Chapter 793 The Regrets of the Toril Gods

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At the very least, Hill understands what it means to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

Asking students to study hard is not the same thing as asking them to learn something they don't want to learn.

Therefore, if Joss really wanted Russell to help at such an early stage... In the beginning, they agreed to help each other during construction.

Construction work sounds troublesome, but as long as there are detailed and accurate drawings and a reliable enough construction team, it is not too tiring for the builder.

Russell and Joss were discussing various array models... The real core energy array of the Tower of Dawn is depicted by a certain core that comes with the Dawn Stone.

The other magic circles are basically the functions that the builder of the Tower of Dawn wants, and they are generally universal magic circles.

Even if it's slightly improved, that's no secret.

As Dawn voters who like young people very much, they are very willing to teach these hard-working children their special skills.

Of course, these magic formations are not something you can just learn. If you don’t have any real skills, you will definitely not be able to understand them.

After all, most of Lansendre's followers are artists and sports enthusiasts, and they are very curious about the so-called improvements of these magic circles.

Even though it can train one's magic circle drawing skills, it is basically of little use after learning it... For the Toril wizard, this can be regarded as a waste of time to a certain extent.

But Russell doesn't need to think about these issues.

He only needs to consider whether he wants to go further in the magic circle, and does not need to think about the complicated relationship between time and money.

For Russell, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't need these magic circles in the future.

Because of Hill's teaching method, he respects knowledge itself more... Not only can he learn new knowledge, but he can also use other people's materials to practice his magic skills, which is a good opportunity.

Hill tilted his head and carefully thought about his education of Russell... He was sure that he would not have any contempt for the realists because of his academic style, so he relaxed a little.

What he was most worried about was actually this... turning a child who grew up in a pragmatic environment into a fool who came out of an ivory tower.

That was originally Russell's advantage that impressed Hill: he used all his energy to research the most suitable magic circle for himself in the most difficult environment.

Russell is a man who knows how to find his way in the swamp.

Although Hill had trained him to the point where he could fly in the sky, he definitely didn't want him to forget how to find a place to stay when he fell into the swamp, and he also wanted to look down on those who stepped in the mud.

Tempting people despise them as 'trash who don't know what the sky is like!'

Hill lowered his head, looked at Russell who nodded in agreement after being found by Joss downstairs after thinking seriously for a while, and smiled slightly.

Raising children is so difficult!

With so many crossroads in the future, who can guarantee that this child will not look in the wrong direction?

This is something that a sensible and well-behaved child like Russell always reminds him of.

Fortunately, Aglaia and Alice saved him from such worries.

Even Alice, who has a rather extreme personality and is prone to getting into trouble, actually has a well-established personality.

Sometimes you are not afraid that your child will get into trouble, but you are afraid that you don’t know what kind of trouble she can get into.

Alice is the type who is basically not the type to be unlucky. Even though it may make people worry, as long as she greets her often, it will be fine.

Since there are undead here anyway, Hill just needs to ask Liszt to remember to collect information there and alert him immediately if there is anything wrong.

Moreover, Alice is actually very suitable to survive in this kind of fantasy world with relatively selfish attributes.

Her little trouble was nothing if she got Toril... At least his cat would consider Hill's feelings before causing trouble.

Small mistakes keep happening, small misfortunes never end, but that's it.

Liszt occasionally mentioned that it was Miss Alice who accidentally wandered into some places she was not supposed to go, provoked someone, and then got into a fight. In the end, the two parties reconciled because of someone's persuasion.

And among them, the one who started the fight was not Alice.

But a certain leopard.

In the words of the undead, Merkel could beat up the Elf God King now when she returns to Trasil.

Therefore, although the place where Alice is located is incredibly chaotic, for her, it is actually the safest place.

People in that place will not stop drinking with you today just because they had a fight with you yesterday.

As for Aglaia.

Should Aglaia be worried?

All she needs is care.

It was only during the period of self-isolation in this world that Hill did not send gifts or messages to Aglaia.

Her temple next to Hill's territory is almost connected to the water elemental realm.

Hill only needs to go through the water element lord who has contracted with him to directly put the gift through the water element world into the big shell located in the center of the temple.

Of course, Aglaia's biggest concern is whether she is Hill's favorite child.

If she finds someone new around Hill, she will immediately concentrate.

However, during the trip to Toril, Hill only had Terry and Purvi around her... neither of whom she cared about very much.

It's Russell.

Hill figured Aglaia would find a way to observe him for a while.

But how could a daughter and a student be the same thing?

She will always see clearly.

As for the rest...what are the shortcomings of Aglaia?

Hill has always had this kind of confidence, and his Aglaia is perfect.

Even that little bit of jealousy is so cute.

"Hill, what are you thinking about?" Lansander came over curiously, "You are smiling so brightly."

"Your adjectives are too rich." Hill put away his smile and shook his head helplessly, "You know that the young master is going to be beaten later, right?

When he comes out of the magic tower, someone will definitely beat him up.

Why do you have to learn these boring words from him?"

"But no one can beat me." Lansander answered frankly, "Those who can attack me will not be swayed by the way I talk.

Ha~ He can handle Selûne, so what does this mean to me?

At least I'm just being boring and shameless, and those over there are just doing evil.

So, you haven’t said anything yet, why are you laughing!”

"Remembering my Aglaia." Hill smiled...Although he would also think about Alice, he still didn't plan to mention it in front of Lansander.

At least until now, the relationship between Alice and Ransendall is just because they know each other because of Hill. They will say hello when they meet, and they will not become enemies. If the other party is in trouble, they may help each other, but they are not familiar with each other.

to become true allies.

That's good.

Alice is a very good daughter, and Ransondel is also a qualified friend, but Hill definitely doesn't want them to get together.

Lansander was a little confused... He really couldn't figure out why Hill could associate Aglaia with Jos.

He still remembers that girl.

Although he has always preferred his own followers, he does not have the confidence to think that Joss has anything in common with the ocean goddess.

Of course, Lansander also knew that he might have a certain filter on Aglaia...but any Toril god would be yearning for such an ocean goddess.

It’s not like they haven’t come into contact with Poseidons from other worlds, right?

But sometimes the types they meet make them come back to comfort each other, and Amberli's kind of thing is not bad.

Although he is tough and brave, his brain is slow to grow, and he often fails to use it, but at least he will not give up his own interests to others!

Even the evil existence of the spring water goddess looks worthy of a look against the backdrop of those brilliant ocean gods!

At least she won't tell outsiders about her vitals.

No, probably her biological father doesn't even know.

Really, there are all kinds of wonders in the universe. No matter how incomplete our own is, it will still be...

Lansendre shook his head violently, shaking off those terrible memories.

Then he thought of Aglaia, whom all the gods of Toril loved.

The ocean is pure and beautiful, but also charming and dangerous... This sentence finally doesn't sound like a joke.

Aglaia can so easily have her own name and territory in Toril, and no one has even issued an oracle saying that she is an alien god who should be expelled. This is not just because this girl has no ambition to expand.

, just to spend time with my family.

Of course, the existence of Hill, the son of the World Tree, also caused some gods related to the laws of nature to choose to watch indifferently.

The goddess of springs is always beaten, and not just because of her terrifying attributes as the goddess of peace.

She is also a natural god, no, it should be said to be a forest god, and she wants to be the intermediary of the water gods.

Sometimes, the gods that appear in Toril that people think are particularly incredible actually have some other reasons behind them.

No matter how incompetent the sea goddess of Toril is, the forest gods, as foreign gods, will naturally be resisted if they want to do something.

Therefore, the weirdness of the spring goddess was determined from the day she was born... I don't know how many gods had a hand in it.

The appearance of Aglaia made the parties involved in the secret operation feel a little embarrassed, and for a while they didn't know how to deal with this passing god.

There is no way that the self-proclaimed Father of the Forest of the God of Nature would take the initiative to take action against Aglaia, who calls Hill, the son of the World Tree and a descendant of the Elf Father, his father.

As for Toril, who has been insisting that Umberlee has the value of existence... when he discovered Aglaia's attributes, he was actually more or less confused.

Putting Amberli and Aglaia on the same scale is insulting Aglaia.

Of course, they didn't take any action at all.

Why did Vol'jin, who was originally an abandoned son, and Ambry itself, find Aglaia at the critical moment? It was not without any external factors.

However, in the end, there was only one Emboli who suddenly changed his ways.


This chapter has been completed!
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