Eight hundred and seventieth chapters want to bring disaster to the east because of Butu

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 Selune accepted the knife handed over by her own sister without hesitation: "That's great? Have you made an agreement with Anri?"

Although she is good at misbehaving, she still knows a lot about things between gods.

"Well, we default to this matter as long as he says it, Cyric will not expose it." Shar's tone was calm, as if she and Dark Sun just said a few words casually, rather than having a careful and serious discussion.


But for Selune, this is enough... If it were her, she could make her enemies vomit blood or even appear in front of her, and she would take the big, round pot.

As long as she can fight through it, Selune doesn't mind whether she receives a mountain of pots.

However, it may also be because although Shar was secretly causing trouble, she was not hostile to Selune, so her intuition did not feel a sense of crisis. As long as the reason was acceptable, the Moon Girl would not think too much about it.

Hill silently watched the undead priest emerging from the cave on the giant screen and began the difficult work of picking up corpses along the way, struggling to maintain his expressionless face... He now understood why Selune was always deceived.


As long as the other party's plan is harmless to Selune herself, she will act entirely on her own intuition.

But he only heard half of the words and had an intuition... Wait, he is overthinking.

It’s really unknown what kind of outcome those who use Selûne will get. It is true that Selûne will cause big problems due to wrong judgment, but the target may be unlucky, but those who use her will never get their own.

desired result.

It's a good thing if you don't vomit blood and die.

Although the corpses of the undead lying scattered on the ground were missing from the axe, the unlucky thing that would cause the priest of Toril's resurrection spell to fail would not make any difference to the undead, even if there were zero corpses.

It's the same price, but the resurrection fee is still the same.

Unlike Toril, if the undead were missing arms and legs, not to mention half of their body, then the price of resurrection would probably be enough to produce an artifact.

The resurrection spell of the Holy Grail of Amaunata does not require materials, that is because it contains the power of the Sun God that can replace those magical materials.

Prince Holmes hid in the carriage, watching with a little envy as the undead stood up one by one, and then became resurrected piece by piece.

He also understood from the exchanges between 'Lu Huayu' and other priests that the cost of resurrecting the Trasil Elf was not low, but at least it would not fail!

If Toril's resurrection spell fails three times, there is basically no possibility of waking up again!

Quietly hugging the cushion in the carriage, Prince Holmes ignored the elf conductor's invitation to continue going to the palace on the top of the mountain... His curiosity about the Succubus Queen and his greed for that palace had already begun in this scene.

The battle between the two gods was completely frightening!

Prince Homs now only hopes that his existence will be ignored by the gods of Toril, especially the tyrannical king Bane!

He never dreamed that such an unreasonable disaster would happen to him!

Prince Homs squeezed the thick cushion tightly... Even if the gods did not notice his presence, the loud voices of the two gods were enough to spread their conversation throughout Imbutu!

Throwing away the tattered mat in despair, Crown Prince Yinbutu could only hope that the lichs in Jugu who stayed in the magic tower to watch the fun could share the joys and sorrows with Yinbutu.

After all, the vision and hearing brought by the Lich Gem are better, right?

Prince Homs, who sighed heavily, felt that he had aged dozens of years in an instant...Who on earth proposed inviting the Trasil elves to help clean up the Giant's Spine Mountains?

How many unlucky gods are hanging behind these elves?

Why are there both Lathandel and Selûne?

There are countless gods in Toril, why do they have to be on good terms with the two most troublesome ones?

Corellon didn't tell his descendants who the god Toril should not mess with the most?

Prince Homs couldn't help but feel stuck when he thought of this... Corellon really didn't care much.

Otherwise the First Dawn Disaster would not have happened.

The Crown Prince of Yinbutu was in confusion. He had no idea what Yinbutu would become in the future... If Ben wanted to attack their country, wouldn't he just give it a try?

Gritting his teeth tightly, Prince Homs turned his head if he felt a heavy burden, and looked in the direction of the giant valley through the mountain walls: Compared with the weak Imbutu, the giant valley is more suitable for attracting this hatred!

After all, the altar of the main goblin god is at their place, isn’t it?

Magrubiet will definitely go there to meet his loyal followers...then let's just start conquering the world there!

They didn't want to accompany him because of their plans.

Prince Homs decided to go back and cry at the Laweig Magic Tower in the Tuspur Mountains!

It's time for a life and death crisis, and they don't need to come out to fight. It's okay to just let them find a way to divert trouble, right?

Because the Butu royal family has served these ancestors for so many years and encountered so many troubles, they didn't even ask them to take action when their own princess was killed by the Succubus Queen. They just made some conspiracies to deal with their past enemies, these skeletons. You can always take action!

Standing at the entrance of the cave, "Lu Huayu" didn't know how much his guests were thinking. He simply thought that these guys were frightened by the appearance of the goblin god and did not dare to go to the place where the god had appeared.

He understands the fear of gods.

Ever since they saw the temple of Ambori in Imbutu, the undead have no hope for the people of this country... What else can they do in a place where seaweed heads are required to be sacrificed!

Of course the undead don't understand that although Amberli is weak, she is shameless!

As long as it is a seaside country that dares not to enshrine her, she will definitely dare to take action herself... Then we will talk about it if we are beaten back.

If she can't fight back, it's time for her to make money!

There was actually her Umberli temple in the Sword Coast in the past. Even though it was not big, there were actually temples in Luskan and Waterdeep.

No matter how viciously the sailors cursed her, they didn't dare to name her... Even if everyone knew that the 'Bitch Queen' on the seaside was specifically referring to Amberli, it was still acquiescence.

But when the undead came, the Sword Coast was already in a state where Aglaea had unified the ocean... The residents of the Sword Coast, who had escaped from the clutches of Umberli, destroyed all the Umberli temples with great passion.

Those priests who captured their children and sacrificed them to Umberli basically died violent deaths.

How much divine power would Amboli allocate to its priests? They usually have to offer sacrifices before praying for anything... It's just that there are too few priests in Amboli, and they respond immediately when they have money, which makes these priests appear to have extraordinary abilities.

But when Umberli's strength fails, these priests are so weak that even fishermen and women can be beaten to death with a hammer.

There are still many people at the beach who are praying desperately, hoping that the tenderness of the goddess Aglaia will appear in their ocean as soon as possible.

However, Aglaia's divine power is slowly spreading relying on the prayers of the Toril people. The extended path still starts from the outer sea of ​​Faerun. It is not so easy to summon Aglaia in the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars in the center of the continent.

the power of.

So they still have to live under Amboli's lewd power... However, Amboli has been too seriously injured in the past few years and has no strength to make trouble. As long as they pay the tribute on time, she will not provide divine power to cause trouble for the priests.

After the original power swept across the continent, the priests of Amboli naturally became more honest.

But the Imbutu people knew very well that this blockade on the gods would not last long, and they would have to live under Ambori in the future.

Not a few years anyway.

Imbutu, which has many seaports, now eats three meals a day to pray that the eyes of goddess Aglaia will see the devout Imbutu people as soon as possible.

When the Yinbutu royal family came forward to invite the Trasil elves, few of the noble ministers objected, and some of them were related to the city of Aglaia... They felt that if these elves mentioned Yinbutu in that city,

, let the beautiful and gentle ocean goddess Aglaia hear it?


No matter how capable Helm's mercenaries are, can they bring the goddess Aglaia?

A penny can only do one job, and a penny can have two effects. Everyone will choose the latter one!

Of course, the undead couldn't understand the secret plot of these Yinbutu people... Although Yinbutu hoped that Aglaia would take the initiative to come over, he would never dare to invite her.

What if Aglaia didn't come, but Amberli came back first?

Toril, who has been surviving in the cracks of the gods' wars for many years, has long lived out his own set of survival rules.

But now Prince Homs feels a little regretful... The goddess Aglaia is indeed their expectation, but seeing Lansander's holy symbol first, and then seeing the god Selune herself, it was a bit unbearable for him.

As a weak country like Butu, it cannot afford the harm caused by these two people!

No matter which country you choose, between Amboli and those two, you would choose Amboli, right?

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. When Crown Prince Yinbutu was sitting in the carriage and thinking sadly about life, the undead started to demolish the palace after pulling up the corpses.

Eunuch Lu finally got some good news... The money for the resurrection technique still needs to be filled with these bricks!

'Xue Yunfeng' was finally pulled up after lying down for a long time... The order of resurrection is always the priest first... then the command team, and then, it depends on whether the relationship with the priest is good or not.

Of course, the warriors who protected the priest's escape were quickly resurrected, and they deserved their death.

The old snow dog ignored those "brother", "sister" and "aunt" who were lying on the ground begging for help, and quickly rushed into the crumbling palace.

He still has a mission!

William believed that the succubus queen of the Giant's Spine Mountains might have something to do with a certain half-succubus who was killed by Hill before, so he asked Snow Cloud Peak to bring back all the things with words in this palace. Graia showed it to Hill.

He is familiar with this job!

The old snow dog was running around every room like a whirlwind, so he had to hurry up.

This chapter has been completed!
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