three days and three nights.

By the middle of the journey, Fang Plover no longer had to stay in that cramped space and could come out for some air. The knight guarding the convoy treated him respectfully and specially made a place for him on the back of Bergo Pteranodon.

Save him from having to walk in knee-deep sand like everyone else.

Therefore, this journey is not difficult for Fang Plover. At most, the wind and sand are a bit unbearable. In the middle of the journey, he will pass through an oasis called Quinn's Moon, and apart from this only other scenery

Except for that, the rest of the time is a boring scene of endless yellow sand.

Although the desert also has its own unique features, especially the silver sand sea at night, which is particularly beautiful and has been praised by poets for thousands of years. But the plover has long been tired of seeing it, and it is on the back of the wingless dragon.

It’s far less pleasant than watching the scenery from Mr. Gray Rock’s platform.

Therefore, after the initial novelty wore off, Fang Yu quickly found some things of his own to do.

Of course, he was mainly studying the technology that Delan gave him - let's call it Delan's magic recovery.

This technology requires twelve basic skills, and six intermediate skills as prerequisites. Among the six intermediate skills, he has already satisfied the enhanced components from the beginning, and the two skills of 'Yiguihui' -

He also learned a lot about the Yiguihui Plug-in and the Yiguihui Doctrine after gaining experience after the Battle of Vanrik.

The 'Ritual Society' born in Oshu is an important backbone of alchemists, so these are still on the mainstream skill tree of alchemists.

As for the remaining three skills 'Star-shaped Network', 'Dragon Scale Sequence' and 'Celestial Knowledge', they are a bit excessive. 'Star-shaped Network' is a secondary ether form that can coexist with the main ether theory. This

It should be Delan's own discovery. The 'Dragon Scale Sequence' is an alchemical array set built on the basis of the former - the so-called sequence must be a combination of multiple arrays, and its appearance is somewhat similar to a layer of

The overlapping dragon scales are hence the name.

As for the 'Celestial Knowledge', it has nothing to do with religion. It is just a theory in the second world to study the 'Floating Island Whale'. The Floating Island Whale, or the Celestial Whale, and the Dragon of Fantasy World are all its names.

It seems that Delan's theory should be inspired by the Phantom Dragon.

The six intermediate skills extend to twelve pre-requisite basic skills, and there are also various lower-level skill requirements. However, those E-level and F-level skills require too little experience, thousands or even hundreds of experience.

It can be dismissed, and Fang Piao ignores it. He has satisfied about half of the twelve basic skills, mainly the pre-skills of the last three because they are too partial and he almost doesn't touch them at all.

Since the plug-ins produced by this technology are so powerful, of course Fang Lu still considers mastering them. No matter how unsophisticated they are, he still needs to put in experience.

He first selected the 'Celestial Knowledge' among the three pre-requisite skills, because this knowledge was the most similar to the direction of his research. The knowledge related to Dragon Society and Introduction to Flight were all learned before, and there was no need to repeat them.

Generally speaking, it requires the least experience and the fastest results.

It just so happened that from his experience in Bein Fortress, he gained nearly 10,000 points of cognitive experience, and with the previous balance of 7,788, it was barely enough.

'Celestial Knowledge' mainly provides some bonuses related to the cognition of fantasy dragons, and a knowledge index. It also adds a small amount of computing power bonus and magic power consumption for the control of flying structures. Compared with its experience requirements, it is only

It can be said that the input and output are barely balanced. Of course, if he wants to hunt celestial whales, it will be more cost-effective.

What kind of knowledge to learn will naturally vary from person to person.

The learning time flies by unconsciously - although if you directly click on the skills, it will only take a moment, but learning through manuscripts is another feeling. After all, you can also get some cognitive experience from the learning process.

Kapka is used to this way of learning by now, but most of the selectors don't have this experience.

This kind of thing is not good or bad for him. Although it is more time-consuming, it is well known that the natives are better than the chosen ones at the same level, and once they become dragon knights, they will have a lot of cognitive experience.

These cognitive experiences come from daily study and accumulation.

It can be said that the Chosen One has squeezed out all his potential through the system from the beginning. Although the progress is rapid, it is inevitable that the stamina is insufficient. However, the two cannot be said to be better or worse. After all, the Chosen One only has

Twenty years is less than a 'lifespan', but for Fang Plover, it is just a personal habit.

In this way, the learning process proceeds in an orderly manner. On the third night, the stars above the sea of ​​sand set in the west, and the morning light gradually rose. Under a light red sky, Fang Plov finally could see a shallow line of light on the southern horizon.

The ivory white city wall appeared in the sea of ​​sand.

Questac has arrived.

A faint beam of sunlight passed through the obsidian on the vault of the temple and fell on the basalt floor of the hall.

The statue of the goddess is solemn and dignified. She holds a holy sword and wears a veil on her shoulders. Her eyes are like the sun and moon, walking among the undulating dust. The craftsmen's ingenuity seems to make the stone come alive - every wrinkle

, are all expressed by the carving knife, which depicts the softness of running water on the hard material.

Bishop Faris finished bathing and changing clothes, lit incense with his own hands, and with the help of the service staff, put on the holy robe - a majestic robe, embroidered with holy mottos from top to bottom. The mottos of the archbishops of the past, and the teachings of the goddess.

, the holy emblem, the wolf head, and the snow-glow sword are all on it. Finally, he holds the holy emblem, hangs a golden ceremonial sword on his waist, puts on the crown, and wears his favorite one.

He only wore a monocle and hung the silver chain behind his ears with his hands. Then he adjusted the position of the lenses before walking up to the altar.

He personally recited a doctrinal scripture, and respectfully took off the holy sword and placed it on the altar. He took out the holy water from the holy cup with his hand, flicked it on the sword, and looked up at the statue of the goddess. Ms. Marland was not angry.

The sound of chanting reverberated under the hall, filling it with a sacred and solemn feeling.

The archbishop lowered his head and caressed his chest before slowly retreating.

This ceremony lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Fang Plover, who was sitting in the first row, received this honor alone. The archbishop personally presided over the ceremony for him and sought the blessing of the goddess for him. If he were an aborigine, he might have been flattered, but Fang Plover had no feeling for this thing, but he still

Fortunately, he is Chinese. If he were a Christian, he probably wouldn't even set foot in this place.

But after all, there is a world of separation.

What's more, it was clearly said to be a blessing - he glanced at the system interface, and there was no buff prompt. It seemed that there was a question mark as to whether this so-called 'blessing' had any effect. Although the religions of the two places are fundamentally different, in

They seem to be surprisingly consistent in their ability to deceive believers.

Just think about it, how much free time does the goddess have to give blessings to every believer?

However, at critical moments, in a world with a true God, believers' prayers can still be answered.

For example, on Fenris Island——

Faris took off his crown, handed it to the attendants, and walked down. "Lord Chosen One, the ceremony has been completed. You must have been very tired during the journey, but there is still a dinner party later - after the dinner party

, we will arrange accommodation specifically for you, and you will definitely be satisfied.”

Fang Plover almost spit out the sip of water he just drank from his water bag with a puff.

"Ahem...Thank you to the Archbishop for presiding over the blessing ceremony for me, you just call me Ed?"

He blushed and coughed twice. Although he was a little disdainful of the so-called 'blessing ceremony', he still had basic courtesy. What really made him almost choke was the respect the other party showed for him, which was far more than

That old knight Mai Yixier, this made him speechless for a while and then a little surprised.

He suddenly remembered that Archbishop Faris was technically the chosen one of Marland. Although he was a figure from fifteen years ago, God's chosen ones would not change with time. Unless he lost the favor of God, but the other party

As he is still in the position of bishop, this possibility is extremely slim.

Bishop Faris smiled slightly and said politely: "Okay, Mr. Ed, in private, I will call you that."

Fang Yu quickly waved his hand: "It's best to do it in public."

However, the other party did not comment on this.

Faris is the second regional bishop Fang Plover knows.

The last one was Bishop Tirion of Cloud Port, but he was not the divine choice of Marlan, but the divine choice of Mirela. Compared to the humble-looking bishop in front of him, Tirion was obviously not the chosen one.

In every aspect, it conforms to Fang Yu's imagination of a highly respected archbishop.

He has silver hair and a white beard, has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and has enough prestige and majesty. He is approachable, treats people like spring breeze, and has a long-term vision and a broad mind. What the other party is worried about is not his own gains and losses, but the safety of Fenris Island.

, the fate of everyone on the island.

This kind of behavior was something that Fang Piao was not interested in in religion, so he couldn't help but admire him. This was also the reason why he agreed to the other party's request.

But compared to the former, Bishop Farris was very different in other aspects except that he was equally approachable in dealing with people. When Fang Pulver first saw this dark and thin old man, he almost thought he was

He is the biological brother of Her Royal Highness the Princess's housekeeper. He does not look like a pampered archbishop, but more like a hard worker.

However, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he showed that his conversation and knowledge were completely different from his appearance. This made Fang Yu quite ashamed of himself for judging others by their appearance.

Even so, he couldn't help but feel a little amused when he saw how the other party looked out of place with the gorgeous bishop's robe.

Farris was obviously aware of his thoughts, but he didn't mind. He just smiled and said: "Myhill said in the letter that Mr. Ed must have many questions to ask."

It turned out that Mai Yixier had a letter accompanying him, but when you think about it, it is not surprising. The communication has not been restored, so we can only use such primitive means. Fang Yu nodded. He did have many questions to ask. The most important one is

One, of course, is exactly what his identity as the chosen one is.

"Bishop Faris, I want to understand why Ms. Marland chose me as the divine choice? To put it more bluntly, she has a will that needs an agent to execute, and what benefits can the agent get from it?"

He asked this core question directly without any embarrassment. Whether it is a free selector or a guild selector, the selectors are mercenaries and adventurers. Their core purpose in coming to this world is to

The fundamental purpose of obtaining high-dimensional information is exchange, so the transaction itself is nothing to be ashamed of.

It's just legitimate labor income.

But Faris smiled slightly and shook his head slightly.

Although the people around him were a little angry that Fang Pultru regarded the choice of the goddess as a transactional relationship, Faris himself did not show such an attitude at all. On the contrary, the old man replied very gently: "You are wrong.

, Mr. Ed. What the goddess is interested in is your quality and noble behavior. You don’t need to deliberately do anything for me, what you do is recognized by the lady——"

"If you don't agree, she will cancel your status as the God's Chosen One."

"This relationship is the care of the goddess for you, because she hopes that more people with justice and courage will walk in this world, so she naturally encourages such behavior. As her chosen one, you will only gain from it.

The good thing is, as for what the lady wants, you have already obtained it from your actions."

Fang Yu was stunned when he heard this.

this is okay too?

Although he understood clearly, he still felt incredible and couldn't help but ask: "Then Mai Yishir asked me to come here to see you, what can I do here?"

"It's just that I want to meet you unilaterally, Mr. Ed," Farris said with a smile: "After all, I am very curious about the chosen people of the goddess, as followers. As for what you want to do, you can do anything, Cuesta

Ke is a nice place, maybe you can go out for a walk more."

"We have booked the latest shuttle boat to Tansnir for you. It will depart in about a week. During this time, you have plenty of time to appreciate this royal capital in the desert."

He changed the topic: "However, Mai Yishil mentioned in the letter that you are investigating the matter between the Sand King and the Mystic. If you are interested in this, I can indeed provide some limited information in this regard.


When Fang Yu heard this, he immediately became interested.


This chapter has been completed!
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