Chapter 583 Deafening Silence

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Fongo was confused.

Why did Gracia, who should be the most enthusiastic about resurrecting Bissozea, do something detrimental to it?

But he will never say another word on this matter.

No one is sure what Asmodeus thinks about Bissozea's resurrection... Hell is always a place with the most rumors.

Everyone has ghosts in their hearts, so there are more dark ghosts that can be imagined.

Bissozeya's death was so unexpected. Who was responsible? From the devil's secret agent to Asmodeus himself, almost all the possibilities have been guessed.

There are so many demon dukes in hell who want to gain something by following the Lord of Hell, but no one dares to say anything about this matter!

But in hell, no one has ever doubted that Gracia's brain is a bit confusing to the devil.

At that time, she was still immersed in her love with Mammon, and even the death of her own mother could not make her see the reality.

But now Feng Ge couldn't help but mutter: Could it be that this person was a little bit... at that time?

"Rommel, are you... willing to come to the White Tower as a guest occasionally?" The sweet voice made Feng Ge's hair stand on end.

No, Gracia herself was definitely fine at that time.

At most, someone took advantage of it.

Although there are indeed some devils who are very capable of pretending, Gracia is definitely not included.

She was born with this virtue... No one with Gracia's status and influence around Asmodeus and Bissozea would be so brainless when pretending to be themselves.

A smart person who has the IQ and mobility to disguise himself as such would never put himself in such a difficult situation in such a favorable environment.

In other words, they will never fail to understand Gracia's indispensable identity in hell, and they will definitely find better ways to arrange themselves.

Back then, Gracia was brainless and rebellious.

Moreover, Bissozea is a person who has high demands on the environment and servants. The hell palace under her rule is high-pressure and indifferent. Although she loves her daughter very much, she makes Gracia live better than Asmodeus.

She is still comfortable, but no one would dare to teach Gracia this way of speaking.

Asmodeus has no other lovers, so she has no exposure to these circumstances.

She just naturally likes this kind of thing, which makes Asmodeus and Bissozea's faces change greatly.

I don’t know if it was the will of the abyss that used all its strength to curse them when they were preparing to have a child.

As for what Gracia is doing now...Fongo felt that he was definitely wrong.

The behavior of smart people is actually easy to predict, as long as you know the environment and timing, plus their character and abilities.

There may be some differences, or even the angle that the other party can't think of, but after knowing the result, you can also figure out the cause and effect.

It's different for a guy like Gracia who doesn't have a normal mind.

She also has a reason... The scariest thing is actually this. Sometimes Fongo really hopes that Gracia might as well be like the Demon of the Abyss, who just wants to do it without any reason!

It's just that the reason is so ridiculous that it's not like a person with a brain would come up with it.

Anyway, smart people should stay away from fools, especially since this fool has a high status, strong destructive power, no one can mess with him, and there are even more terrifying beings scheming behind him.

Although he thought a lot, Fongo's silence actually only lasted 30 seconds.

In the eyes of others, the 'black artist' from the Tower of West Asia just smiled bitterly a few times, and then spoke resolutely again: "Although I will definitely obey your will, there are some things that I can't do.

Processed for you.

Please explain it to your elders yourself."

Although his tone was very humble, everyone could understand the toughness.

Those who understand their identities will naturally know that this elder refers to Asmodeus.

For those who don’t know, they will only think that Fongo is referring to Bissozeya.

Of course, he never told a lie... He completely adhered to his principles as a subordinate and would never say anything that would affect his immediate boss, including his immediate boss's wife and children.

Rommel was the one who knew it all.

And she knew very well that Fongo was not really trying to use the Lord of Hell to suppress Gracia, but was instead reminding her to quickly make up for the bad things she had done!

This subtle attitude allowed Rommel to quickly receive a message: Gracia's status and behavior pattern in hell are best not analyzed in terms of the devil's usual pattern.

But, he also sensed another, more secret message... Fongo was testing him.

Rommel didn't feel much about this.

After all, Feng Ge must have known his identity only after entering the Tower of Black Mystery, and the previous one had been torn up as usual.

The reason why the devils really don't care about the hidden family members and subordinates of the archmages they control is not because they have 100% trust in the means of controlling these people... They only control those archmages, not others.

It's not because they have absolute trust in their abilities.

Devils are naturally suspicious, and the confidence they show is just because they want the people who see them to think so. Repeated testing and repeated observation are their normal behaviors.

The reason why they have always had a laissez-faire attitude towards this is mainly because no matter how much water there is in the hands of these great mages, the water will only be poured on other great magic towers.

Even if these people have any special identities, even if they enter the Tower of Theia through the hands of the archmages whose souls are controlled, the devils can investigate them one by one.

But that was the past.

The current large-scale relocation of nearly ten thousand people like Black Mystery Tower will naturally bring some pressure to the Tower of Sea.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come up with the soul potion in the Tower of Black Mystery.

Rommel also figured this out later on in the migration process.

Of course the devils didn't care that Pulte was dealt with. At most, they were a little regretful that they lost a little money.

But because of the soul potion, they drove countless nails into the Tower of Black Mystery.

There are always people who are willing to get a bottle of soul potion... Even if these people know that soul potion has side effects, most people will be willing to prepare a bottle for themselves as the last life-saving straw... to carefully observe the people around them.

Is there a problem?

Moreover, they do so without any psychological burden.

The Tower of Black Mystery has surrendered to the Tower of Sea.

Even if great mages like Lute knew the inside story, how could they tell the general public?

Therefore, in the minds of these mages, it is a legitimate act for them to report their colleagues with malicious intentions for the safety of the Tower of Sea.

As for whether they know that there must be something dirty between the Tower of Black Mystery and the Tower of Siya... they must know it in their hearts, but they will definitely pretend not to understand.

For those who are struggling at the bottom, who will care about the struggles of those above you?

As long as they can live well, how many people will care if their company is swallowed up by a larger company through various means?

Even among the direct students of the three tower masters, there are probably some people who hold this concept.

A mage would have thought more about himself.

Just like Trasil back then.

Just like his dead students who still have a trace of conscience, and those devils who have been completely transformed and ruthless and unjust by him.

Rommel listened without blinking as Gracia stomped her feet in dissatisfaction and angrily argued with Fongo about how normal her behavior was and that there was no need to report it to the superiors. However, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The argument between Gracia and Fongo ended quickly.

Rommel could feel that she was just trying to show in front of him that her behavior was correct and would not cause dissatisfaction to her elders, instead of really worrying that reporting it would make the so-called elders angry.

He can understand it, but he can't understand it.

Only being respectful and fearful is how a normal seventh-ring mage should behave...even if he is talented, smart, capable, rational and steady.

Rommel moved his fingers slightly, and he wanted to check whether he was cursed by some big devil before he died... After all, some of those students had been following him for a long time, or were they?

Know his real name.

"Rommel, then I'll go back first~" Gracia stomped her feet dissatisfied, pressed her plump breasts on Rommel's arm a few times, then left with a look of reluctance, and then disappeared directly

In front of people.

He completely ignored Root and Nicholson, who were standing a thousand meters away, and did not look back at the Carmant Tower, which was only a dozen meters away.

Fongo glanced around: "Ah... Rosero, since you are here, you should still greet Camante Tower the way you did some time ago!

Although it is a bit regretful, the master of Seatta has her own ideas, and I, as a subordinate, cannot go against it.

Therefore, Root, Nicholson, and Camante Tower, I can only welcome you to the Tower of Siya here first, and the rest... can only wait until later.

But don’t worry, Archmage Gracia will definitely not delay the construction of the magic tower of Kamante Tower.

Please understand.

Something special must have happened to Archmage Gracia...otherwise, she wouldn't suddenly appear in Carmant Tower's aircraft, right?"

The silence of the people in the Tower of Black Mystery was deafening.

Including the three mages from the Tower of West Asia, they all looked at him with great admiration... Everyone saw what was going on. Feng Ge could still say such a shameless thing.


Although there were tens of thousands of people standing outside the gate of the Tower of Seiya, for a while, it was so quiet that you could hear the vibration of the wings of flying insects.

Many mages secretly used spells to hide their bodies and presence.

But because everyone is using it, it doesn’t really have much use except for canceling the sound.

"Master Fengo." Lute finally said slowly, "Excuse me, I want to know..." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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