Chapter 68 The Chess Game of the Past VI

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 "Let's take a look at this." Parker ran back panting and handed the thing in his hand to Jita. It was a very strange-shaped dagger, a bit like a slightly curved hook, or a snake's fang.

, the blade is made of cold steel, cold and sinister.

"Is this what you saw in those people?"

When Jita saw the dagger, she had a frightened look on her face and subconsciously took a step back. Looking at her expression, Fang Yu knew that the dagger she saw during the fight with the mysterious attackers that day was Parker.

This one in hand.

He took a step forward, held Jita's back with his hands, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, we are all here."

The little girl came back to her senses and nodded with a pale face. "That's it."

"This dagger is a magic weapon." Parker turned the dagger over and exposed the weighted hammer handle to everyone. There was a green gem the size of a little fingertip inlaid at the bottom of the hammer handle. "This gem is hollow inside.

It should be venom. If there is a corresponding resonance crystal connected to the magic furnace, this dagger should have the ability to poison the blade through skill commands. But look, the design of this thing is super clever. Even if it is not connected to the magic furnace, it

Venom can also be injected through the internal structure, but in that case it is a one-time use."

"This should be the poison of the manticore. Fortunately, they didn't use this on Jita, otherwise the gods wouldn't be able to save her."

"Parker, don't scare Jita." Attila said angrily: "And don't be disrespectful to the gods. Magic poison is not a problem for druids, let alone Ms. Aimea."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I just wanted to explain that I know a lot about daggers. I really didn't lie to you. You see, this is how this dagger is used."

As he spoke, he made a sign with the dagger on his finger. As a result, his hand shook and the dagger flew away. He cut a gash on his finger and in the blink of an eye, a drop of green poisonous blood oozed out.

"Ah!" the poor Papalar screamed.

"Parker!" Everyone exclaimed. Attila's expression changed even more. She ran over and grabbed this guy's short, fat hand, trying to cast the poison-repelling spell.

But Papalar suddenly burst out laughing, holding his belly until he almost burst into tears. He stepped back deftly, then took out a green bottle and shook it at everyone: "Haha

, I lied to you, this is just apple juice, you think I am so stupid!"

But before he could finish his words, the elf girl with a pale face slapped him hard on the forehead, almost knocking him to the ground.

Everyone looked at this living treasure with speechless faces and shook their heads.

Attila took the dagger from the Papalar man, looked at it carefully for a moment, and frowned. Fang Plover also looked at the fragments of the cloak in his hand. The dagger and the emblem appeared in Dolifen at the same time.

Does that mean something? Could it be that those who attacked Jita and the others that day were really followers of the Dragon Worship Cult?

When he thought that this possibility might really exist, he couldn't help but feel horrified. How could the Dragon Cult know about them? From Traveler's Rest to Elpa Xin, there were only so many people we had come into contact with, and who knew about that?

There are very few cases of a brooch. Unless the president of the Black Goat Chamber of Commerce leaks the news, then the remaining possibilities

He couldn't help but look at the others, and his eyes happened to meet Sylvester's somewhat quiet eyes, and then he realized that the noble girl was also looking at the dagger thoughtfully. When she noticed Fang Plover's gaze, she

Then she tilted her head towards him, pretending to be curious.

Fang Yu felt a little uneasy. Speaking of which, Sylvester was indeed the person with the most doubtful background among all the people. She suddenly appeared without any basis, claiming that it was to fulfill her father's last wish, but this reason was too weak.

In the few days we spent together, she had always been restrained and calm, and sometimes felt some inexplicable melancholy and lamentation, but in no case did she seem to make decisions easily for a hasty reason.

But could it be her?

There is indeed such a possibility, but Fang Yu still shook his head. He believed that the minimum trust within a team is the foundation of the foundation, and blind doubt will only make things worse. At least the dagger has not been confirmed yet.

Some people are indeed a group of believers in the Dragon Worship Sect because there are at least two parties in this battle. One party should undoubtedly be a believer in the Dragon Worship Sect; and on the other hand, it is still unclear whether the Nighthawk is the holder of the dagger.

Hard to say.

He couldn't help but look at Atila.

The elf lady was also glancing at him, her eyes a little solemn, and it was obvious that both of them were thinking about the same thing. Not only did the Dragon Worshipers exist in Dolifen, but there might even be the people who attacked them at that time. It can be said that both sides are right.

They are hostile, and one of them has a fourth-level character.

a nighthawk

Fang Yu still remembers how terrifying that nighthawk of Silver Shadow was. It can be said that he suppressed the entire team of Dawn Star with one person's power. But what about their team? Their strength is far inferior to Miss Scarpe's alone.

There are three group leaders, Miss Scarpet is level 27, Mr. Quelord is level 29, and most of the others are above level 15. And what about their group? The highest level Mr. Big Cat is only around level 20. At this moment

Not in the team yet.

I originally thought it was just an ordinary exploration, and I didn't even have any hope of finding out the news about the Dragon Worshipers. I didn't expect that I had just entered Dollifon and found the real owner. Not only did I have information, but I also had a lot of information.

It's just that the ingredients are a bit too strong and difficult to digest.

"Does anyone have any impressions of this dagger?" He then asked. Tata saw the dagger on those people at that time. If he could find out the information about the dagger, he might at least be able to understand the attacker's intentions.


But everyone shook their heads. There were so many magic weapons of various shapes in Aitaria. Countless works were leaked from privately known and unknown workshops. Some were widely circulated, but some were not.

So well known.

Attila sighed and handed the dagger back to Parker. She didn't get any useful information, which was expected.

However, Fang Yu asked in his heart: "Does Miss Tata have any impression of this dagger?" He originally just mentioned it casually, without expecting to get any useful information. Miss Goblin is certainly knowledgeable, but on the one hand, she

Most of her knowledge is related to magic tools, which are naturally related to the ether. On the one hand, her memory should be stuck in the era when the Silver Tower made her decades ago, and she may not be aware of some new rumors.

But I didn't expect to get an unexpected reward this time. Miss Tata was silent for a moment and suddenly replied: "The shape of this dagger is a little different from what I know."

"Is it a little different from what you know?"

"It's a bit like the snake-shaped daggers used by the Norsnika lizardmen, but they don't use magic weapons."

The Lizardmen of Nosnica? Fang was stunned for a moment before he remembered where he had heard this name. Wasn't it the main battlefield of the Battle of Byrne? How could he be related to that place?

But knowing something is better than knowing nothing at all. He was about to tell Etila the news, but at this moment, Sylvester's maid Siesta behind everyone came with a cold shout: "Who!


Everyone turned around and saw a figure disappearing at the corner of the street. Fang Yu was blind and could not see the figure clearly, but judging from the figure, it seemed to be a woman.

Before he could react, Siesta had already chased after him. The maid lady's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Follow me." Attila whispered.

Fang Plover immediately reacted. Dolifen had been sealed off for many days, and a wave of undead had just broken out. Most of the people left in the city at this moment were either followers of the Dragon Worship Cult, or guys related to the holder of the dagger. In other words

In other words, he was the attacker that day.

And coincidentally, these two parties are the people they are looking for.

Everyone followed, including the older knights. The Papalars were the fastest runners. They trotted with their crossbows on their backs and disappeared behind the ruins. However, after the maid left first, Jita obviously couldn't follow.

As they entered the main force, Fang Pultru had to take a step behind to support her.

But he felt that there was someone staying with him, and he also stretched out his hand to support Jita. When he saw the delicate snow-white hand, he raised his head in astonishment, and met Sylvester's eyes.

"Whether you believe it or not, Mr. Ed," Sylvide said in a clear and soft voice: "I may not be completely honest with you, but I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Miss Sylvide?" Jita looked at her in surprise.

"I..." Fang Yu felt embarrassed as if his thoughts had been seen through.

"Just leave this place to me. I can protect Jita. You can go catch up with the others. In a place like this, Miss Attila's investigative ability may not be as good as your Clockwork Fairy."

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He glanced at Jita, then turned and ran forward, releasing the clockwork fairy as he ran. He raised his hand and let the little thing fly up from his palm and disappear far above the building.

After completing this action, he remembered one thing: the direction in which the woman disappeared seemed to be the direction leading to Ms. Fujiye's hotel.

He pulled down his goggles, and while moving forward, he distractedly controlled the clockwork goblin to circle around the streets with broken walls and ruins. Although Dolifen was in decline, it was not yet lifeless. Ancient trees sprouted branches from under the stone slabs.

Opening the streets of the city, although the buildings covered with ivy cannot see their former glory, there are some new residents living below.

For example, a chameleon is hunting, some small rodents, and a larger number of birds. As long as you don't enter those empty and deep buildings, at least during the day, you still won't see too many undead creatures here.

But Fang Plover understood that once night falls, this place will be a different scene.

In the first circle, he found almost nothing, neither the woman nor Etila and others. But when he expanded the scope in the second circle, Miss Elf and others appeared in his field of vision.

Fang was stunned for a moment.

Because he saw that Aitila and the others were actually confronting someone. However, the other party did not look like the Dragon Worshipers he had imagined, nor did they look like the attackers Tianlan and the others described that day. Instead, they looked more like a group of ordinary people.


It should have been a small square in the past, but it is no longer what it once was. An equestrian statue in the square collapsed completely and fell on the dry pool below, leaving only four horse legs.

It is surrounded by dilapidated buildings, and Etila and the adventurers are on both sides of the square. There are four or five archers on the other side, nervously pointing their bows at Miss Elf. In front are a few warriors. The speaker looks at their attire.

It should be an iron guard. Fang Pliance looked at him and obviously didn't expect to meet his colleagues here.

At this moment, Parker and Siesta also ran out from the other side. Seeing the confrontation, the Papalar crossbowmen immediately raised their heavy crossbows.

Seeing this, Fang Pliant hurriedly asked the clockwork fairy to lower himself.

When the two sides saw the clockwork fairy, their reactions were obviously different. When Tian Lan, who was standing next to Etila, saw Fang Plover's clockwork fairy, she couldn't help but shouted in surprise: "It's brother Ed here.


The reaction on the other side was much more complicated. The iron guard was holding the long sword in his hand and was ready to take action at any time, but when he saw the clockwork goblin, his expression couldn't help but change.

"Battle Craftsman!"

Not to mention him, the archers all took a step back, subconsciously preparing to find cover.

There is no way, the reputation of combat craftsmen in Aitaria is too great, especially in the first world because all major guild selectors and indigenous organizations in the second world have their own dragon knights. For high-end combat craftsmen like

The combat power is also not surprising.

But in the first world, combat craftsmen are synonymous with leapfrog challenges. Especially since the combat style of this profession is changeable, the attacked party may not know what kind of blow it will face at the next moment. As long as a few annihilators appear in mid-air at this time,

Or, then their numbers are not enough for the other side to bomb.

Moreover, in ordinary people's perception, alchemists are wealthy masters. Everyone knows whether this transaction is cost-effective or not by exchanging expensive starlight for the number of flexible constructs in the hands of combat craftsmen.

Although the square plover is a special case among special cases, who knows?

Therefore, when Fang Plover arrived, he saw exactly this scene. The other party had already stopped and was waving his hands and saying to Aitila and others. "Everyone, we have nothing to say. We don't have any ill intentions. We are just like you. We are here."

It’s just adventurous.”

As the iron guard spoke, he glanced fearfully at the fortress-like walkers following Fang Plover.

Actually using this kind of thing? The man broke into a cold sweat, thinking how could he meet such a monster in this inhospitable place? He thought to himself that there seemed to be nothing useful for combat craftsmen in this place, or was it?

It is said that the number of combat craftsmen has reached such an extent that there will be one in any team?

He couldn't help but take another look at Fang Plover's flexible structure. If the average alchemist is already the richest among adventurers, then the combat craftsman who uses the fortress-style walker is undoubtedly the best among the rich.


Because this thing is a money-burning machine. It is a combat craftsman trained by the big guild. Few people dare to squander this thing. After all, if the fortress walker uses special bullets, the thing will cost money as fast as professional guilds and professional guilds.

Not many clubs can stand it.

After all, the Grand Guild is not just for one person.

Of course, this person was also dreaming. He didn’t expect that Fang Plover didn’t think that much before making this thing, and the other party didn’t have the design drawings of special bullets at all. Fang Plover realized that it was too exaggerated to bring four walkers across the street.

The other three bodies were hidden, otherwise the scene alone would probably frighten him to death on the spot.

Since he had looked around this place before in the Clockwork Fairy, Fang Plover did not immediately ask about the situation here. He just asked Aitila: "Miss Aitila, I lost you."


Attila nodded.

"Where's brother Ed?" Tianlan asked.

Fang Plover also shook his head. The Clockwork Fairy flew very fast, and his search area was wider, but there was no trace of a woman in the vicinity at all.

"She can't run faster than a clockwork fairy," Tian Lan said, "She must be hiding."

"There are plants everywhere here, hiding in front of the druids?" Parker sneered. "I think it's probably the previous legend, the non-existent woman. Didn't it mean that many people saw her in the city? We can see it.

There’s nothing surprising about that.”

"I've never heard of her appearing in broad daylight."

"That was before, now Dolifen has changed so much, how can you say that?"

"I can." Tian Lan replied unreasonably.

Parker was so angry that he wanted to say something, but at this time the iron guard interrupted them curiously: "Wait a minute, may I ask, are you also looking for a woman?"

Everyone turned their attention to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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