Chapter 34 The teleportation array that appeared for the first time

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Throughout the winter, under the strict supervision of Fran and Adrian, Hill could only live a lonely life in the territory.

He felt that he had never looked forward to spring so much.

The only big thing that happened in Hill's territory was that both water and wood elements gathered into a community.

The elements, who originally weighed each other, quickly chose a clan leader for themselves. They still felt aggrieved. After all, the elements had basically no concept of time. If the pressure from the outside world hadn't been too great, they would have given each other a long period of time to adapt.

Practice hard and finally choose the most powerful elemental clan leader.

After all, powerful elemental spirits can exist for millions of years. Even if the core strength is insufficient and the elements weaken and die, they can still survive for tens of thousands of years.

No matter how powerful Hill is, he can't survive them. After Hill dies, if his successor cannot be recognized by the elements, these elements will return to the elemental world. The family of the elements is their lifelong support, and the clan leader is

is their eternal leader.

Hill paid no attention to their chirping. He was still very unhappy!

For him, this is not good news at all. The fire element in the territory will be completely dissipated in just a few days. The gold element has also completely moved near the mountains.

Ordinary people have no way of living in such an extreme environment. Hill reluctantly gave up his last job as a cook.

On the day he sent a few people out to settle down, Hill stood in the study and stared out of the valley.

Liszt comforted him and said: "Don't worry, sir. Your puppet can already cook hundreds of dishes."

Hill thought silently: Am I completely expelled from the human race?

The territory he once dreamed of was Hogwarts.

Although a little silly, he really liked that fairy tale. When he came to this world, he had a powerful mage grandfather who was learning the top alchemy in the world. He was very confident.

The future he gave himself was to build a Hogwarts castle, accept many young apprentices, and become the principal himself. He even designed a small town next to the castle.

Things in the world are always unsatisfactory. He lived for more than 40 years in his previous life. No matter how naive he is, it is normal to swallow his anger and change his life plan. Hill does not feel that there is anything pitiful about him.

If you can't build a school, then you can't. The dream you had in your second year of secondary school doesn't have to come true.

If you can't keep the people around you, just send them away. It's easy to get together and go away. It's human nature.

Even though William and the players appeared, Hill was still very happy. After all, Count Perast fell because of this. It is better not to dislike someone who is unlucky.

Hill himself also makes a lot of money from players!

Hill comforted himself over and over again, but after sending away the last human being in the territory, Hill still felt aggrieved.

No matter how beautiful the scenery outside the window was, no matter how powerful Liszt was, they could not comfort him: from now on, he would be the only one here.

Hill never knew he could be so pretentious. He always thought he was a cheerful man rolling around in the construction site.

But he just couldn't control it. The desolate feeling of leaving only one person in the vast land made him sigh in his heart.

Hill silently said to himself: "You are an emotionally sensitive warlock. This is your nature. As a warlock, it is normal to occasionally release your nature."

Hill sat on the bay window with his head against the window, falling into depression.

Liszt suddenly floated beside him and asked in an erratic tone: "Sir, are you lonely? Do you need to raise a den of bears?"

Hundreds of alpacas ran through Hill's mind.

"Liszt, do you want to die?"

"But my common sense tells me that you need the company of the same kind. If you are not willing to hurt humans, bears can do it, right?" Liszt was extremely puzzled: "The environment here is very suitable for earth-type bears. Maybe they can evolve into earth-type bears."

Where’s the bear?”

"Shut up, Liszt."

"Okay, sir."

Hill thought it was best to stay calm and not be too happy or sentimental. Those who fed the dogs in the past were all light, but being hit hard by his own tower spirit was really funny.

Hill covered his head and wailed. Is this what he brought on himself? The tower spirit's knowledge and personality were all set by himself. Did he really miss his mother too much? This light and direct tone of pain, with the most kind

He said the meanest words in his tone, oh, he really didn't want to think about it.

It reminded him of how his mother treated her son, who had been single for decades.

Forget it, he should just cheer up and practice.

Spring, come quickly!

The thunder of spring rumbled in the distance, and spring finally entered Hill's territory.

Nothing is as beautiful as spring——

The swaying grass grew tall, beautiful, and lush;

The thrush egg is like a small sky, the song of the thrush

Wash your ears through the echoing trees,

Listening to it, it feels like lightning strikes;

The flowers and leaves of the pear tree are smooth and crystal clear,

Brushing the drooping blue sky; that blue is so passionate,

It's so gorgeous; the lambs can't help but run and play.

Hill hummed poetry softly and walked in the valley with Alice, who had practiced all winter and finally came out to welcome spring.

Alice was very happy and chanted along with Hill. She was finally on the same level as Hill.

It is very easy for a natural spirit to improve itself, but it is a pity that it is a playful and lazy kitten.

But it is precisely because of Alice like this that she trusts humans so easily. Her friends have all been living here for half a year, and they have always just hid behind the tree and looked at Hill.

Hill didn't care, as long as he swore the oath of nature.

He knew why these little animals were afraid of him. He raised livestock that provided meat on his two farms. The puppets would kill them every few days.

Hill doesn't want to give up his hobby of eating meat.

He simply demanded that if any domestic animals awakened to magic, they would be driven out of the farm: he could not eat animals that had awakened to wisdom.

So far, except for one bighorn cow, only two pigs have awakened.

Hill just wanted to keep out of sight, forget about the cow, but the two pigs would come to the magic tower every once in a while to take a peek. Sometimes Hill really wanted to throw them out of the territory.

"Hill, is there any difference between the Warlock's Archmage stage?" Alice suddenly asked him.

"Nothing has changed. In the first two stages of a warlock, the number of spells awakened remains unchanged. It's just that the spell intensity is doubled."

"Do all warlocks not recite incantations? I sometimes see you reciting them."

"I was raised by an orthodox mage and can learn how to use some spells. If I only use awakening spells, the end will be very tragic, Alice."

"Okay, hard-working Hill."

"Okay, lazy Alice. I have to go back."

"Goodbye, I'm going to see Merkel, I'm just like him."

"Goodbye. Be careful of getting beaten."

Alice rolled her eyes cutely, slipped up the tree and left.

Hill returned to the study and waited for Fran's contact.

Today is the birthday of the goddess of agriculture, and celebrations will be held all over Salar.

And William is also going to announce his big news today.

When Fran showed up, he was almost in a panic.

"The Church of Time and Space has a teleportation circle! All of them!"


"Salar citizens can use it with money!" Fran tried to stay calm. "But at least it must be a mage apprentice and a knight's attendant. Otherwise, the body will be scratched by the turbulent flow of space."

"Now that the matter is over, Grandpa, don't worry. After all, we have long suspected that they will have a way to act quickly, right?"

"What should I be anxious about?" Fran's tone calmed down, "The nobles are going crazy. William announced the national census.

Didn't he say before that he would liberate all the slaves? He never said anything, so I thought he gave up.

Unexpectedly, he was waiting for the teleportation array to open. The new 1 million undead have been staying in various cities for more than a month.

No one knows how much evidence William has.

Anyway, William thought that after so long after he announced the release of slaves, all Salar were civilians.

He requires all citizens over the age of 16 to register their household registration and receive a household registration book. Children under the age of 16 must also be registered in their parents' book.

The Church of Time and Space allows all children under the age of 16 to study, but they must be Salar citizens.

One month later, William will send people to patrol the country. Noble lords who have a large number of unregistered civilians in their territories will be punished for treason."

Fran talked eloquently, and while talking, he lamented that William was very ruthless: "I lost half of my people here at once, and they all went back to work for William.

Now only those who really want to build their own mage tower still live here. Anyway, they use my place as a resting place, and they are finally stable again."

Hill asked: "Where's Uncle Adrian?"

"I'm cleaning up the commercial street. The undead are probably coming."

Hill was a little funny: Frank was more attentive to the undead than he was.

"Don't snicker there. For alchemists, the non-attribute crystals in the hands of the undead are really useful, you know? You should use them well too!"

"I threw most of them into the residence of the elements. They have all formed a family and need a fixed place to live."

"Then you should also put more goods in the shops in other villages. They will definitely go to your place."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Adrian's voice came over: "No need to wait, someone is already here."

"Undead? So fast?"

"The one named Ji Wai Wai Wai is a magician after all. He flies very fast. He brought a group of people with him. When he came in, he went straight to the pharmacy. All the high-level potions were taken away."

"Are they here to sweep the goods?"

"It is said that there is a group of knight swordsmen running behind. They came to buy medicine first and send it back. Then they came back and asked me to replenish the supply quickly.

Jiji Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai is staying, he wants to learn alchemy systematically. I asked Bonn to take him to learn it from the beginning."

Flan made a decision immediately: "Okay, don't say any more, I'm going to check the inventory and prepare some more potions. Hill, you should also be prepared."

"Okay, Grandpa. Uncle Adrian, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Xiao Hill. Work hard to make money!"

Hill sat up straight and exhaled heavily: the public beta is over and the server is officially launched.

This chapter has been completed!
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