Chapter 989 Isn’t the little bear cub just a naughty kid?

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Selûne, who had been trying to interrupt, suddenly tilted her head... She felt that these words seemed to be insinuating her, but no one looked at her at all, and it seemed that it was not the case.

If you want to ridicule someone, why don't you see the other person's reaction with your own eyes?

Hill's focus is clearly on William.

Moreover, Selune could see that although Hill and William had a good relationship, they were not close partners.

Then there was no need for him to get involved in the confrontation between himself, Shar, and this person who dared to intervene in the war between their sisters.

From Selune's point of view, it is understandable that Hill would step forward to make the situation more harmonious.

When he was in Toril, Hill had been trying to prevent them from actually fighting on his own territory.

Just like those exquisite gem boxes given by Hill when she and Shar first started fighting... Selune believed that Shar at that time should have had the same idea as her.

Even if they want to get a few more small boxes, they have to order as many as they can.

Otherwise, when she and Shar would fight, they would only use their divine power to collide!

First, use divine power to squeeze out all possible unexpected existences in the middle... Her and Shar's energies collide and tear each other apart. Although it is difficult for any more gods to be born, it does not mean that it will be safe if someone puts some temptation in the middle. nothing.

They just wanted to kill each other, not to use the original energy to give birth to children for other gods or special creatures.

But when light and darkness are mixed together, especially when there is a collision, part of the original energy born must contain 'life'.

Otherwise, no matter how much energy they tore each other out and how much power of law they had, it would not have been so easy to give birth to a natural god.

After the news about Toril was spread, many foreign gods tried to take advantage of their nature.

Shar is of course the slightly better one. After all, she is mainly responsible for the dark part. As long as her skin is thick enough, she can completely blame these unexpected products as being from the Selune family.

Selune is the most disturbing one.

Luna's appearance is essentially a special separation from her true self in order to avoid such an accident.

Put the purest life energy under the control of this face, and try to let Luna appear as little as possible.

Now on the main material plane... Even so, Selune cannot completely avoid the negative consequences of 'one careless'.

Fortunately, even though Shar's mouth was cruel enough, she still couldn't show her face.

After all, even if she doesn't admit it, the people who should know still know what happened.

Therefore, when they meet, they first use each other's strength to level the area between them, and after they collide with each other a few times, they directly begin to exchange force. This is the usual fighting style of Selune and Shar.

Like the several battles in Hill's floating castle, Selune didn't know if Shar was the same as her. Anyway, she wanted to deceive the box a few more times.

Hill's artistic accomplishment is really good~

The one for her and the one for Shar are both in line with their styles.

Moreover, although the gems on the box are not big, they are very pure... as if they have never been through human hands since they were born, and have not been contaminated by ordinary desires.

Selune estimated that these were dug by Hill himself and had never been touched by outsiders.

Although Selûne never felt that it was a mistake for Toril to become lively and energetic...but she still disliked the smell of desire.

But even among the cleaned gems that her priests sacrificed through rituals, not every one of them could satisfy Selûne.

The Silver Moon girl recalled her interactions with Hill... After confirming that she had not offended Hill, she threw away the faint feeling of strangeness.

She never thought that she was still trying to dig a hole for Hill.

After all, in Selûne Heart, her main purpose of doing this is to recruit good people from other people's families to her own family... Although it is not very good to Trasil, it is recognition of Hill herself.

Even if Hill doesn't want to, he shouldn't be angry.

She didn't want to trick Hill into going to a bad place, right?

This is also what makes her so helpless...Selene doesn't think Toril is a bad place at all.

William, who was observing her from the corner of his eye, felt a tightness in his chest... He was scolding him very vigorously just now!

How come you don’t know what to think about now and forget everything that happened just now?

Just so ignorant and shameless... Their family, Shar, has been in trouble for many years.

What days have passed!

William, who selectively ignored their Shar's anger and lost his temper on the spot, turned to look at Hill: "Does that mean we have absolutely no way to control the River Styx in Trasil?"

Hill looked at him a little confused: "What do you want to control?

Believers, no matter which world the Styx messenger is from, they will not detain it.

The rest is the nutrients of the Styx... The power of the soul returns to the Styx, and the essence of the soul is re-entered into the world, maybe a human, maybe an animal, it all depends on their luck or the strength of their essence.

You can’t still want to control the world of the dead, right?”

William shook his head: "I just want to give some advice to the new goddess of the underworld.

But if she has the memory of the hunting goddess... Hill, she shouldn't pay attention to me, right?"

Hill raised his head, recalled the scenes in which the hunting goddess personally came into contact with William, and nodded solemnly: "That's right, I will definitely ignore you.

If it weren't for Vestalia in front of her, she might hate you even more."

Shar poked his head out curiously: "What did William do?"

"The undead should have records there." Hill smiled at her, "You can ask them for it.

For William’s sake, no matter who it is, they will give it to you.”

The undead will definitely show William's most ugly face to Shar with the purpose of "Why does the evil planner have a girlfriend?"

William frowned slightly...but he thought about it carefully. Although what he said was not pleasant, it seems that a creature like his girlfriend wouldn't like to see him being too polite to other women, right?

His resistance to the Hunting Goddess, even if the words he said were unpleasant, Shar would only be happy... So what did Hill want to do with this tone?

Forget it, little bear cub is just a naughty kid!

No matter how smart you are, you will never understand this feeling of pull between men and women.

Let him go as he pleases... If you haven't experienced being kicked by a woman in life, you will never grow.

William raised his eyebrows and had no intention of stopping Shar, who was already enthusiastically looking for information.

He just smiled lightly and asked Hill: "So, if it were you, you could have a chat with that person, right?"

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