Chapter 434 Aislin’s shortcomings

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 Root glanced at Aislin and couldn't help but sigh: "If you don't get rid of your greed of wanting everything, what will you do in the future?"

He shook his head in annoyance: "You always said that you will be honest after arriving at the Tower of Siya...Look at your performance during this period, are you that convincing?

If you really know how to behave, why are you dealing with Gilbert?

When he can pose a threat to you... we should definitely go to the Tower of Thea."

Aisling clenched her fists: "I know that Gilbert was in a hurry to recover and even took the risk before you came back, in order to prepare for the Tower of Theia.

But, teacher, Gilbert is too smart, and he has become too decisive.

In the past, he would never have allowed outsiders to attack the Heinalson family so easily. He could not be completely ruthless.

Even though not all of those family members deserved his attention, he still showed reluctance to leave them.

But this time...he really didn't care.

I didn't care about Gilbert before because his weaknesses were so obvious, but this time, I can't catch them at all."

Root was a little helpless: "Why do you want to exploit his weakness? He is your junior brother, not your enemy!

As long as you don't take the initiative to deal with him, is he too idle? He has to attack you!

Gilbert is such a pure academic mage, what makes you feel threatened?"

"I don't know..." Aislin said a little sadly, "I really don't know, but my intuition always reminds me..."

"Ah... I mean Aisling..." Noam Oliva, who had been standing silently by the side, couldn't hold back this time, "Isn't your intuition that you are always a scumbag?"

"What did you say?" Aislin turned to stare at him angrily.

"Would you like me to repeat to you your declaration of love?" Oliva sneered, "By the way, there's more than one paragraph."

Aisling was speechless... When she was so innocent and stupid, she did say that she felt that the man she liked was a true love given by God... However, they were all really bad, and there was no middle ground.

It's really bad.

Oliva, as the only remaining senior brother who is older than her... has really witnessed too much, and the first 'true love' was dealt with by him under the orders of his master.

Although Aisling is more grateful to her teacher who knows everything about this matter, she is not really ungrateful, so the competition between her and Oliva has always been healthy.

Although they may occasionally hold each other back, and their mouths may not be forgiving, they will never touch each other's real vital points.

"So, your intuition is counter-intuitive, right?" Oliva said bluntly, "Maybe he is telling you that you have to count on Gilbert to save your life in the future.

However, it makes no sense to say this now.

From what I know about Gilbert, unless you lie down at his feet in front of the teacher, he will never give you a hand.

The reason why he doesn't step on you directly is because he still maintains the aristocratic etiquette habitually.


How about it?

Just think about it and be happy~ Finally, I have a junior brother who will stand by my side and do the right thing for you as you wish!"

Aislin rolled her eyes at him: "If I expect him to save my life, I might as well die!

I am the eighth ring!

No matter how good his qualifications are, he will never be able to be on an equal footing with me in 50 years.

Besides, won’t I make progress?

When you reach the eighth ring, it’s all about the accumulation of magic."

"If you two are both in the eighth ring, you really don't necessarily know more spells than he does." Root, who had been watching the two disciples bickering with interest, suddenly interrupted with a smile.

"Teacher?" Oliva's reaction to this sentence was even greater... years of confrontation made him know Aisling very well.

Although this lady's promotion speed has been very slow, and the ninth level seems to be far away, she is quite good at learning spells.

Just the opposite of him.

Oliva's promotion speed has been quite stable, but learning spells is a bit difficult.

"The reason Aislin learns spells so quickly is because she learns them superficially." Root stretched out his finger and pointed at his unpromising female disciple, "You're already at the eighth level, what's the point of just using spells?

Many seventh-level spells have been thoroughly studied, and they are definitely no worse than the eight-level spells that can only be used.

Oliva is very good at this. Although he is slow to learn, he masters every spell very thoroughly.

But... your biggest problem is that you always like to use spells according to your own logic, and don't feel the charm of the spell runes themselves... Tsk, you should learn the standard runes that Gilbert's student got the most.

The one!"

Oliva couldn't help scratching his head: "I'm already learning.

I'm still thinking that when Gilbert comes out, I'll ask him to write a big enough book for me to hang in my hall and look at every day."

Aisling couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth downwards... Damn Oliva, I told her this on purpose.

Just to make her unhappy, Gilbert would do this.

Root didn't bother to care about them, they were just having a little fight anyway.

After all, it won't be like the two families next door... It's normal to hold back your own people. After all, everyone has selfish motives.

But if you kill your own people, you have something wrong with your brain.

He always thought that Nicholson had very good control over his students... People who couldn't be completely trusted also had their uses, especially when going to ghost places like the Tower of Sea, where they could be kidnapped at any time.

Bastard students are really the best source of information... Who would have thought that those few could actually send their own people to death for a little profit!

Therefore, later Nicholson simply let those few die together. Although it was a pity for Root, he could understand... Once they get used to using their own people's blood in exchange for benefits, they will not stop. They still have what they really value.

Where is the child!


It's just to get accurate and fast information, there's no need to take such a big risk.

It's just a pity: it takes such a long training time and so many mage resources to train a guy with just passable qualifications, but a little short-sightedness, into the seventh ring.

You know, generally speaking, mages who can pass the high-level level are basically very discerning. No matter how selfish or vicious they are, they still know what is better for themselves... even though they can't see it.

Guys who can still advance are harder to find.

However, although the Seventh Ring Mage is precious, losing so many of them is not a serious injury. Instead, it makes their image of the Tower of Darkness always causing problems when making choices more real.

Speaking of which, it's not too much of a loss... Of course, this is mainly because it was not his students who died, and it was not his resources that were lost.

Root raised his eyebrows: "Aisling, don't conflict with Gilbert again.

I promised Nicholson that I would not compete with him for apprentices in the past 10 years. Gilbert's Russell is probably the most valuable among our batch of apprentices, so please cherish it."

Aisling was stunned for a few seconds... But she actually knew that there were always some exchanges between her teacher and Nicholson that would not surface... But she really didn't expect that Root, who always valued backup,

He was actually willing to give up his apprenticeship.

Then, Oliva's words interrupted her thoughts.

"Have you lost your mind because you have been calculating so much lately?" Oliva laughed eerily, "Gilbert's Russell is already an official mage.

The owner of Nicholson Tower is probably eager to trade his 10-year apprenticeship for Russell!"

Although he didn't have the nerve to speak too harshly in front of his teacher, Root and Aislin both understood what he was talking about... Their faction had recruited more than 50 apprentices in the past ten years, but they only had one official mage.

There are two more possibilities...but the possibilities in the mage world are sometimes almost as close as impossible.

Aisling's forced smile towards Oliva could be described as a smile that was not smiling at all: "He also has Carpenter, and it is said that he has a very good talent for illusions."

Lute, who had been listening boredly to the bickering among his disciples, said softly: "Huh?" "That girl?"

Don’t you mean to make up the numbers?”

"Only illusions can do it." Aisling replied immediately, "Gilbert said her other talents are not as good as the Outer Circle Mage.

She hasn't learned all the common spells well, and she probably has never tried illusions before."

"Then, why did Gilbert let her start learning illusions?" Oliva quickly grasped the point, "Shouldn't they, Heinalson, start learning protection spells?"

"Is it true that when Russell was learning illusions, the girl followed him and tried it?" Root asked with a smile, "The Heinelson family is very accustomed to the learning method of older children leading younger children.

Gilbert was also brought up by his eldest brother."

This chapter has been completed!
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