Chapter 757 Melancholy Russell

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Every time Jos felt that this hellish place was not pleasant and wanted to leave, he would think of the terrible question of 'how to go home if he dies?'

He really didn't want to be like a certain colleague who puffed up his chest and answered what kind of evil god he was fighting, then lowered his head and answered cautiously...that was a thousand years ago.

The Styx River is relatively long, and he accidentally went in the wrong direction.

Thinking about this future, no matter how annoying the world is or how troublesome the guys around him are, Jos will be able to persevere.


Joss also knew that many times, it was because as a Dawn believer, he couldn't stand the mediocrity in life...but those were things that mortals could never lack.

However, if you can tolerate those troublemakers, how can you still believe in the Lord of the Dawn?

In particular, their Ransondel actually allows anyone to leave him after suddenly becoming 'mature' and wanting to enter the adult world.

'If one day you choose another path, then I hope that this journey together will be without any sadness or silence.'

Such a Lansendre, who still has a passionate heart, how could he leave him so easily?

But there will always be people on this road who have experienced too much and the fire in their hearts has slowly extinguished... Even if such a person is the person in charge of the Tower of Dawn, Lansander will let him go without hesitation.

Because, the great Lord of the Dawn, there is no such thing as an invisible person, and there is no need to kill those who know about it in the palm of his hand!

Good gatherings and good separations are the best blessings from the Lord of Dawn.

Joss never felt there was anything wrong with being the same young boy before... It's not that he didn't learn lessons, he just didn't want to change his words and deeds, let alone accept those realities.

But this time, he really suffered.

It's just a small shabby place, a temporary hiding place. What are they trying to rob?

If you are better than others, what more can you gain?

He personally monitors food and water... Dawn believers are well-informed. Just because they are unwilling to accept reality does not mean that they do not know reality.

They also take care of places like refugee camps.

Therefore, Jos knew very well that although it was troublesome, as long as the most important survival resources were in his hands, the camp would not be in chaos.

But, with such a fundamental thing in his hands...then are they still fighting over dog food?

So Jos was really annoyed during this period.

It is obvious that those great mages who resolutely sacrificed their lives in the Defense Tower understood the truth... and were willing to sacrifice their lives for their own world and their loved ones.

But what they paid everything to preserve is this kind of waste?

Joss didn't understand at all... As a Dawnbringer who left the star world independently, he was still inferior to his colleagues who stayed in Toril to run the Tower of Dawn in terms of human sophistication.

People who don't want to stay in one place for a long time, or in other words, don't like to interact too much with people, will take this path.

One can imagine how much Jos has endured over the years.

Of course, this can also be seen from his expectant eyes and extremely passionate eyes... Although he will still have to stay in this world in the future, he will no longer have to deal with this group of mortals.

The worst he can do is build a Tower of Dawn on the side to protect the mortals. After he trains a high-level believer who can take on the responsibility of guarding the tower, he can go his own way!

Then, Jos's smiling face slowly disappeared in the equally sincere smiles of the two small faces revealed behind the door of the magic tower that slowly opened.

Didn't the great Lord of the Dawn intend to let him raise a child?

Although they Dawn believers have always been said to be immature children...then it would be too cruel for children to raise children, right?

"Hello, Dawnbringer, Mr. Joes." Russell found that the Dawnbringer was a little dull... No wonder the teacher's tower spirit told them that the Dawnbringer's behavior might be a bit strange, so that he should try his best to take the initiative to speak.

Don't let the topic slip into unimaginable directions.

No matter what you think when you see him and Carpenter, you can't just stay in a daze!

Behind the protective shield, there are a group of guys poking their heads out!

Those are the mortals he protects, and they are his subjects... Although there is no need to be too indifferent to them, you can't give them an opportunity!

Mortals who have no idea how high their abilities can be are the creatures most prone to problems.

On the contrary, they are not as good as animals that can keenly sense danger... When they have not seen the strength of the strong with their own eyes, they will only imagine based on their own cognition.

For a person who has only seen a level 10 mage, the limit of his imagination is nothing more than a meteor shower falling from the sky.

Russell simply couldn't imagine what kind of tricks those guys could do if the Dawnbringer often showed... such a simple expression in front of those mortals.

However, he said hello and called out his name, which proved that he was an acquaintance introduced by the master of his family... Why is Mr. Jos still in a daze?

How did he keep this camp from having any major incidents for so many years?

Don’t mention the little things, it’s definitely not going to break, Russell can see it with just a glance... no, even Carpenter can see it!

Russell took a deep breath: "Hello, Mr. Joss, I am Russell, a student of Archmage Hill."

"Carpenter." Carpenter answered softly.

"Dear Lord of the Dawn, let us welcome Mr. Joes back in glory." Russell decided to change his initial decision and get this stunned guy in first.

Although Carpenter didn't know why his brother suddenly changed his mind... At first, the two of them agreed that they wanted to make a good impression on Mr. Joes, behave respectfully, and spend more time outside the door to chat.

Otherwise, the friendly time the teacher bought for them will be in vain.

Although their teacher and the Lord of the Dawn were very close friends, that person was a powerful god after all.

Teachers can have no taboos. They, the teachers' appendages, had better be smarter and do more by themselves, so that they won't have to go to the teacher because of some disputes in the future, or even ask the Lord of the Dawn to bring justice.

Although Russell feels that a kind messenger who can fight bravely for other worlds will not do anything too extreme, and he also firmly believes that he will not waver in his position.

However, it is always right to do more in the beginning to make the relationship more harmonious, and it can also make the teacher feel at ease.

Russell, who knew that he would definitely build a magic tower in the future, really thought about it a lot during this period.

However, who knew that this Joes was so...

It was completely different from what he thought!

How on earth did he manage a camp with thousands of people for so many years!

Russell glanced at the camp in the ruins out of the corner of his eye...Joss didn't guard against them at all, and came in as soon as he was told to come in.

But the door of their magic tower was closed, and no one in the camp even rushed out to ask, "What happened?"

Even if Joss said that he came to see his main god... No, he probably didn't say that, right?

Carpenter looked left and right, and finally asked in his innocent tone: "Mr. Joes, is there anyone in the camp who needs to be notified?

Your men..."

"Huh?" Jos came back to his senses and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "What did you tell them?"

Russell took a deep breath and finally understood why Liszt kept saying that Dawnbringer would look unreliable in many places.

But they are both good people, and as long as they understand what they say, they will definitely be good friends.

It turns out that the real key point lies in the words ‘speak clearly’!

Can he explain this clearly?

Before he started to come into contact with the more troublesome undead that Lister mentioned, Russell was a little confused about his future.

Doesn’t the teacher always say that strength is not everything, intelligence, IQ and EQ are all part of strength... Then what is going on with people like Jos?

There was no way, Hill couldn't tell him that a lunatic who didn't want his life was more terrifying, and although his friend was not crazy, there was no way to say that he wasn't crazy.

And his followers are exactly the same as him, right?

Russell's enthusiasm and youth were smoothed out soon after he became a mage's apprentice. His occasional temper was completely incomparable to that of a middle school boy.

In this world, everyone is struggling to survive in a cruel environment... Childishness is something that even those who live a carefree life, or even those who can be considered luxurious, will not have.

Open your eyes and look at the earth, the dried up rivers, and the bare mountain peaks. Who can say that he is living a happy life?

Perhaps, he once had that kind of enthusiastic attribute, but if you think about the ending of the Defense Tower, you will know that this attribute will always die the fastest.

Russell felt that he needed to carefully consider the way he interacted with Joes, the Dawnbringer.

It seems that the one between mages is not suitable.

Russell, who had everything going smoothly at the Tower of West Asia and had smooth social interactions, hesitated.

Then, while slowly taking Joss up the floating ladder and talking, Russell felt his head buzzing: Teacher, do you really think that Mr. Joss can help you in the future?

Got them?

It won't be in the end because Jos is being hunted and they will be dragged into the water, right?

"Your students seem a little confused, Hill." Shar looked in the direction of the floating ladder with a smile on his lips, "For a lawful mage who grew up in this kind of world, the first outsider he comes into contact with is Lansendre's

Believer, for him..."

Hill spoke softly, interrupting her subsequent comments: "But Shar, Jos, is much easier to deal with than the undead, isn't it?"

Lansander completely ignored the conversation next to him. He just looked at the water mirror again, struck a perfect posture, and then took out a fist-sized Dawn Stone and a red and rose gold dress.


This chapter has been completed!
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