Chapter 874 Shar’s happiness

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Hill actually feels that way.

Rose's understanding of the undead is obviously not that she has never been in contact with them. It can be seen just by observing them from a distance.

Just like the gods of Toril, even a die-hard old man like Tyr can get along with the undead just fine, but those kind and gentle gods have a hard time getting the attention of the undead... Just think about it.

, with such a powerful help, the manager on the surface is still Corellon.

Corellon, even his own elves don't care whether they change their faith or sacrifice their lives for others!

Not to mention the 'half-elves' who were just brought from another world and whose bloodline is questionable?

Therefore, the undead in Toril can get some temptations from outer space from time to time...the kind that people on the earth are completely uninterested in.

But a guy like Tyr, who only knows how to make the undead sacrifice their lives to save civilians and pay very little in return, can easily mobilize these guys who seem to only want money.

Until now, the gods of Toril have struggled to find loopholes in the undead.

However, Rose, especially Rose in Oaises, obviously integrated into the undead easily. Even though she was cruel and ruthless, she did gain the approval of the undead to a certain extent.

That is, she is not a complete enemy and can be converted into a mission NPC at any time.

This is not an easy task, especially for Rose, who always says things like, "Bitch, you are worthy," and "Kneel down! You are only worthy of licking the dirt at my feet."

This woman is world-famous not only for her cruelty, but also for her foul mouth.

Many drow were not scared away by that kind of brutal killing, but they had no self-esteem left at all.

From that moment on, Hill began to suspect that this man had actually had closer contact with the undead.

Although it is not particularly clear why William did not stop it, Hill can guess some of the reasons.

Rose must have come into contact with the undead very early, even before Trasil had been completely repaired and Corellon had not invited the undead to the worlds of Gerns.

Of course, it must be after knowing that the Elf God King is the son of Corellon.

It might even be when Corellon just ran to Trasil to wipe the Elven God-King's butt.

As long as Rose didn't show any hostility towards the humans of Trasil... The Waxmelt Demon apparently gave up its work on the human side and went back to tormenting the Elf Forest... Then William would definitely stay a little bit.

Point the gap.

There is no need for him to give in, as long as he sticks to his principles.

William is a neutral god!

Just like although he does not allow evil forces to appear in the lives of ordinary people, he will leave space for these evil camps to survive.

William only separated the two, but he did not have the idea of ​​eradicating all evil camps in the world... People of his time really understood black cats and white cats.

He will never choose to deal with all the evil caused by historical issues.

He just tried every means to provide his children with a good life and let them understand the strictness of the law from an early age...What William wanted was the future, not a complete denial of the past.

But his behavior pattern, in the fantasy world, determines his neutral nature, and at best he can be considered kind-hearted.

With him like this, as long as Rose does not violate the rules William set for the undead, the Spider Queen can indeed contact some people with more flexible minds.

Then, if you think about it carefully, you can guess who is more likely to have access to this Spider Queen.

The underground city on Black and White Road once had a gate to the abyss.

Even if Hill sets up a powerful purification circle, it will indeed prevent the area where they are from being affected, but it will not prevent certain places nearby from leaving demonic aura.

Of course, the door to the abyss that has always existed is also possible.

But that place is almost under the eyes of all the temples. With Rose's character, she will not take that risk.

Then, if you take a look at the Black and White Road, who else is there that Rose can like?

The paintbrush kind is not good. Rose is most annoyed by women who place everything on men.

She actually doesn't care if her wax demon has a happy and extremely immersed love, but it must be the type where a man holds the wax demon in the palm of his hand.

If those maids really wanted to play the game of digging wild vegetables, they would probably have to be turned into poisonous black spiders, destroying everything around them, including that man.

Moreover, she would be kind enough to let this black spider fulfill the female spider's lifelong wish...for example, how to use the flesh and blood of males to raise enough offspring.

However, 'Ji Lanyuan' is quite in line with her preferences.

What ‘Cunlu’ was testing was not the ‘Fitdragon Fruit’, but ‘Ji Lanyuan’.

After all, although she has been playing with people from the Black and White Road all year round, ‘Ji Lanyuan’’s identity belongs to Black Rose... She also happened to enter the game at that time.

Moreover, the reason why she was unable to enter the Black and White Road was that the Black and White Road was already full in order to build the underground city.

On the other hand, that was the time when the fight between paintbrush and chalk was at its fiercest.

Although Chalk later gave up the ink pen, she was not without struggles.

Therefore, with the character of 'Ji Lanyuan', she was definitely not suitable to enter the black and white path at that time.

Then, the relationship between the ‘Old Sanda King’ and chalk and paintbrushes was just fine.

She was quite willing to do this kind of thing that could help two people at the same time without offending both of them.

Moreover, the 'Old Sanda King' actually likes 'Ji Lanyuan' who is decisive in killing and straightforward in doing things.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have gone so crazy when she was in Oasis.

However, Hill could tell from Cunlv's words that she also suspected that someone else had something to do with Rose.

This person may also belong to their Black Rose.

But she didn't betray like 'Ji Lanyuan', and she probably didn't have much contact with 'Ji Lanyuan'.

It's even possible that she's still in Black Rose now.

The only connection between the two of them may be that they both received benefits from Lolth, and then taught the Spider Queen some rules for interacting with the undead.

Only they can understand what they say... That 'dragon fruit' is obviously nothing.

Even though 'Cunxu' has been forced to this point, she is still trying to dig out some secrets, which is why 'Ji Lanyuan''s attitude is so weird.

Although I don’t know what information they exchanged, ‘Cunxu’ should have understood who in the family also wore Rose’s badge.

This thing is a bit strange.

How should I put it... This person obviously has no influence on the current situation, but Shar feels that she can make the 'young master' feel all kinds of life, and even want to feel what growth is.

Of course, before that, the 'young master' must first endure a severe blow from his old friend.

However, Hill really didn't think that the 'young master' would be shocked by this kind of thing.

To be honest, what people of his background have probably seen most since childhood is betrayal caused by interests.

But the 'young master' can still maintain himself in the primary stage of being a naughty kid.

Why would he care about such a small thing in the game?

Hill glanced at Shar... So, what kind of chain of blows can make the 'young master' who knows the world but chose the second grade in middle school suddenly wake up?

Shar couldn't care less about Hill's little eyes at this moment. She was arguing with Lansander.

Although it wasn't like she couldn't bypass Lansander and get Demogorgon herself.

But, she didn't just plan to do this little thing.

If Ransander paid too close attention to her from the beginning, how would she be able to direct the subsequent scenes?

She had to make Lansander think that Demogorgon was the point.

Then you have to be more positive and even a little excited.

Shar suddenly felt a little happy... She used to make secret calculations, consider many factors, and make very thoughtful plans.

However, fate will never be on her side.

Inexplicable people always appear at inexplicable times, leading the whole thing to an inexplicable direction.

Sometimes, no matter how quick she reacts and no matter how ruthless her methods are, it is already too late.

Like now, you can participate in it, switch your expressions and movements anytime and anywhere, and lead your opponents to the set route... It's quite interesting~

Although she still won't take this route in the future, after all, everything she does now is just because Shar hates unknowns.

If the future of 'Master' was linked to 'Selene', she would never be so relaxed.

That is the big event that will really affect her future.

Shar just felt that in the future, she could prioritize the things she wanted to do, and the less important things could be handled as she did now.

Although I am a little tired, I will not feel bored because I encounter too many unpredictable things.

Shar, it seems that she suddenly saw something again. William often said that there are many wonderful pleasures in life. If you find them, you must give them a try.

That's much better than focusing all your attention on things like Selune.

Anyway, destroying Toril is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two. Shar can completely play and wait.

Just relying on AO's tossing method... William has been telling Shar that if she doesn't participate in it any time, Toril will definitely explode.

Instead, it was her action that attracted powerful divine power that shouldn't have paid attention to those things, which led to Toriel surviving again.

If she doesn't want to be a part of it, it's best for Shar to distance herself a little bit.

Although Shar has been thinking about William's words, it is still difficult for her to achieve this kind of self-consistency due to her character.

However, now, when battling with Ransander and having to adapt to circumstances, Shar seems to really understand a little bit. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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