Chapter 948 Let's bypass this topic~

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 The arrival of the Shadow Valley mage seemed like a trigger. Almost two hours later, a new person arrived at the Harper building opposite the hotel.

Then these Harpers took the Shadow Valley mage to find the Elf City Guards patrolling the road, hoping to visit the mayor Lin En. It would be better if they could be summoned by Lord Hill.

Linn quickly invited these visitors to his town hall... after all, they brought official letters from Alustriel and the apparent leader of Shadow Valley, Morengrim Amkatra.

However, when talking to these people on the phone, Lin En felt different from the past.

When they mentioned Hill, their tone was as respectful and respectful as possible... The past lord of Aglaia, because of his too neutral attitude, even though he was powerful and the lord of Laila, these Mystra voters also

I don't feel the need to establish a deeper friendship with him.

After all, although Hill has always been gentle and seems to be only dissatisfied with Kelben, the undead he brought, as well as Corellon behind him, have never had much respect for Mystra.

Therefore, the forces in northern Faerûn, headed by the Mystra electorate, all stayed away from the city of Aglaia, even if Leila became the mayor of Luskan.

But all the indifference and self-pity turned into spring rain streams in the mouth of three powerful gods... Even if Mystra came out on her own, she would not say bad words to Lord Aglaia.

Shar and Selune were enough to make the goddess of magic automatically choose to stay away... Even when Shar was looking for trouble for her, no Mystra ever chose to openly confront the Daughter of the Night.

Including Midnight, who behaves with hatred and hatred, she has always claimed that she will never tolerate Shar's motive of destroying the world, and will definitely prevent the Dark Night believers from causing rebellion in Toril, but like she did to Cyric, claiming that she will hunt him down forever,

She also asked her followers to do their best to exterminate sworn enemies like the Dark Sun Believers, but she never said it out loud.

Lin En's reaction was never slow, but he saw the respectful attitude shown by these two groups of mages, and the cautious style of sending out mages who were obviously not from the evil camp... Alustriel and Silen have never had high requirements for their subordinates.

Not as tall as Hill.

They actually don't care what their men do secretly, as long as they don't violate the laws and regulations of the territory openly.

Lin En observed secretly... Forget about Alustriel from Silvermoon City. This lady has always been considerate in her work style. It is normal for her to choose to send out the mage from Silvermoon City from the Harper Alliance.

But even Shadow Valley, who has always done things casually, has chosen to respect Lord Aglaia's unique style, and even the guards of the mages have been carefully selected, which is a bit unexpected.

When Lin En received these foreign guests with a smile, he felt a little stunned in his heart... Hill, who had always been rejected by the mainstream society of Toril mages, could probably find friends willing to communicate with him at any time if he wanted to.

Hill has probably never thought about why he is such a powerful mage and so few in Toril are willing to come to him to discuss the mysteries of magic... In the world of mages, a being like him who has such high requirements for the camp is simply unbelievable.

It's incredible.

Even a mage from the good camp has many friends from the evil camp, including Serge's red robe.

But Hill obviously has high requirements for the character and style of his friends and subordinates, and his style of doing things is indeed a bit puzzling. People in Toril can't understand him, so naturally they are unwilling to deal with him.

Hill himself didn't feel anything...Lynn never understood how his friend developed such a strange personality. Mr. Farlan was obviously a person who was very accustomed to enjoying the privileges of the aristocracy.

Indeed, Hill lived a very luxurious life and would never reduce the treatment he deserved even a little bit, but everything he enjoyed did not come from the supplies of the territory, but from his own abilities.

Just like building a house, he will not only build it himself, but also find materials by himself. If there is something missing, he will choose other things to replace it... Although this rarely happens, Lin En himself can't

Imagine what Hill would say to himself one day, "Ah, Lynn, I want to renovate my castle, but there are not enough sapphires. Do I have to use blue crystals instead?"

Lin En had lost the mood to discuss his friend's wealth... Some goddess of wealth, some platinum dragon god, when she saw Hill's warehouse, she would either hide her face and run away, or she would be so jealous that she wanted to rob it.

Things about Aglaia have never been hidden, so everyone in Toril must know... This is a place where the lord builds his own house, and the people only need to stand aside and watch.

How could there be such a good lord in Toril? Even a mage would not allow such a thing to happen... Even if he could only let the territorial citizens dig some soil, he would not let ordinary people watch him work!

Therefore, even if Hill always feels that he has high demands on the people of his territory, there are more and more residents in Aglaia City... For ordinary people who are unable to resist, as long as they remain kind and obey the law, they can be a family.

The young and old can live in peace and contentment. Is there a more perfect life than this?

Speaking of which, the other territory in the north of Faerûn where kind-hearted ordinary people can live a decent life is the Northland ruled by the golden dragon and silver dragon couple... But the biggest shortcoming of that couple is that they don't understand that ordinary people need protection.

In their eyes, the weakest being is probably the white dragon cub, right?

They only prevent strong men from the evil camp from appearing in their territory, but they cannot hunt powerful beasts, nor can they build human cities in their territory... This means that only professionals can live there.

If the journey to Faerûn had not been too difficult, Aglaia City would probably soon be full of people even in the villages outside.

Ordinary people just want a place to live.

"Mr. Lynn." On the chest of a robe is a Harper's emblem, and a ring badge composed of seven stars with red mist flowing out of it... That is the holy symbol of Mystra... in the center

Master Nian asked respectfully, "I wonder if we have the honor to be received by Lord Aglaia?"

"Mr. Yurico Yarrow." Lynn said with a smile, "Although it may sound like showing off, I have asked Hill and he allowed me to tell the truth directly.

Although Hill is now staying in the floating castle, the guests in the castle prevent him from meeting any humans.

Even if Alustriel comes in person, it will be the same."

There was a slight ripple on Yuriko Yaro's calm face. He showed a meaningful smile, approached Lin En, lowered his voice and asked: "Ah... is it possible that those three are still here?"


It’s incredible!

The world must be destroyed...ah, the world was indeed destroyed once.

But how is this done?"

Lin En smiled nonchalantly: "After all, Hill is from another world. He has no conflicts with any gods. Moreover, his strength is not low and his personality is gentle. It is normal for him to make friends with anyone.

Apart from the demon lord and Bane, the only person who can make him dissatisfied seems to be the tower owner of the Black Staff Tower!

Even Vol'jin, whom he had conflicts with several times, was never so disgusted by him."

Yurico Yaro glanced at Linn and took a step back slightly: "Although the Archmage Kelben was indeed a little too hasty in doing things, he didn't have any bad intentions.

There is some misunderstanding, and if it can be resolved, Ms. Alustriel is willing to help."

"Ms. Hillen thinks so too. If necessary, the Twisted Tower can also help." A middle-aged female mage in a silver robe standing behind Yaro said softly.

Linn glanced at her: "In Hill's study, there is a Chronicle of Waterdeep with a card of Impermanence.

This is the unexpected surprise he got when he went to Waterdeep for the first time... Before this card is revealed, there is no need to talk about some things."

Liszt had already explained Hill's attitude to Linn before these people arrived.

Although Hill has always had a good temper, he never easily forgives those who attack him... No matter how many times he takes revenge, Hill will never communicate with Kelben as long as he sees that card.

If the opponent makes the first move and wants to withdraw it, it depends on whether Hill is willing or not.

Yaro's eyes that had been moving flexibly suddenly froze... Whether it was the Harpers or the other forces of Mystra's chosen people, they all felt that Lord Aglaia's hostility towards Kelben came from the harm that guy had done to the elves.

Do they really not know that there is such a thing... Going to Waterdeep for the first time?

Wasn't that when the Swamp of the Dead was still there?

The house hasn't even been built yet, and you, Kel, have already done something wrong?

Yaro wiped his face heavily with one hand: "Mr. Lin En, can you pretend that I didn't say what I said before?

Can we move on to the next topic?"

The female mage from Shadow Valley also smiled and said: "Miss Edna seems to have been well taught! Although she only chatted a few words with Mr. Devis from Quesen Tower, she can definitely see it.

It turns out that Miss Edna has very good control."

This chapter has been completed!
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