Chapter 1525 Amberli’s familiar smell

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 I don’t know if it’s because Triton had arranged to deal with those giant sea monsters before. These shark heads were not afraid of the giant monsters outside the endless vines. They stood holding their own harpoons one by one.

The vines bared their teeth and claws at the enemies outside.

As for Scarlet's giant ship, even if it frantically wants to attack the bay of Kane Valley, it must first get through the layers of sea monster defenses in the middle.

Compared to the undead and the new Poseidon, the remaining will of the former Sea Goddess who had just been killed by Triton himself naturally hated Triton and his Scarlet more.

So...these sea monsters that had been attacking Kane Valley collectively turned around and started charging towards those giant ships.

As for the giant long-range weapons of the undead, at this time, they have no scruples...just aim at the farthest place and shoot directly, and they are not afraid of accidentally injuring the sea monster.

No matter how brave the shark heads are, it's just a performance... they stay in the area where the endless vines are attentively.

Although it was 'Lu Huayu' who gave the order first, asking them not to attack the sea monster first...but these shark heads, who already had a bit of Amberli style, probably never thought of charging first.

However, Hill discovered something strange... There was a slight difference between this evil god and the former sea goddess.

Otherwise, the first enemy of those sea beasts would definitely not be Scarlet.

You know, Ellie has always stayed here and never left. Those giant sea beasts have also been trying to attack the valley, leaving corpses everywhere every day and never retreating.

Although she has been turning herself into a wisp of wind, wandering thousands of meters away in the Kane Valley, how could Hill not feel it?

To him, a few kilometers is no different from being right in front of him.

If 'Snow Cloud Peak' hadn't told him that it was best not to touch that woman for the time being, Hill would have wanted to send her to Scarlet with a few hurricanes.

But it was obvious that the Snow Commander’s judgment was right again.

Although Ellie is controlled by that evil god and even has control over those giant beasts, they are not the same god.

In other words, the mastermind behind the scenes made two preparations and used two aspects respectively... No matter which side loses, she can immediately and completely cut off the other side?

That's why the style of doing things is so messy, it doesn't seem logical at all, but it's very concealed.

After all, she probably doesn’t even know what decision her appearance will make. Will there be any conflicts?

Anyway, it seems now that although the aspect of the Ocean Goddess provides cover for the love and beauty, it does not necessarily mean that the other aspect is the main one.

When the two sides' ideas conflicted, the Ocean Goddess naturally chose her side.

Otherwise, according to the main goal of the mastermind behind the scenes, those giant beasts should first choose to cooperate with Triton and attack Kane Valley together.

Or is this the real reason why Gaia chose to cooperate with Ioskar without hesitation even though Triton had the upper hand?

really interesting.

This is a multi-faceted game played by me. Did I mess it up?

Sure enough, the gods from Greece, no matter how many plans they have, no matter how vicious their plots, they always have some inexplicable flaws... It even makes people wonder whether the reason for their success is because the people they scheme against are even stupider.

Hill sat on the edge of the cloud platform, holding his small wine glass and taking a leisurely sip.

So, Oasis was favored by the Greek gods just because of his stone head and club mentality, right?

"Do you want to go to World Tree for further training?" He turned to smile at the wisp of dust beside him, "You'd better not learn the AO thing, you only have so much brains, why waste it."

Oasis remained silent... In fact, he never believed the judgment of 'Xueyun Peak'.

How could such a powerful enemy make such a big mistake?

Therefore, when 'Xue Yunfeng' said that Amberli's arrival could kill several eagles with one stone, he only believed two of them: that he could make Triton angry to death, and that Amberli, who was very good at being a coastal goddess, could help this

The world is getting through this drought safely.

Of course, this is a benefit to Oasis, and to the undead, they can find a god they trust enough to avoid being killed one day.

However, all that was happening in front of him made Oasis, who was not even brainless, have to admit...he could not understand his enemy as well as a person who did not understand the gods at all and did not respect them at all.

This was a little hard for him to accept.

Hill took a sip of mint julep and stuffed himself with a piece of pineapple cake. He watched Oasis struggling there with joy... He really doubted that Stone Head was thinking about whether to go to the World Tree to ask

Ask yourself what to do next!

It would be interesting if he really went.

The roots of his ancestral tree have to be broken off... Now that it has reached this point, can Oasis still regret it?

Either let nature take its course, or simply restart.

‘Xueyun Peak’ stood on the edge of the cliff, staring at the long coastline.

"Old dog, the whole front is already full of people. The Moon Clan is coming very hard this time." 'Su Su' standing behind him said worriedly, "On Black Mei's side, the old people have already launched their big moves.

, otherwise we would have been almost penetrated by the attacking Archmage Scarlet."

"Hill is still up there watching the fun, so it shouldn't be a big deal." 'Xueyunfeng' said without blinking, "We have to rely on ourselves to support this round ahead.

Let Black Rose guard there because they have the strongest defense, and tell Baldhead that they will be able to withstand at least until the third round.

Embry must not move, she must be on this main battlefield, and there is Ellie beside her!"


‘Xueyunfeng’ looked back and said, “The high-level combat power from Danboro hasn’t arrived yet?”

"There's nothing going on over there in Brasilia."

"They are not those little nobles. They still need to transit, so they must fly over directly." "Xueyunfeng" thought for a while, "Aren't they planning to ambush the great sage Scarlet?

They are old rivals, and their hatred is as deep as the sea!"

"Do you think they will definitely come?"

"I didn't have much confidence at first, but the reaction of that group of mages and nobles made me sure that they knew something about it.


If their grandparents hadn't told them that there was going to be big trouble here, how could those people hold on to the Suzulan Hotel and not leave!


But they still dare to stay in Kane Valley, naturally they know that those old men and women are definitely coming."

He raised his head and looked at the particularly conspicuous white cloud above his head... There was a severe drought and there were no clouds in the sky. Even above the sea, the sun was shining brightly. Hill's excitement was too straightforward and conspicuous.

Quite a bit.

"I don't know if Hill knows where those people have gone. Normally, a mage of that level shouldn't be able to hide it from his sight, right?" 'Xueyunfeng' pinched his chin and thought, "Should I ask?


'Su Su' couldn't help but blink, looking at the high-spirited white-clothed mage in front of her, who could determine people's movements in a matter of seconds, she sighed softly and silently: This person is really good at everything, but it's a pity that he has a mouth.

"Why are you still standing here? Contact the clan leaders immediately!

If anyone can't stop it, tell me quickly, there are two reserve teams of Warfield and Nighthawk that are not on board!

Set the bald guy's side as special, and his messages will be answered immediately!

Have you talked to him?

Are you okay? If not, call someone else quickly! Don’t wait until then..."

"I'm talking." 'Susu' replied with three words lifelessly, interrupting the storm of questioning.

Embry moved a little uneasily.

'Lu Huayu' raised his head and looked at her: "Amboli, did you find anything? If you have any questions, please tell me right away. We can check it out here.

Don’t worry about causing trouble to others, we have enough manpower, so it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake.”

Is Amberli afraid of troublesome people?


The boss at the end of the world looked at his butler in horror... He began to try hard to remember whether 'Lu Huayu' was telling lies like this when he was facing him.

Then he shook his head violently: Fortunately, although he spoke tactfully, at least he would never say it was dark in front of a blind man.

"There is a smell on the right. I think I have seen it before, in Toril." Embry said slowly, "Enemies, not really, but the smell is disgusting when you smell it... Well, it's a bit

It smells like that bitch Suni, but more disgusting."

'Lu Huayu' blinked: "There is an aspect of some alien god in this world, trying to become the goddess of love and beauty. Are you talking about that feeling?"

In the past, Embry hated the goddess who was famous for her beauty because her image was too bizarre. He still knew this.

It is clear that the one who has a theocratic conflict with Embry is Selune, who has the vocation of navigator, but when she really encounters Selune and Suni at the same time, Embry... must attack Suni first.

Although she couldn't figure out where her emotions came from, she knew who was more hateful.

To be honest, there are many goddesses in Toril who are more evil than Umberli, but even the goddess of disease is not as infamous as her. In fact, she is still half the image of the crazy woman in Umberli.

Very big.

The silly and crazy goddess of the good camp depends on whether the background is strong enough, let alone whether she is still evil.

"No, she's still very coquettish. Shuni is a bitch, not that coquettish." Amberli restricted her voice to this small circle... This is what 'Lu Huayu' taught her: when speaking ill of others, choose someone who is the only one.

Where others can hear you.

Embry never considered her pastor to be one of her own, only Shark Head and Lu Huayu.

As for the pendant next to 'Lu Huayu', it can be ignored.

'Lu Huayu' thought for a few seconds and suddenly reacted: "Have you smelled it in Toril?"

This chapter has been completed!
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