Chapter 1078 Hill who never wronged himself

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Chapter 2393 Hill who never wronged himself

Hill felt that Mobi had originally intended for a certain time warlock to find a good opportunity to reveal his identity.

He can hang out with the Bomb Goblin, who has a somewhat distorted reputation but is still famous. He is definitely not a nameless person.

Maybe he is the main figure in the Time and Space Warlock Alliance.

The casual people won't have any objections to him because of this.

After all, he could have done nothing and let the meteorite archmage rush over to kill the bomb goblin.

Anyway, their main mission has been completed.

Defeating the BOSS is a side quest, and bombing the magic tower is a stroke of genius... none of this affects the completed missions of the individual people.

But it can make ordinary people feel the supreme glory.

Let the bomb goblin be famous for a lifetime.

Although the behavior of that little loli was frightening, but with such a Sanren boss standing there, the other Sanren would feel differently.

And all of this was possible because of the heroic collision of the space-time warlock.

Even if he knows that his main goal is not pure, does it have anything to do with San people?

Oh, maybe, like praising how wise your decision was not to join those big families.

But for other families, especially the possible supporters behind the Time and Space Warlock Alliance, it is a huge disaster.

Let’s not talk about trivial things like intrigues and mutual distrust among the space-time warlocks in this alliance who have something on their mind... When it comes to hiring people to open doors, big customers are basically those who need to move quickly.


How scheming the PVP family is, just look at how the Aotian Alliance, a major alliance with such serious intrigues, can be called united and friendly... Although they have a lot of things going on, and there are many hidden spies among their allies, at least

I won't do anything dirty. At most, I can gain more benefits for myself and drag down my next door neighbor.

But it won't be enough to annihilate the opponent's army. At most, it will give them wrong news and make them arrive later.

Of course, the most common situation is to find a way to get there first. After all, everyone is not a good person, and it is more valuable to manage yourself.

This is simply too... fair and aboveboard.

Otherwise, the Aotian Alliance would not be as powerful as it is today.

Although they were not convinced by each other, they never had a deadly feud.

And this is still within the same alliance!

Outside the alliance, who can accept that they have to be cautious and have to spend a lot of money to hire someone to open the portal, and let a big PVP family know it before they even start!

Black and White Road is not a pension gang like the Demon Cult, they are very ambitious!

Even though he suffered misfortune, Mobi clearly had no intention of sinking and was still working very hard to rehabilitate the family.

Only this time, he plans to make Black and White Road the first family of the Aotian Alliance... Anyway, after the Demon Sect and Black Rose have no intention of doing so, his only competitor Wenjian Tianxia Youth Travel has already done something bigger than Black and White Road

Damn it, there is no hope at all.

For such a guy who is still preparing a plan for the next twenty years, hoping that at worst he will be a 'perfect bald head', and his goal is 'Xueyun Peak', who would trust him to know his family's secrets?

Can they still expect that what they want will be looked down upon by Black and White Road?

If that were the would seem even more uncomfortable.

Therefore, the Alliance of Time and Space Warlocks has directly reached its conclusion.

Since you have chosen to start out as a Sanren, then be your Sanren forever... This is probably the last message sent by 'Mobi Chenxin', who was once, no, can be considered the number one time and space warlock now.

A solemn statement.

The most admirable thing is that he also gave unambitious people a gift that made them happy.

The Chronomancer Alliance can't even go so far as to scold him on the forum for not being a human being... After all, they are still an independent organization in name only, with no cohesion and no desire for cohesion.

After being silent for a long time, ‘Mo Bi Chen Xin’ made a brilliant appearance again with this simple yet ruthless attack.

It's not a good ending either.

Although, according to common sense, the undead are no different to Hill.

After all, no matter who Hill is, it will not affect the undead taking on his mission.

In fact, the emotional exchange between Hill and the undead is unequal.

Even if there is any personal friendship, it seems that the undead side has the advantage.

Hill can obviously give nothing, just like the gods of Trasil and Toril, who treat the undead as tools instead of so-called friends.

In this way, it would be easier, and it would not cause dissatisfaction among some undead people... Wasn't the crisis in the Black and White Road Underground Square because of Hill's own tendencies?

Even now, although the undead will still accept Hill's mission, some people will take that side first if there are others whose mission reward levels are similar to those given by Hill.

Ever since the undead's taskbar started to be filled with space... Toril really has something to do anytime and anywhere. Those who like to take on tasks will never have to worry about the day when the taskbar is blank... Hill's Aglaia

There are a lot less people over there.

When most of the elite members of the Proud Sky Alliance have left like now, some tasks in Aglaia that require people with strong combat power will even have to wait for several hours before someone can take them... This was true in the past.

Absolutely impossible thing.

This kind of mission with a lot of experience will definitely disappear instantly.

This is a little trouble caused by the relatively friendly relationship between Hill and Aotian League.

There are always people who feel that working for him is helping the Aotian Alliance to grow in power.

Although there are so many undead people, if they don't do it, someone will always do it.

The Aotian Alliance still has a large number of people.

Moreover, when the task of developing this new data chapter is completed, there will definitely be many people returning to Toril, and Aglaia will still be so bustling and lively.

But no one knows that one day, when the Aotian Alliance suddenly collapses... there is no eternal country! Let alone a player alliance... Will those territories of Hill disappear directly from the main map of the undead players?


This point was pointed out very keenly in the document that Lynn sent to Hill... As the assimilation with Aglaia became longer and longer, the alderman's political vision became more and more keen.


But Hill doesn't care about this at all.

Linn seems to be bound to the city of Aglaia, but because of certain characteristics of this city, he is more like bound to Martha.

Therefore, even if the city of Aglaia really declines one day, Linn will not have any impact... Although his profession is troublesome, it will only increase in experience and will not decrease unless he binds

The city was completely destroyed.

However, even if he encounters danger, as long as Linn can take Martha away in time, he will not be affected in any way.

This is the best solution Hill can find for his stubborn friend.

It is precisely because of this determination that Hill does not need Linn to make any concessions to the undead...even if one day, they leave the city completely like they left Novice Village.

He is already very satisfied with his life and does not need to worry about so many things. His own happiness is the most important thing.

Hill never lets those external objects affect his mood.

If he can't even choose the people he likes more and associate with the forces he values ​​more, then Hill will just choose to stay away completely.

Fortunately, William solved the original problems in time and never asked Hill to treat the undead equally.

Of course, William didn't do this just because he was Hill... Those gods all have their own favorite types, and Embry would tie himself to a fixed undead.

This guy actually fits his vocation quite well.

However, it is precisely because of this bottom-line fairness that Hill has been able to travel so many worlds together with the undead.

Although he also suffered a lot of restrictions, it was Hill's own choice...what kind of future he wanted, so it was nothing to restrain his own hands and feet and restrain his desires and curiosity for this future.

A painful choice.

For former college entrance examination students, it is easy to figure this out.

Growing up, he never gave up on his studies... His family could give him a good life, but studying could fill the gaps in his mind.

Otherwise, he could be like the children of his parents and colleagues, gathering friends to play and chase stars. While others are studying at their desks, they can stand in the front row and watch their idols sweat like rain, and smile with tears in their eyes.

Isn’t Hill envious?

He is also a young man!

Doesn't he want to go when others are talking and laughing loudly with those videos and photos?

But he never went there even once, even with his parents' permission during the holidays.

Because he knows what he wants... pursuing his dreams upright is more important than anything else.

He couldn't be like those childhood friends who looked down on those who could only rely on the college entrance examination to make a comeback, and he couldn't convince himself to take the fast track to a junior college to a bachelor's degree or even continue to study.

No matter which world he is in, he respects knowledge very much.

The knowledge he learns belongs to him.

Being able to pursue the career he loves persistently without being affected by any external factors, he is already happier than 80% of people.

In fact, even the occasional roadblocks are not considered dangerous.

And now, he has an incredibly stronger IQ than he did before.

Therefore, Hill can always put away his irritated mood and start on his journey as a mage again.

Looking intently at Root kneeling on the ground and screaming to the sky in the giant screen, Hill sighed softly.

He is really happy, what else can make him change himself?

Cherishing everything now and not giving up his love and pursuit is the only way for him.


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