Chapter 949 Trivia about the Earth and the Great Witch’s Banquet

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Deep in the slums, which exuded some indescribably complex smell, Alriz was lying on a wooden bed made of strips of cloth.

The injury on his chest was slowly getting worse in a certain trend.

Although the bullet has been removed, the damage caused by it was devastating.

This hot and humid land still caused extremely severe inflammation in Arriz.

If it weren't for the remaining holy light in his body, he would still be fighting fiercely against bacteria and viruses.

Given the barren and harsh medical environment here, Alreze should have been lying in a bleaker corner under the horizon long ago...

As for whether he regretted coming to this turbulent land alone, Arreize felt that he was calm.

It's just that it is somewhat different from what I had imagined before the trip, "carrying out some simpler, non-dangerous rescue work first."

When he truly faced the invasion of darkness and evil, Alriz found it difficult to remain indifferent.

Being wise and protecting yourself obviously does not apply to a virtuous person with sufficient conscience.

Maybe, it's because I'm too weak...

Arreeze lay on the bed feebly and thought this way.

Gaining the power of the Holy Light inevitably made him lose some of his caution.

When the bullet fired from the gun, which was probably still rusty, penetrated his chest, Alriz suddenly came to his senses.

He is still flesh and blood...

Fortunately, fate at least gave him a chance to reflect.

Although it may just be the last painful struggle...

And in this hazy moment, as if on the verge of death, Arreeze suddenly felt that he heard some kind of voice:

"Child, pray to shouldn't fall down in a place like this."

Along with this voice, Alreze suddenly felt that he had memorized a long and unfamiliar name.

what is that?


But if gods really exist, why is there still so much suffering in this world?

"Because people are arrogant..."

"This is his world, I shouldn't and can't comment more on it..."

"Pray to me...I can't convey my power to you until you receive prayers."

The strange voice is still echoing.

And at this moment, the voice suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Alriz saw a strange existence appear in front of him.


Arriz stared blankly at the white wings behind the other party, and his surprise even made him escape from his embarrassment.

However, the other party just looked at him, and then a flash of fluorescence appeared.

Arreeze felt that his body suddenly returned to normal, and the weakness and pain seemed to be just an illusion from his previous nightmare.

"Sorry, the existence of the great witch made me ignore other civilized realms in this world for a while."

"But fortunately, everything can still be undone."

This is what the other party said.

Then he paused and looked at Alriz:

"Be alert to the different lights, just like the day has its colorful spectrum."

"Then, practice harder. No matter how pure and weak your will is, you can't penetrate this world."

"I have the responsibilities I have sworn to fulfill, and I can't give you any more help."

"Work hard, virtuous ones, justice and redemption are never short of biting thorns..."

The other party said this, and then disappeared just as he appeared.

Arriz looked at the direction in which the other party disappeared.

He always felt that this "angel" who suddenly appeared looked at him with quite complicated eyes.

It is not a transcendent divinity, but more like the scrutiny and nostalgia of a fellow traveler.

The other party seemed to have known about him for a long time, but he did not appear.

Arreeze didn't understand this.

He once again felt confused about this world that had seemed chaotic due to the appearance of the Holy Light before this.

Also, what is a great witch?

Is it an Eastern ritual?

But why is the prefix "big" added?

Arriz felt that there were too many doubts filling his mind.

He seemed to have returned to his ignorant and ignorant age, but he no longer had the enthusiasm and excitement of exploring this strange world.

Alriz didn't know what he should do.

But now that the injury is healed, he needs to do more meaningful things...



So, a whole night without words

Since she had to attend a banquet today, Yi Xia had a rare night on earth to recuperate.

Having already set foot in the legendary realm, his overall time consumption on related adventures has obviously improved a lot compared to the extraordinary period.

A day or two is normal, and it is not surprising that a fierce battle lasts for ten days and a half. To be honest, Yi Xia is quite concerned about today's banquet.

After all, it is a rare invitation to a banquet by a strange god. From the perspective of this unprecedented first time, it has some memorable significance.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't rest for too long.

In the extraordinary stage, he had gradually got rid of his daily need for sleep. After breaking through the legend, Yi Xia's need in this regard became even rarer.

His terrifying vitality, which could no longer be described as vigorous, allowed him to remain energetic for almost a long time.

And even hibernation no longer takes as long as several hours.

Of course, this refers to trimming in the conventional sense.

If it is a more profound level of damage, then Yi Xia can also sleep for as long as years.

But based on his current life status and comprehensive abilities, the probability of such an injury can only be said to exist...

After taking in a portion of the concepts in the dumplings sent by Yi Jiao as a more symbolic breakfast, Yi Xia was ready to set off.

During the period after a certain sword was restored to life, the earth was still in a fairly peaceful stage.

Those who tried to create gods before were repeatedly frustrated due to various reasons.

Whether they can successfully create "gods", Yi Xia doesn't know.

But if other gods dare to respond to them, that is a different situation.

So, overall, there's nothing new to enjoy on Earth.

As for the worshiper yesterday?

Since it was not part of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, Yi Xia did not pay more attention to it.

Sending Yumen to rescue him in a situation like yesterday was more out of recognition of the concept of a virtuous person.

In comparison, Yuren may pay more attention to it.

As for whether Yuren will regard his growth as some kind of trial and tempering, and focus on training him in the future, this is not Yi Xia's concern.

In contrast, the new supernatural forces related to the evil side of the earth will be more "favored" by the great witch.

In this way, Yi Xia's mind moved.

The next moment, Yi Xia's figure disappeared from the earth.

According to the relevant spatial coordinates sent by Yuan Xian, Yi Xia teleported directly through time and space.

After the chaos and disorder of time and space teleportation, Yi Xia looked at the turbulent sea water in front of her and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

That seems... to be wine?

This chapter has been completed!
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