Chapter 412 Is there a gap in funds?

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"Tips from the Internet: You have signed a high-level transaction contract with Shirzaze Quantum Ascension Firm, and the relevant transaction anchors are in place."

"Tips from the Comprehensive Network: Based on the relevant advanced transaction contract you signed, your deposit of 1,000,000 has been frozen as contract anchor. The contract anchor content will be refunded/deducted after the relevant contract is fulfilled or fails..."

There are some gaps in the comprehensive network disaster coins...

Yi Xia thought as she looked at the relevant prompt information refreshed on her retina.

Being able to use comprehensive network disaster coins to improve the relevant rules to solve major epidemics in various worlds is a thing that Yi Xia sees as a benefit without cost.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Yi Xia has always been honest enough to face her current situation of relative weakness in some aspects.

What's more, it's just a waste of some comprehensive network disaster coins.

Although this transaction almost depleted his current comprehensive network disaster currency reserve.

But for Yi Xia, obtaining comprehensive network disaster coins has never been worth the headache.

After spending the remaining inventory of comprehensive network disaster coins, Yi Xia purchased some ingredients for making Sanyang decoction.

Now, because of him.

The multiverse merchants he frequently trades with on the Internet are all interested in collecting such materials on weekdays.

Therefore, Yi Xia can obtain these transaction materials immediately without even having to wait.

Speaking of which, it's time to make the Sanyang Decoction.

Yi Xia had also noticed before that the Sanyang decoction camp reserve he had left in that wild land had been almost consumed.

Although it has not reproduced the level that could be called a robbery at the beginning.

But overall, it is still a hot-selling product in the wild world nowadays.

Yi Xia didn't think they had such lasting purchasing power at first.

After all, in the wild world and the spirit world, it is indeed not very difficult to collect them.

But everyone is not like Yi Xia, who can completely put down other matters and just collect.

Shaking his head, Yi Xia summoned the witch fire.

Yi Xia is very familiar with the preparation of Sanyang decoction.

Soon, accompanied by the fiery aura coming from the witch cauldron.

One tripod of Sanyang Decoction was brewed successfully.

Now, the gap in comprehensive network disaster coins has been solved...

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, but she didn't have many emotional fluctuations about this.

In order to facilitate handling and not to worry about this, Sanyang Decoction is also specially divided.

Yi Xia then brewed another pot of Sanyang decoction.

This is the material reserve thrown to the barbarian camp store...

In this way, Yi Xia conveniently put it into the relevant camp material reserves in his comprehensive network panel.

Judging from the size of the Wuding cauldron that corresponds to Yi Xia's body shape, Yi Xia feels that this cauldron of Sanyang decoction can last for a long time.

The trading parties that are improving the rules for pandemics in various fields said that it will take some time to improve the rules.

In this time gap, Yi Xia was preparing to visit the great Druid of the Druid again.

Of course, before going, he had to make a good pot of soup...

Mushroom life should also be a type of fungus, right?

This mushroom seems to be a bit petrified, a little hard, and it seems to be good as a bone to make soup...

The ionized fungi smell unexpectedly delicious...

Why does this spore smell like a poisonous dragon?

While Yi Xia was throwing various ingredients into the witch cauldron, she was evaluating the ingredients she purchased this time.

After Yi Xia thought twice, he finally did not purchase the flesh and blood material that he usually preferred.

Instead, I chose the material of the plant life sequence.

In response to this, the relevant merchants of the Multiverse Trading Center for Comprehensive Network Players also responded quickly.

Some of them now know the existence of the people they are trading with.

Although some are not aware of it, they are probably aware of it.

Therefore, they can provide the ingredients that Yi Xia needs in a more targeted manner.

For example, there are some substances that, in the eyes of most other creatures, have nothing to do with the concept of food.

This is also the reason why Yi Xia has been purchasing materials from these merchants.

It's not just that they can supply extremely quickly.

Also because they do provide high-quality personalized services.

Soon, a lot of materials were invested.

The deep lake surface that was originally turbulent in the cauldron began to take on a chaotic color.

Yi Xia is not good at making colorful soups like the Druid of Humidity.

In Yi Xia's knowledge, the sweetest soup is "milky white".

And although it is not brewing witchcraft medicine.

But for the current Yi Xia, his will is enough to interfere and even determine the appearance of some material rules.

As an evolution of the earth's material concept, such authority is what it should be.

But generally speaking, in the battles that Yi Xia needs to face now, such elements are more like the color decoration on armor.

Maybe in limited circumstances, it can play a role.

But more often than not, it's just decoration...

Soon, there was a witchcraft fire that could melt all things.

The soup in the Wuding Cauldron gradually turned into a chaotic color.

Maybe it’s because some ionized and deep fungal life has been added.

On the surface of the chaotic soup, there is also a thick layer of adhesion that looks like astral matter.

If you look carefully, you will see that it is a deep sky as deep as chaos, but it is also shining with bright starry sky like the material universe...

A "refreshing" fragrance at the level of Yi Xia came out from the witch cauldron.

Yi Xia nodded with satisfaction and gave an excellent judgment.

I hope Archdruid of Humidity will also like it...

Yi Xia thought this way.

Then, he had a thought.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the chaotic void...



At the same time, Earth Liucheng

"Isn't there something wrong with the recent foreign trade transaction prices?"

In the conference room, Cang Zhong's expression was a little confused and solemn.

Now because of the Sanyang decoction, they have obtained a large amount of multiverse dimension transaction currency.

Of course, it is based on the gradually improving management rules and the infinite gap in the corresponding fields.

Now this part of the transaction currency is supervised and regulated by relevant organizations established urgently.

They are a brand new organization independent of Cangzhong's jurisdiction.

Under normal circumstances, Cangzhong will not interfere with their internal management.

Of course, Cangzhong also has the right to review, make suggestions and reject large-scale import and export plans.

But now, Cang Zhong looked at the relevant reports in his hands.

According to the summary in the report, during this period, the prices of their related imported materials have dropped by at least 50%.

If there are only a few price adjustments, it would be reasonable.

But now, the prices of most materials have been adjusted...

Cang Zhong looked at the many reasons analyzed in the report.

He thought for a while, and then asked someone to invite An Mo over.

"Has the number of Earth's hostile lists increased recently?"

Cang Zhong asked straight to the point.

"Ah? No..."

After hearing this, An Mo glanced at his comprehensive network panel, and then said in confusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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