Chapter six hundred and seventy-two a little troublesome ancient green dragon

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 Hill's fist stopped in mid-air, and he looked helplessly at the incoherent Linn: "The bear of the earth has always been known for its strength. My bones are much stronger than those of the dragon. Don't you know that I am a god?"

Lin En nodded in a daze: "I know you are a bear, no, you are a descendant of the bear god... but I didn't know it was this kind of bear..."

"Corellon is indeed the most philanthropic... Such courage... Such terrifying breadth..." An elf behind Linn muttered in a low voice.

With Hill's ear, he could still hear the voice no matter how soft it was, but he had no intention of defending Corellon.

Corellon may not care about being suspected of having children in the form of a dryad, but Hill doesn't want to admit that the Elf God King is the source of his bloodline.

Anyway, Corellon has never been interested in all kinds of elven gossip, so it shouldn't matter if he takes on a little more.

He returned his attention to Claudia Mata at his feet. The dragon had high resistance and would probably wake up soon. He had to speed up.

Wait, there's something wrong with the lines on this dragon's back. Not only do they extend from the center of her eyebrows to the tail, but there seem to be dozens of lines converging on her chest.

"There's something wrong with this dragon..." Hill stood up and looked down at this weird dragon, "Lynn... come and see the marks on her body, what pattern are they?"

Linn walked in quickly and observed the lines on the dragon's skin that Hill pointed out. This ancient green dragon was also light olive, so the earthy yellow lines on its body were very difficult to see clearly. Fortunately, Hill was alert and did not

Just do it.

"Damn it...when did the Dragon Worship Cult reach out to Waterdeep City?" Although Lin En was a bit unprofessional, he was a priest favored by the true god after all. He quickly identified the true identity of Wen Lu, "This

It's the mark of the dracolich. It cannot be purified by magic now. As soon as she dies, she will be resurrected in the lich box that has been prepared... Hill, don't kill her yet.

The lich attaches great importance to her original body, and when she wakes up, she will fight you to the death."

Hill hugged her chest and felt that Claudia Mata was trying to wake up, so he stepped on her hard and let her faint for a while longer.

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It would be too troublesome to kill her directly...

Although the green dragon is a wind-attributed dragon, this ancient green dragon works part-time as a druid. No matter how severe the physical injury is, it recovers very quickly.

Even if Hill broke Claudia Marta's neck in half, she would probably be able to recover in half a month.

Although it was okay to monitor her all the time, Hill felt annoyed just thinking about it.

Claudia Marta met such a tragic end. It is estimated that no dragons will come to Aglaia City in the future. Is such a waste going to waste a lot of time?

Hill felt that if he had that free time, he might as well slowly study how to use the spell.

As a legal profession, but he didn't even dare to use a water polo, he really had enough.

After starting the research on spells, one must carefully communicate with the fragile original power bit by bit, which will take a long time. Hill really doesn't want to be dragged down by such boring things.

Hill glanced at the tall mountain peak standing opposite him, and silently took out a hoe.

Of course, before taking action, he punched Claudia Mata twice on the neck. The ancient green dragon woke up with a howl, and was hit by successive punches that had its limbs and wings broken.

Because of the trouble this dragon brought to him, Hill's men showed no mercy at all.

The elves behind Linn couldn't help but gasp, it hurt just to look at it!

Hill pointed in the direction of the blue dragon's body and said to Lin En and the others: "Go and clean up the blue dragon. Just treat it in the same way as before."

Linn nodded silently and watched as Hill walked directly to the corner of the mountain and started digging holes quickly like a giant golem.

The contrast between the hard and tall rocks and the slender figure is too strong, giving those who look at it a strange feeling.

However, just looking at the rock fragments brought out by each hoe... Linn doubted that their team together could not dig that much.

Moreover, with Hill's strength, what kind of material does a hoe need to be made of to withstand such a strong force?

Lin En has some ideas, but is not convinced...

Forget it, I can’t think too much about this thing. It’s a headache to think about it. No, it’s not something to sell, so don’t think about the value of that thing!

Lin En simply led the elves who were dumbfounded at the large hole that had appeared, around the moaning and wailing female dragon, and took the dragon-slaying knife given by Hill to skin the blue dragon's scales and dismember it.

It's also good. The city guards of Aglaia City will probably be the envy of the whole world. Hill has agreed to equip them with dragon skin half armor and dragon skin boots.

Hill has really never done such hard work since Trasil was completed. Although he didn't feel tired at all, the work of digging holes was too boring.

But he can't do the work that he can do in a short time by himself. He has to let the city guards work for several days, right?

And he has to build tools for them, so why not dig it himself?

Hill dug for two full hours before he reached the center of the mountain, which is about 40 kilometers in diameter at the bottom, and also expanded a cave large enough to the top, bottom, left, and right.

Then he arduously returned to the forest and dragged the still wailing Crougiriama. Unfortunately, the dragon's neck was broken, and Hill really couldn't understand what she was shouting.

Of course, he didn't forget to take away the various rare objects hanging on the dragon's body first. He had already paid such a price, so he couldn't lose all the benefits.

The entrance to this long cave was specially made to be winding by Hill, and the bottom of the cave was ten meters deep under the passage. After throwing Kraugiliama down, she probably wouldn't be able to climb out for a while.

When she was almost recovered enough to cause trouble for Hill, Hill estimated that Toril's original power should have been restored a little.

As long as it is not a large-scale spell, it can definitely be used. Of course, the magic net cannot be used yet, but Hill doesn't need that thing in the first place.

When the time comes, it will be enough to convert the cave into a stronger magic stone. For Hill, this transformation can only be regarded as the lowest level of magic.

If it were other dragons, Hill would still have to worry about digging holes, but the green dragon... not even the ancient green dragon would have the ability to dig a cave of more than 10 kilometers, let alone a cave made of obsidian.

Humph~ He wanted to see if the Dragon Cult, which coveted the wealthy Sword Coast, would come directly to him for this ancient green dragon that had set up spy networks in Deepwater and Neverwinter.

Hill didn't think about suffocating her to death, so he simply placed two three-meter-thick adamantine walls as doors in the hole inside. The slight gap between the two doors was enough for the green dragon to breathe.

This was originally used to shield the largest alchemy building from the wind. It is very tall. If you want to open the door, so far, it is estimated that only Hill has the ability to directly push the two doors into the stone walls on both sides.

He hesitated for a moment, it seems like there is a kind of alien dragon among the giant dragons that is famous for its strength, right?

Hill mentally felt the stability of the space here, and then found that the deepest part of the cave was quite stable, so he simply worked hard to turn all the rocks where the door was located into obsidian.

Sure enough, there is no problem with such a small amount of mana output.

Toril's original power is indeed gradually recovering. It is estimated that in another half month, the mana output of level 0 magic should be no problem.

After patting the two tightly sealed doors, Hill released two mithril golems to guard the place. He happily placed a dozen branches of the killing vine in the cave and watched them take root and crawl over them.

cave, and finally disguised as a brown ivy.

He used a hoe to dig a shallow ditch 1 meter deep and 20 centimeters wide outside the gate, and then sealed a small shell containing more than a dozen water-condensed pearls in the last stone wall of the ditch.

Finally, the shallow ditch was drawn all the way to the entrance of the cave.

When Hill walked to the exit, clever Lily of the Valley and Windmill Jasmine had already hung their stronger branches all over the wall.

Gently pushing aside the hanging vines with silver and white flowers hanging from the entrance of the cave, Hill walked outside the entrance of the cave and observed it for a while.

On the left side above the cave entrance was the small platform where Bailong was hiding. Hill took out a few more large pearls and pressed them directly into the thick rocks. Soon the pure water dripped down and slowly turned into

A thin waterfall.

Little lily of the valley and little Jasmine both swayed happily.

Hill dug the entrance of the cave into a five-meter-square pool. If it was filled up, the Green Forest would be on the shorter side, and the overflowing water would only flow that way.

Hill patted the dust on his robe, glanced coldly at the clouds above his head, and then slowly walked back to the floating castle.

Terry and Tustin are both here.

They seemed to be playing with Purvi, but in fact they were guarding against the dragons in the sky.

"Hill." Terry asked happily, "How many have you killed this time? Are they still five-color dragons? Is that Klaus who just ran away? Is he so useless that he doesn't even dare to take action?"

"I killed Amulis in the north of Luskan, and Klaus went to take over her gem mine." Hill said with a smile, "Claudia Marta seems to be in collusion with the Dragon Cult.

She can't be killed, I locked her up."

Tustin flapped his wings fiercely: "That vein should belong to you! That is your trophy!"

Hill laughed: "I have no interest in that dilapidated gem mine. There are not many good-quality gems left in it. Besides, Klaus can't get the mine."

Tustin blinked: "Are you talking about Serendela Grosto of Mirabar? The ancient crystal dragon that raised a brood of dwarves?"

"The blue dragon's original mine was relatively close to Luskan. The crystal dragon didn't want to cause trouble to the dwarf tribe he protected, so he let a young female blue dragon occupy the gem mine so close to him. But it was originally

Klaus, who has a grudge against them, will not let him take advantage of this."

Hill had no interest in spending that little money.

This chapter has been completed!
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