Chapter 670 Xia Wu is not a saint (two updates!)

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The violent power of chaos suddenly exploded in Yi Xia's palm!

The neck belonging to the evil lord was crushed open!

But such injuries obviously cannot completely kill this powerful evil being who has no shortage of means.

When he realized that his original close plan was unable to make any effective resistance.

Tadeutz has decided to retreat.

It no longer uses any superb evil magic, or activates any powerful dark power.

Instead, in a different dimension on the battlefield, the projection of time and space was suddenly summoned:

The next moment, a number of virtuous humans were thrown out of it...

Under the entanglement of dark forces and the harsh environment of the void, they couldn't help but scream.

In fact, under normal circumstances, they would have died immediately if they were exposed to the void like this.

But the dark force that is tormenting them at the moment also provides necessary protection.

Tadeutz just hopes to use this method to involve Yi Xia's energy to some extent, but does not hope to completely anger this extreme guardian of mankind who is full of cruelty and tyranny in the multiverse...

Tadeutz's no-limit methods indeed surprised Yi Xia somewhat.

But if you think about it carefully, after he became famous, he really had fewer opportunities to interact with these beings.

As for the dark world distorted by plague spores, it is more of a world that lacks intelligence and is relatively weak.

After all, plague spores are not the main thing to "kill with one hit", but to win with quantity...

As for this guy's methods, to be honest, they are a bit dirty...

But it fits the style of these guys well enough...

As soon as I think about it, it's "certainly something that this kind of existence can do."

Yi Xia has her own way of dealing with this.

In an instant, his will turned into countless blazing bean soldiers.

At this moment, he has anchored Tadeutz's concept of evil.

If we say before, Yi Xia was just preparing to destroy the world in order to obtain resources for promotion.

So now, the evil lord's hunting priority on his side has far exceeded the concept of ordinary prey...

Xia Wu's anger was rising little by little...

Tadeutz was undoubtedly unimpressed by this.

It can take action based on the fact that Yi Xia cares about advocating human beings, but that does not mean that it can understand deeper factors.

Just like transposing human thoughts onto animals, it is inherently rebellious.

And for such evil creatures, they naturally cannot understand the connection between witches and humans.

Of course, maybe, after it understands this, it will bring another presentation:

Perhaps the virtuous humans who appear there will be from another lineage of civilization...

Of course, based on the relevant circumstances of the multiverse and the strength of the other party, there may be another ending...

And when Yi Xia got closer and closer to Tadeutz in the chaotic time and space.

It roared again:

"If you come here again, these humans will all die!"

It has such confidence:

As long as the opponent takes action, it can kill some humans first to force the opponent.

The evil power that was originally entangled with the opponent was enough to complete such an action in an instant.

Tadeutz has enough experience in dealing with such benevolent beings.

Extreme race guardian?

They are nothing more than playthings full of weaknesses!

Even if it is slightly stronger, it still has more coping methods!

If it succeeds this time, its reputation among many evil alliances will undoubtedly reach another dimension!

Even if there were evil gods who ridiculed it for its short-sightedness.

But Tadeutz obviously doesn't agree with this.

It will show the dark beings of the multiverse:

How to wantonly take advantage of the other party's weaknesses!

But Tadeutz didn't get the answer he expected:

What greeted Tadeutz, who was full of confidence, was the Xia Wu who had already revealed his Dharma form, stretched out his wings, and struck with the sky-high Xia Ax in a violent manner!

Do you really think Xia Sha is the ultimate human being?

In those eyes that shined with dazzling and violent light like pocket stars, Tadeutz noticed some kind of fiery will that made it feel danger.

Why did he ignore its threat?

Don't those who respect human beings matter to him?

Even if he can be sure that he can later ignore the interference of its power and pull these existences back from the cold world of death.

But why didn't he hesitate at all?

Is he - angry?

Tadeutz had a hard time understanding this.

It tries to resist this.

But everything behaves as it did before:

Just a futile and fruitless struggle...

Fortunately, in the gap of chaotic time, it seemed to be fast and capable enough at this moment.

In this way, the next moment, the ax blade from chaos struck it firmly!

In an instant, the violent chaos force brutally split it into two!

Then a pair of giant hands of chaos stretched out its spiritual body, ignoring the violent turbulence!

When the dependence on material power was extremely thin, the dark divinity belonging to it was forcibly torn off!



"Tips from the Internet: You killed the Ninety-eighth Layer Glazed Lord - Tadeutz, and you received a basic reward of massive chaos experience."

"Tips from the Internet: You have completed a God-killing event, but based on your existing reputation in the related multiverse, you cannot gain additional reputation growth from this event!"

"Tips from the comprehensive network: Your income from this world-destroying event is summarized as follows:

A legendary career level upgrade (basic career level 30 or legendary advanced career level 10 or below)

A little physical growth permanently (the power of world destruction awakens the factors related to your chaotic bloodline, and you get feedback from the depths of your bloodline from the shattered order)

Massive network disaster coins (because the cumulative network disaster coin income has exceeded 10 million, it has been included in the relevant medium and large income records)

The unintentional glazed mirror (deep and evil)...


Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and she glanced at the densely refreshed reminder messages on her retinas.

Right now, the dark world has completely turned into nothingness...

After Tadeutz was dealt with by him, there was no longer any obstacle worth mentioning.

World-destroying attacks outside the world's curtain are already difficult to relate to the vast majority of existences in the multiverse.

Those dark creations will meet their doomsday in confusion...

In this way, Yi Xia looked at the small group of people behind him who had obtained a celestial body from the void and placed it on it for the time being:

"I don't have time to send you all to your respective worlds one by one."

"I will send you to a teleportation center, and they will send you back."

In the face of their words of thanks or inquiries, Yi Xia just guided them in time and space.

He has some experience in dealing with this:

In this case, just find a comprehensive network transmission center nearby.

Now, there is only a dark world left...

This chapter has been completed!
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