Chapter 1294 The sincerity of the undead

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 Hill stood in the clouds, with a smile on his face and a heart full of complaints.

The sincerity of the undead is sometimes really unbearable.

Why can such a simple happy birthday song be sung to so many strange tunes?

Sometimes he hated himself for being so polite... Mainly because if he really had his ears and eyes sealed, Edna could tell.

His upbringing prevents him from doing such rude behavior without others knowing.

Edna, on the other hand, was quite lucky.

When her white dragon appeared on the horizon, the undead began to sing. By the time she flew close, these people had suppressed all kinds of excitement... Some guys whose singing was due to congenital problems were also ordered to stop their freedom.


Hill felt that the management of those families was more tiring than organizing a national war.

Fortunately, the power of the Sanda King has not diminished, especially at the Black Rose closest to Hill. Some guys who didn't want to be blamed, still kept their mouths angrily.

So, although it is still unpleasant to listen to now, it is barely bearable.

As for the beautiful goddess standing on Bailong's back, whose face was full of surprise and her eyes were filled with emotion, she could probably block that sound by herself.

Hill suddenly felt that thinking back on the Little Bear Song that those guys had specially rehearsed back then, he could tolerate it for a while!

After all, most of the people who sing are music students, and when the accompaniment is turned up to its maximum volume, even if there are more than 10,000 people singing, it still sounds beautiful... at least it can be listened to.

Even though his heart was spinning a thousand times, as an architect, he could only smile and welcome the new goddess of magic who slipped off the back of the white dragon that landed on the white cloud-shrouded platform in front of the floating island.

Of course, behind her, there is the 'elderly Sanda King' who put on a particularly cute white tutu skirt... This lady seems to have an extremely firm aesthetic: her hairstyle and clothing accessories must match.

I don’t know when she changed the hair accessories at the base of her twin ponytails to pink-purple and pink-white cyclamen.

This must have been specially customized by her from an undead who was good at was purely a decoration, and the undead would naturally be able to make it.

It's just daily necessities, the price depends entirely on the craftsmanship... These two clusters of lifelike, pink and tender looking cyclamen are the best among the best.

Although the ‘Senior Sanda King’ has always been good at spending money, she rarely spends such a large amount on daily necessities.

Hill could feel the solemnity of this female priest... Although she didn't know that Toril was a real world, she still knew very well that Edna's time to stay in Toril had entered a countdown.

And Edna didn't show any condescension of a god in front of this female priest at all - as a god who had just recovered her divine power, Edna didn't feel any oppression at all!

Unlike Shar and Selune, she uses an avatar... The true form of the god always comes with a shock BUFF when it appears.

Of course Alvia would not be affected as her partner, but the 'Old Sanda King' sat beside her so easily and walked beside her... Every step Edna took seemed relaxed and comfortable, but

In fact, you have to be very careful.

The gods of Toril have never known how to exercise restraint, but Edna is still the Edna he is familiar with.

Hill smiled and spoke... The warmth rising from his heart made his tone very gentle: "Dear goddess Edna, welcome home.

Your cyclamen is waiting for you, open the door."

The crowd stopped singing, applauded and shouted "Welcome home", leaving a path of crystal clear purple stars for her.

Edna lightly stepped onto the starting point of this purple galaxy.

The ‘Old Sanda King’ said proudly behind her: “The original drawing was for a white marble road, but some of us found a very large amethyst mine on the Spine of the World!

Of course, amethyst is too extravagant to use to build roads, and it's not strong enough. Of course, it can be reinforced with magic, but we can't make do with our own homes, right?

Although this is just the associated marble of the amethyst mine, there are also some amethyst fragments in it~

Tens of thousands of us dug for a day!

It took a lot of effort to dig enough before Hill was ready to start building the above-ground buildings!

This is a birthday gift from all of us in the Black Rose family.

Edna, happy birthday, happy forever~"

Edna gently pressed her hands on her cheeks, trying to control the flush of emotion that had appeared on her face: "I... really like it.

Thank you, my friend, my..."

She whispered two words in the tiniest voice: loved ones.

Edna did not remain sad for long.

The sentimentality of a girl who is cherished by others will always be as fleeting as dewdrops.

She was so light that she pushed open the two crystal doors on the outer city wall, which were also made of marble with a little purple light. What jumped into her eyes was the cyclamen blooming warmly in the front garden.

Even the crystal lamps on the roadside look like cyclamen... Although purple cyclamen are the main ones, there are also a lot of white cyclamen, and cyclamen of other colors are used as decorations in some unexpected places.

Open quietly.

The main building looked exactly like the Crystal Castle she imagined.

But on the left side of the vestibule, the transparent five-pointed star library surprised Edna.

Of course, I was not surprised by the size of this library, but by the bookshelves that reached the ceiling and were filled with books.

She couldn't help but move in that direction.

"Didn't Ogma take away all the books in Candlekeep?" She couldn't help but turn to ask Hill who was following her.

"There is basically no serious book in Candlekeep that I haven't copied." Hill replied with a smile, "I also made a little effort on your birthday. I originally planned to give away the Toril and the money I own.

A copy of all Renriel's books is placed here.

But the undead feel that although they don't have such a deep friendship with you like Black Rose, but... after so many years of friendship, they can't do nothing.

Then, everyone came to help copy one copy... Although there were more or less copies according to their personalities, even the smallest one had at least 20 copies.

So, from now on, just collect new books."

Edna turned her head, faced the undead who kept smiling at her, and gave a gentle breast-stroking salute: "Thank you all for your deep friendship.

Edna will never forget everything she did today."

Whether they are standing in the floating city or the undead lurking in the forest below, they are all expressing their joy with their warmest cheers "Happy Birthday Edna" and rich expressions and movements:

Although every effort they made was done willingly, they did not think about getting anything in return.

But seeing someone who has received this kind of heart know how to cherish and be moved will always make people feel happier.

Edna tilted her head, smiling.

She had just turned around to walk towards the castle when she suddenly discovered a slowly rotating circular crystal display cabinet filled with magical light standing in the center of the library.

The outermost layer of the round cabinet is even tightly sealed by the top-grade... The strength is clearly from the hands of sun elves above demigods... fiberglass.

There are pages of golden scrolls placed in the crystal cabinet: they are placed in a special small box inside the crystal cabinet and inserted vertically on the mithril pillar in the center of the display cabinet.

Edna glanced hesitantly, then turned to look at Hill, and finally glanced again.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "Is that also the book you copied back from Toril?"

"It was too precious originally." The smile on Hill's face was impeccable, "I think it is more suitable to be kept by the noble goddess of magic."

"You..." Edna suddenly laughed, "Should I thank you for not leaving me on my only path when I was halfway through?"

"Then... evil-intentioned behavior can only be used against... strangers who also have evil intentions." Hill said sincerely, "Friends cannot be plotted."

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but Hill feels that the more he looks at this little girl, the less he can do it.

It would be okay if she was thrown out from the beginning. After all, Hill was not very familiar with her... But later, he watched the giant screen for too long.

What Edna did was enough for him to respect.

This is a person who can maintain his true nature in the face of powerful forces.

Edna glanced at the beautiful crystal cabinet again, and suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes: "I saw the wind in Icewind Dale and heard the song of the Tower of Windsong... This must be a very interesting story."

"The master key to the Tower of Wind Song is at the bottom of the crystal cabinet." Hill tilted his head, "Myth Drannor has completely collapsed, and even the Elf Cemetery no longer exists... Only the Tower of Dawn and half of the Wind Song are left.

Tower of Song.

For the elves, it is no longer their homeland, so it is more suitable to leave this ring to the goddess of magic."

Edna nodded slightly: "Then let it sleep there. I have no interest in appearing anywhere other than Cyclamen and the Hidden Forest."

"Mystra cannot have followers." Hill thought for a while and reminded her.

"That doesn't matter." Edna smiled nonchalantly, "When I am absolutely fair to all believers, there will be fewer and fewer devout believers.

I... just need to stay in the middle of the magic web and weave my web well."



With an explosion coming from the star realm, the entire planet Toril seemed to be shaking.

"Haim is dead?" Hill couldn't help but look up at the starry sky.

"Hmm... um!" Edna suddenly picked up her long skirt and rushed towards the purple crystal castle.

Hill was stunned for a moment, and then shouted behind the 'elderly Sanda King' who was following quickly: "Edna probably only has half an hour.

Today, it’s coming to an end.”

The 'Old Sanda King' waved his hand, and his white gloves inlaid with purple diamonds were particularly eye-catching.

This chapter has been completed!
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