Chapter 325 Shi Wu’s Chaotic Dream

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 At the same time, somewhere on the earth

Shi Wu finally finished his day's work and sat leisurely in his dormitory.

I was lucky today and escaped from the unit before seven o'clock.

At this time, the sun was still high outside.

The bright sun gave Shi Wu an inexplicable sense of security.

Although really speaking, the time he can finally control before going to bed is no different from normal.

But this illusion of getting off work in broad daylight still gave Shi Wu an indescribable sense of comfort.

So what if he is just the monkey that keeps wandering around?

Shi Wu stretched lazily.

The cold air released by the air conditioner blocks the heat outside from the window.

Through the window, which was slightly moist due to the large temperature difference, Shi Wu could see the bustling city below.

At this time in the past, the street lights were basically on.

Coupled with countless passing traffic, it gives people an eagerness to return home.

After working in this strange city for several years, Shi Wu has gradually become accustomed to this pace of life.

Draw the curtains, and the hustle and bustle of the world seems to be blocked out...

Of course, if you can turn your phone into airplane mode, that would be the most perfect state.

Unfortunately, due to work requirements, Shi Wu couldn't even set it to mute.

To put it bluntly, you have to be forced to carry it around when meeting your personal physiological needs.

Sometimes, Shi Wu feels that their work phones should be waterproof.

In this case, the last shortcoming - taking a bath can also be made up...

Humming a tune that he couldn't quite understand, Shi Wu took a bottle of Coke from his small refrigerator.

Mother's advice made the cola that was just chilled with a little more ice crumbs a little more sinful.

However, at this time, Shi Wu urgently needed a sweetness from material ingredients to make up for the lack of spirituality.

So, Shi Wu, who was originally going to drink it all, just took a sip and put it down.

It can be regarded as a compromise self-salvation...

The work group on a certain social software on the mobile phone is currently hanging on the computer.

Shi Wu took a look at the densely packed work group and found no disturbing red reminder, and immediately felt more comfortable.

For him who has been working for several years, it seems that he has gradually become suitable for finding a chance to breathe in the busy life that is as dense as a spider web.

Sometimes, Shi Wu also reflects on himself:

He obviously didn't do anything serious, but it seemed as if his entire being had been exhausted.

Fortunately, he was still young after all. After a few mouthfuls of Coke with ice crumbs in his stomach, he seemed to be back to the energetic state of his youth.

Shi Wu minimized a certain social software, lit a cigarette, and then opened a certain game icon on the desktop...

Joy may come with its own negative state of accelerated time.

When Shi Wu stretched his body and looked at the lower right corner of the computer, he found that it was almost time to go to bed.


Shi Wu clicked his tongue unhappily.

But I still honestly chose to save the game.

Male lives that have not yet entered the mate selection period do not have so many complicated self-packaging processes.

Shi Wu simply washed himself and lay down directly on the bed.

Although my mind is still stuck in the dark age of conflict and chaos, at least my body is still enough to follow the physiological laws of a non-standard office worker.

Not long after, Shi Wu fell into a deep sleep.

And suddenly, he seemed to hear something...



The roar of artillery fire seemed to overwhelm all the chaotic sounds.

The earth is shaking and shaking!

The creatures charging on it seemed to be fighting on a stone sponge.

The tall figure seemed to isolate all darkness and shadows behind him.

The particles show complex and intense changes, and at the same time, the blood and cruelty are displayed in a realistic enough form.

Death, filial piety, killing!

In the mold lake, Shi Wu felt like he was falling...

Everything in front of him turned into overlapping shadows.

He saw battleships filled with the beauty of cold war machinery, and he witnessed mechas that embody the ultimate in individuality and technology...

The genes seem to be promoted to a more perfect and transcendent level in a spiral.

And the sacred screw shines brightly on the skull...

Dazzling light, profound darkness...

Those miracles of flesh and blood, those corrupt and twisted masterpieces...

Invisibly, it seemed as if a pair of big hands suddenly tore everything aside!

Those complicated and chaotic scenes were swept aside!

In a state of confusion, Shi Wu felt his gaze.

He should look up...

But was restrained by multiple forces...

It was like at the same moment, different invisible beings tightly restrained his skull.

Perhaps, the presentation of dreams is the most naked expression of the will of living beings.

Shi Wu still stubbornly tried to raise his head.

But just like the heavy eyelids that seemed to be stuck together in the drowsy dream of the past...

He saw the hazy afterglow, which was multiple deep colors...

And perhaps his gaze disturbed that brief moment of peace.

Those deep colors disappeared instantly, as if they were just illogical hallucinations in his dream.

The originally clear and chaotic memory became chaotic again.

In the last corner of his vision, Shi Wu glanced at an indescribable shining golden color...



"Jingle Bell……"

Shi Wu suddenly woke up from his sleep.

When he turned on his phone and saw that there were still 10 minutes left before work time, he put it down gently.

I woke up very early today and even had breakfast...

Now that he was awake and he didn't stay up late yesterday, Shi Wu got up quickly.

Maybe it was because he finally had a great time playing the game yesterday without being interrupted midway, so he felt that he was in a good mental state today.

After he expertly packed a few buns at the breakfast shop downstairs and scanned the QR code to pay, Shi Wu walked towards the unit with the buns in his mouth.

Living in a dormitory has advantages of living in a dormitory.

Even if it is a bit crude, the extra 1 hour of commute relief every morning is enough to make up for everything...

And just after Shi Wu ate a bun, his steps towards the check-in point in the office suddenly became slow.

Shi Wu opened his collar with some surprise and looked inside, only to see a piece of flat and healthy skin.

It's just whether he tried to reach out his hand, or it was in his own feeling.

Perhaps it was some kind of trigger caused by eating. Shi Wu could feel it very clearly at this time - there was something strange in his body...

It is squirming, it is stretching, but it seems to be releasing infinite vitality...

Shi Wu fell into a brief thought, and Shi Wu lit a cigarette...

If it's broken, it won't cause tumors anymore...

Shi Wu thought with some melancholy.

This chapter has been completed!
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