Chapter 23 The first day of dealing with players

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When Hill heard the familiar name, he was stunned for a moment: He was actually one of theirs! He glanced at his head with a guilty conscience. It was not like Frank would show up. Adrian had already seen it, so he should be fine.

But he still quickly picked up the materials on the table and continued to introduce them, and conveniently marked the purchase price of the crystal core. There was a commotion among the people behind, and some people were scolding the profiteers yesterday. It seemed that they had been bought at a low price.

Hill immersed himself in organizing, explaining the purpose and price of each piece, and placed a puppet beside it. If someone wanted to sell materials, the puppet would calculate the purchase.

Hill felt that the puppets had returned to the warehouse on the second floor several times. It seemed that these people had basically cleared their warehouses here.

After clearing out even Xiaoyouyou, Hill found that the last items left behind were a deer and Mengxing Bujianyou. It seemed that someone showed a gentlemanly spirit and let the girl come first.

A deer laid out so much ore that Hill was surprised: Did this girl dig it by herself? No wonder she stayed behind. It’s a shame she could keep so much ore until now.

Seeing the attentive girl, Hill could only sigh and sort the ores one by one. Sure enough, a group of people gathered around to take pictures.

He simply raised his hand and marked the names and prices of the ores one by one at the top.

"Don't you undead have basic identification? You already know the names of the ores, and you can compare them with the prices in the store."

"The weapons shop won't tell us the price, nor will it sell us finished ore."

"Please go to the grocery store." Hill sighed: These players regard the grocery store as a supermarket, right?

"The weapon shop only accepts metal ores, and only the grocery store accepts everything. The same goes for Warcraft crystal cores, and the weapon shop only accepts those for personal use. Generally speaking, the prices of ores and crystal cores are fixed, and each store is similar.

The purchase price here is high because there is no profit from the grocery store."

"No wonder I can't sell it, so I sell it cheaply.*, if I hadn't run out of money, I wouldn't have sold it casually! That damn profiteer!"

Hill thought with a headache: Is William completely letting the undead go? How come he doesn’t know anything?

Demon Sword suddenly said: "That bitch Quartermaster! He made us a lot of money.

Hill looked up at him: "Have all your weapons and equipment been exchanged with the army?"

"Yes! The price difference is huge!"

"That's normal. Military camps spend a lot of money to hire blacksmiths and alchemists. The cost of hiring them must be evenly shared among the finished products. There are more than 100,000 of you!"

"Please P, it's all a program!" Demon Sword was struck by lightning as soon as he finished speaking.

Hill stared blankly at the thunder that appeared out of thin air: It seemed like it was caused by their tablet, right?

The bald man explained skillfully: "He has a foul mouth and was punished by God for saying the wrong thing. Mr. Archmage, don't worry."

Hill raised his forehead and said: "Please call me Bolaño. Hill. Bolaño. Your Majesty, Time and Space, is very strict!"

The bald man chuckled and pushed the dark magic sword aside: "Just kidding, Mr. Bolaño."

Hill looked at the ore in his hand, feeling helpless: "Where did you dig this from?"

A deer looked at it carefully: "I don't remember, I'll check the records. Is this valuable? Jin Yaoshi?"

Hill was speechless: Don’t you know this is Jin Yaoshi? What’s the name of the capital?

She paddled the tablet with great effort: "Hmm, there is a small cave near the capital of Perast. I hung up and dug a few times, and these two pieces came out."

Hill leaned back in his chair and almost laughed out loud: "Take these two stones to William's captain of the bodyguard. I remember he wants to take care of your business. Tell him where you dug the Jinyao Stone!"

No one can save the Perast family this time, let's go explore the wilderness outside the northern border!

The bald head asked hesitantly: "Is this valuable? Can't we dig it ourselves?"

Hill was suffocated: I know everything, but you still want to dig it yourself! Do you want money rather than your life?

"It's too close to the capital, and you can't keep it. Why not tell William to get some merit, and you will also divide the territory, right? The higher the merit, the better the territory will be."

Hill didn't want to continue talking to this man with distressed expression on his face: Haven't you understood what Jin Yaoshi is? He should be speaking in the language here, right? Did they hear the translation directly? But he felt

These people are looking at the top of his head!

Being so slow, Hill was too lazy to say anything more. He looked at the last dreamer and asked, "The clothes you are wearing are very nice. Are they the casual clothes of the undead? If you have any extra, please sell me a few."

"He likes the black silk shirt that Meng Xing Bu Jian is wearing very much. It is loose and casual, and the clothing is soft.

The other people were wearing very bright clothes, and Hill couldn't praise them enough.

"Of course, the price is not cheap." Meng Xingbu Jian said quickly, "This is a set, 2,000 gold coins each."

Hill saw that he spoke without hesitation and knew that he was directly converting the gold price. It seemed that their gold price was quite stable.

He said: "I will give you 10,000 gold, can you sell me 4 sets?"

"No problem!" Meng Xing Bu You was pleasantly surprised, "I'll buy it for you right now!"

Hill watched him click on the tablet quickly. It seemed that they could pay cash directly in the game.

Mengxing directly put on a white set of the same series and asked: "Is this set okay?"

Hill said in surprise: "Can you just change it?"

"No, this is a trial. It will disappear in 10 minutes. You still have to wear it yourself after buying it."

Hill nodded: "This set is fine."

A deer squeezed over and said, "The Demon Sword suit is okay, but he is stupid and insists on wearing the bright red one. You can try on the black one and see."

After waking up from the dream and clicking on it, I put on a shiny black windbreaker with a small stand-up collar, black trousers that clung smoothly to my body, and the black boots under my feet also had small shiny accessories on the heels.

Hill nodded, and took a look at the magic sword that had recovered from the darkness. The bright red color still made him not want to look at it.

Hill lowered his head and sighed: He couldn't see it anyway, so he just wanted to blind other people's eyes?

He looked at Meng Xingwu Ni and said: "It looks like your clothes are all very nice. It's just different colors, but the difference is quite big. Give me a set of all the black and white ones!"

Looking at the hesitant Meng Xingwen, he said: "Don't you have enough money? You buy me a few pieces first, and you can continue buying after I pay."

When I woke up from my dream, I quickly said, "Can we buy them separately? It's easy to buy four pieces per person."

Hill nodded in agreement: It seems that this gang is quite united.

He finally emphasized with lingering fear: "As long as it's black and white!"

In the end, Hill received more than fifty sets of clothes. He was thinking that the game company over there seemed quite big, and the game warehouse could no longer support just selling some cards, and they had to sell clothes. He suddenly wanted to laugh: In order to cover up

, He will definitely buy the most expensive server. This thing can only be used to build game forums, right?

After everyone had received a large amount of money, they rushed to buy things again: there was a strong desire to empty Hill's store.

Hill sat back on the sofa chair by the window and quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

These people spent the entire morning at Hill, probably all their money was spent, and then they left one after another.

Xiao Yoyo finally came to say goodbye: "Mr. Bolaño, thank you very much for your patient explanation. We have bought something. Will there be new ones tomorrow?"

Hill replied: "Nothing, you should read more books. The ones that are sold out are gone, but there will be new ones."

"We will pay attention to reading more books!" Xiao Youyou sighed almost uncontrollably, "Then we will come again tomorrow. Thank you for your hospitality."

The bald man added: "Thank you for the reminder, we will go find the captain of the guard in the afternoon."

Hill smiled and watched them walk out the door. He was shocked to notice that Xiao Youyou slapped the bald head, and then changed the closed sign outside the door to open.

Hill smiled bitterly: No wonder the dreamer didn't wake up and kept guarding the door after closing it. He thought it was to prevent the hostile gang from coming in. But it turned out that they turned the sign to closed.

No wonder no outsiders came in. These players' heads turned so fast! Hill didn't notice it at all. Did he change it while Xiao Youyou was talking to him? So everyone closed the door when they came in.

Hill watched silently as groups of players came in with surprise: It's afternoon, there are more players.

Hill didn't want to receive any more goods, so he sat by the window and took a rest in the sun.

It’s really a pleasant surprise to take a good look back at the players’ actions. Hill thinks he should clear his mind and pay attention next time.

With his eyes closed, Hill knew that many players were taking photos of him. It was estimated that his face and his various stories would soon appear on the forum.

He can't see it anyway, Hill thought to himself, as long as no one talks about it in front of me, I will still be an innocent little warlock.

Players kept entering, which saved Hill a lot of trouble. No aborigines were willing to come in. Hill didn't have to worry about it.

As night fell, Hill found an opportunity to get up and close the shop.

Most of the medicines were sold out. Hill randomly found some to replenish the medicine cabinet. If he couldn't sell them, who knew what the players would want to buy.

Alchemy jewelry is all available. No matter when and where, women’s spending power is unstoppable.

The alchemy tent was also sold out. Hill searched carefully in the ring. He only took out the basic model. Since it was gone, he took out the luxury model and sold it. The alchemy hut also took out a few.

Although it is expensive, rich people can still afford it, right?

Hill thought of what the bald group of people bought and nodded silently: Someone would definitely buy such a thing that satisfies vanity.

The alchemy carriage also had to be brought out. He remembered that Baldhead and the others said they had bought a limited-time horse. It must be an expensive item of Warcraft origin. It was beautiful and powerful.

He thought that the few carriages that could not be sold were all his own hand-made carriages back then. When he first started making carriages, he always thought about being luxurious and eye-catching and fully functional, but in the end he didn't even dare to look at them when they were made.

Players should like this type of alchemy carriage that Hill thinks would be used only when he is suffering from chuunibyou. It is jeweled, inlaid with gold and silver, and even has a convertible top.

Hill walked by the utility cabinet and found that several picnic racks he had made were also sold: Well, there are always players who want to wander in the wild.

Hill took out some small things, which he made while thinking about his past life. These high-priced items using elemental ores would not be bought by low-level people, and they are useless by high-level people. For example, the alchemy refrigerator can be placed in

He carried it with him in the ring. One crystal could be used for cooling for one month. In Hill's opinion, it was a good deal. However, Adrian laughed at him miserably: 1,000 gold coins was enough for a small aristocratic family to consume for one year. Who would buy it?

Isn't it good to buy this thing now and eat it now? If you want to eat ice cream, ask a water mage apprentice to make some for only 1 or 2 gold coins.

Hill could only throw this thing in the warehouse. He originally wanted to make money and did a lot.

When he went out this time, he thought about it and brought it out. It seems that players still only buy what they want. It doesn't matter whether it's high or low, so this should be sold too, right?

After replenishing the supplies, he went upstairs to sleep. Hill hadn't felt so tired for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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