Chapter 457 Yao Qian: Damn it, brother, there’s such a thing as Pangu! (

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 Chapter 1378 Yao Qian: Damn it, brother, there is a brilliant Pangu! (First update!)

"Network reminder: You have entered the 3586th major restart of the legendary limited time and space event: ***** (relevant qualifications are required to view)..."

"Tips from the Comprehensive Network: Please note: Based on the entry qualifications and personal evaluation levels you have obtained, please do not move around outside the non-personal area (scarlet note)!"

We can also make up for this level of legendary limited events...

Yao Qian couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when he looked at the reminder information refreshing on his retina.

In fact, Zongwang players are a relatively small group of beings in the large circle of extraordinary civilizations with Eastern pedigree.

After all, for the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, most of those existences that are born with abnormalities have their corresponding past events.

And for those individuals who truly started from humble beginnings, they often rarely have any specific manifestations on the material level.

Of course, many of the forces and entities related to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage are no strangers to Zongwang.

Just like many gods from foreign lands, they also interact with Zongwang.

Yao Qian did not follow the traditional path of spiritual practice.

He comes from a world that is somewhat similar to the current civilization of the earth where Yi Xia lives.

Compared to the dead material world of the dead magic network concept, or to a wild and boundless land like the Savage Continent.

In the multiverse, such tepid worlds may occupy a greater proportion.

Yao Qian also served as a Taoist priest for several years.

But later, the Taoist certificate was not obtained, and the Taoist temple began to engage in commercial development again.

Yao Qian looked at the Western statues juxtaposed with the Sanqing Dynasty. He felt that this was somewhat nonsense, so he simply left the view.

So he wandered around outside for a few more years, without much success.

Until one day, the east wind suddenly blew up the night rain, and Yao Gan got soaked in the rain on his way to get off work. He felt that he really didn't want to do this job anymore.

Fortunately, he had no worries, so he resigned and left.

I am about to go back to the old temple to see what magical appearance it has been transformed into now.

But all I saw was that the gate was closed and fallen leaves were piled up.

Yao Qian was filled with mixed feelings. He spent the whole night in the temple and was about to say goodbye, but found that he probably couldn't say goodbye...

After all, when I looked in the mirror and washed myself, I saw an annotation of "Qingfeng Guanzhu" on my head. I'm afraid it's time to consider which hospital to enroll in the psychiatry department of another hospital...

From then on, Yao Qian began his journey as a comprehensive online player.

After so many years, I have achieved the great road...

Of course, for Yao Qian personally:

He felt that there was really not much difference between himself at this time and the "two wolves and one haha" emoticon that he often shared with his disciples on his mobile phone.

Although he was also dignified and solemn at this time.

But looking at the comrades in front of me, they are either riding a dragon to control a phoenix, or they are paving the way with the rays of light.

It was as if the legendary characters in the ancient books were all vividly displayed before our eyes at this moment.

And his words seemed a little plain...

Yao Qian does not lack "light and shadow special effects".

As a being born in the post-modern era, how could such relatively trendy elements as transformation be lost?

It's just that in an occasion like this, the seemingly ordinary special effects are actually used.

If elements such as the Dharma Field could be manifested, Yao Qian felt that he might be able to save some of his bad reputation.

But obviously, the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage does not yet have such "advanced" art...

Damn it, I’m not the only online player, am I?

Yao Qian felt a little guilty in his heart.

He sometimes feels that his current achievements always seem a bit "frivolous".

After all, although he had intermittently reflected on himself from time to time and conducted some hard training, he mostly followed his own will.

He has no great achievements and has never subdued demons and suppressed demons in the world.

I just did some tinkering and scraped by to survive for decades...

Is it confusion, or is it natural?

Yao Gan doesn't know.

After decades of struggling, he seems to have changed little from his original self.

The rain on that night of farewell is still falling in my memory...

While he was thinking about it, Yao Qian suddenly saw a walker named Teng Yun coming next to him.

The traveler picked up the flowers and smiled, but Yao Qian felt quite stressed.

I don’t know which realms these gods, Buddhas and immortals are all powerful in.

He had no choice but to secretly ask about the plaque in his arms, but he had not read it yet...

This guy……

Yao Gan tried to open up a second battlefield in his mind and have a good confrontation with the opponent.

Although Bian found this path by himself, Yao Qian wouldn't have had the time to come to this realm if he didn't want to be promoted because of it.

Innate spiritual treasure?

Divine power of creation?

The watermelon in the backyard is ripe just right. If you don't eat more, you will be able to take advantage of those thieving sparrows...

"Little monk Fa Ruo, don't you know where the great immortal practices?"

The other party said rather kindly.

When Yao Qian heard this, he revealed his golden name as the master of Qingfeng Temple.

Seeing this, the other party smiled thoughtfully:

"Master Yao's clear light shines on his face. He must be a man of great virtue."

"Why don't you join us and have a gathering from all directions?"

Yao Qian's heart tightened when he heard this. He didn't dare to leave his personal area, so he politely declined.

The other party didn't bother after hearing this, just chuckled and left.

Yao Qian didn't know why this great Buddhist master fell in love with him.

He was not interested in studying Buddhist scriptures, but he did know some Bodhisattvas.

But the name and appearance of this person have never been seen.

While Yao Qian was thinking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of some details.


Yao Qian's eyes moved slightly.

After noticing that the number of players on the comprehensive network of this time and space event changed to: 2, Yao Qian suddenly felt relieved.

It was like a late student who was running towards the classroom and suddenly caught a glimpse of another familiar figure.

That kind of indescribable sense of security cannot be described simply...

Yao Qian couldn't help but have a thought in his mind. He opened the comprehensive network panel and sent a message to the other party through the local comprehensive network channel of time and space:

"Still friends, you are stable, this kind of incident will get stuck! Thumbs up

Yao Qian felt that as a somewhat socially intimidated person, he only dared to communicate with online players who had the same style of painting.

After all, those powerful gods and gods don’t seem to have any communication methods like chat groups...

Not long after Yao Qian finished sending the message, he received a reply from the other party:

"I was just chatting with my host."

Yao Qian couldn't help but fell into deep thought as he looked at the reminder information refreshed on his retina.


The host here?

That is?

Yao Qian thought for a while, and then dug out the background part of the relevant comprehensive network description in his entry qualifications.

And just when Yao Qian felt that something was wrong.

Chaos began to surge.

In this way, the brilliance of matter is suppressed.

The dazzling rays of light that once shone brightly are now gradually compressed to a very limited level.

The chaos that had previously blocked many participants was now gradually alienated.

As a result, a blazing light gradually came from the distant realm, as if the sun was shining...

In the chaos, a majestic figure emerges!

"Damn it, brother, there's a high-definition Pangu!"

Yao Qian didn't know how he sent this message out of nowhere.

After all, now, he really has no one to share this indescribable shock with.

So the next moment, Yao Qian saw the light shrink back, and a new message was sent:


"...Brother, the incident is about to begin. Why don't you come in?"

I'm already there...

Do the self-closing seats in the back row not count as seats?

Yao Qian was speechless for a moment, thinking that this old man must have discovered him...


This chapter has been completed!
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