Chapter 730 Rose finally shows up

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Chapter 2045 Rose finally shows up

Shar actually didn't want to do anything.

She just wanted to know who would be so unlucky if Selune wanted to find someone to fall in love with.

However, Selune basically doesn't have this mentality. In this regard, she is indeed an eternal child.

Not to mention the common differences between men and women, even good and evil are treated equally in her eyes.

The only person she would pay more attention to is her children.

However, it is entirely possible that Selune wanted to find an unlucky person to try because she, Shar, was too devoted.

Of course, Shar didn't think that Selune would really entrust her to her. She would probably kick the opponent halfway through the game because she found something was wrong.

However, from here we can observe what attributes Selune truly prefers in her heart.

This was something that it was difficult for Shar to find out from this changeable sister in the past years.

It seems that she is really changing all the time.

However, no matter how much she changes, there must be some cores that will not change... It's just because Selune switches so quickly, it's difficult for people to determine what the real core is.


However, Shar felt that when Selune chose her first love, no matter how heartless she was, she would not be able to play a game of selecting soldiers and generals, and whoever she selected counts.

There must be a certain amount of her sincerity in it.

Then, if we compare it with those things in the past... we can definitely dig out Selune's true preference.

Then, from now on, she, Shar, won't always be at a disadvantage.

She always fails inexplicably, isn't it because she can't grasp the real point of Selune!

It's really annoying to set up a beautiful trap but not find a good bait.

Although the possibility of success is low...but what if?

Anyway, it's just a waste of saliva, and Shar doesn't find it hard.

Selune looked at Shar thoughtfully: "I always feel that something is wrong with you.

But I can't guess what you want to do.

So, Shar, don't think you can plot against me, it's useless.

As long as I don’t take your advice, that’s fine.”

"You're's up to you." Shar's red lips twitched slightly and she replied calmly.

"Ah! The God of Order has arrived." Lansander flapped his wings and pointed to Hill with the tip of his wing.

Hill tilted his head in response: "It seems that only a third of it has come in."

"The old man mentioned these people who came in." Selune took a look at them and said decisively, "They are considered to be the more powerful ones among the gods of order.

Although they mainly used their heads to deceive people, they did not use their hands at all.

So, the old man asked me not to act mean in front of these people."

Everything else can be played, right?

The key point is, is Selûne's cheating something an ordinary god can handle?

However, although the old guys of the God of Order are very dissatisfied with AO, they still have to live in harmony with AO on the surface. After all, many people know the origin of that god.

If they are so unfriendly even to their own people who just have different ideas and have left peacefully, who will believe that they can uphold justice in the multiverse?

Hill understands the secrets of the God of Order in such detail because he naturally stands at a high place...not only the memory of the past, but also the bloodline inheritance behind him allows him to see everything clearly.

Mortals, and even some new gods in the small world, naturally can only see what is on the surface.

But there's nothing wrong with that.

They don't know and can't touch the real secrets, so although they live in confusion, at least they live well.

At the very least, in order to gain support from those worlds, the Gods of Order have done a good job on the surface.

The luck and the like that were secretly lost... can only be attributed to the high protection fees they paid.

However, in many cases, if people and gods cannot understand whether the free ones are the most expensive ones, then it is appropriate to pay this little protection fee... If you don't have enough brains, you might as well just pretend to be stupid.

But correspondingly, extremely smart people like AO can live very well, and even the things they care about can get a relatively harmonious environment... As long as AO cannot be calculated secretly, the gods of order can only

To be able to smile at the world of Toril.

Not to mention, Selune is no different from AO's biological daughter.

So, as long as you're not caught red-handed... it's okay to be seen, but you can't be caught.

If the child is still young, it actually has nothing to do with how old the child is, it only depends on the parents.

Therefore, Selune needs to hide, except for those evil forces who will not give AO face, these are the old guys who can catch her on the spot, hang her up and smoke her.

Hill summarized her speech and deeply understood what Shar always meant when he said the old man was partial.

But, having said that, Shar would never do such a thing in the first place!

How could she have nothing to do to provoke the God of Order?

Therefore, I guess AO doesn't feel that he is really partial...he just has to keep a close eye on a certain child because he is too capable of getting into trouble.

Of course, Shar is not immune to trouble, but everything she does is actually within the scope of Toril...that is, under the control of AO, the god doesn't care who his little daughter tricks.


He doesn't care anyway and can handle it.

Well...the result of not taking care of your children when they are young is that whatever they do when they grow up will be wrong.

Selune doesn't necessarily like AO taking care of so much.

However, after Hill thought about it, parents like AO probably couldn't set a good example.

The result of his setting an example was that Toril was born with the Dark Moon and the Silver Moon!

"Why don't they continue to discuss who is right and who is wrong? Just start fighting like this... It's really boring." Selune's curious voice interrupted Hill's thoughts.

This time, Asmodeus and the God of Order really met with lightning and thunder.

It was clear that he was just a lone demon, but Asmodeus looked motionless and fierce... He was the most evil Lord of Hell, enveloped in the flawless white light of life. This sight looked like

It's really weird.

On the other hand, those Gods of Order who preferred to use the power of thunder and lightning to express themselves looked particularly ferocious in the blue-black lightning.

"Uh..." Even Ransander couldn't stand it, "What the hell is this?"

"The Lord of Hell bathed in the Holy Light." Shar seriously commented, "It can be seen that the Holy Light cannot drive away the real evil at all."

Shar is always the most serious and looks at the truly meaningful places.

Even if she is also a bystander, she will not pay the most attention to the terrible contrast in appearance like the two people next door.

Of course Hill understood it, but in this regard, he stood by Selune and Lansander.

It's just for fun~ Don't take it too seriously.

How to be immoral can elevate the fun to a higher level.

Otherwise, what's the fun in just watching them fight?

So what happens to who wins and who loses?

It has nothing to do with them anyway.

Neither side is good.

Besides, the swarm of gods is not pretty at all.

After all, they are all practical tricks.

Many times, with a wave of a hand from one side, the other side quickly uses a mutual repulsion or attraction spell to directly stop it.

It looks like a lively dance, but in reality the light circle flashes and goes out immediately.

Therefore, most of the time it is better to use weapons directly, and they are all heavy weapons.

See who can crush whom to death.

At this time, the divine power will also turn into pressure and gravity acceleration.

This isn't a kung fu movie, it's still dodging left and right, blah blah blah.

They were all smashed without saying a word.

Asmodeus was the target of a group beating, but there were many small square shields floating around him that were automatically resistant to damage... Those things looked like they were made of diamonds, and they were radiant.

Unfortunately, even if it is a diamond shield, the sound of being hit is not necessarily as good as that of metal.

The banging sound can give people a headache.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that Selune and Lansander are bad-mouthed... Hill is just a little irritated when listening with two ears, but those two are listening with all four ears.

"There is a little spider over there who steals water." Shar pointed to the upper right corner of the giant screen.

"Huh?" Selune looked over with interest, "Where is it? Where is it?"

It would have been good if Shar could point out the existence of Rose. How could he highlight the key points for her? He ignored her and just turned around and glanced at Hill.

Hill blinked and looked over intently. It took several minutes to see the small gray-white spider.

She must have rolled in some kind of white and transparent dust, so even though her color would be very conspicuous in this white space, it was still hidden.

I just don't know how Rose could endure this pain.

She is different from Asmodeus.

Although he fell into the form of the devil king, he still has the body of an angel.

The life pool can completely isolate him from the erosion of positive energy with life energy... It will definitely still hurt a little, but for Asmodeus, who once had a big hole in his body and has been lying in the deepest part of hell for tens of thousands of years.

, it will definitely have no impact.

But Rose is the real demon spider.

And the life pool cannot separate the positive energy mixed in the dust on her body from the life energy... To Rose, that thing is no different than pouring hydrochloric acid.

But she could still lie firmly on the edge of the pool and try to swallow the water of life in her stomach.

Fortunately, the water of life is very pure, at least her stomach will not burst.

"As expected of a spider that knows how to dig holes! It really knows how to exploit loopholes." Selune opened her big eyes wide before she finally found the little spider hiding between the shells and the rocks.

The rock was split in the middle, half in the water and half on the shore, with many shells of the same color attached to it.

Although the shell meat inside is also white and transparent, it is still a living creature and has a slightly different color.

The crystal spider was lying on a shell.

If your eyesight is not good enough, you will definitely not be able to see her.


This chapter has been completed!
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